Chapter 24

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Olivia hugged him thank you brother for everything. Optimus said we gained new comrades Thank you, all of you You honor us with your bravery bumblebee was about to speak. Sparks said wait she shot a blue blast at him and he said Permission to speak sir. Ratchet said what how optimus said Permission granted old friend. SAM said You speak now bee said. I wish to stay with the boy. Optimus said If that is his choice. SAM said Yes. Sparks said it better be. SAM said its yes. Mr Secretary said Gentlemen, the President has ordered Sector Seven be terminated

and the remains of the dead aliens disposed of. The Laurentian Abyss is

seven miles below sea level deepest place on our planet. The massive depth and pressure there coupled with subfreezing temperatures would crush and entomb them leaving no evidence optimus said. With the All Spark gone we cannot return life to our planet And fate has yielded its reward. A new world to call home. Olivia said yes it is and now as I have returned with my family. We can live among its people now hiding in plain sight but watching over them in secret waiting, protecting then I have witnessed their capacity for courage and as optimus said. And though we are worlds apart like us there's more to them than meets the eye I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to any surviving Auto bots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting and as I sparks send this with optimus we are here and we are waiting for any body who needs a home and a Friend. So you are all welcome hope to see you soon. Olivia went to her human form and was watching TV. Her human parents were on it and some guy asked. Can you shed any light on the recent so-called alien activity in the area? Ron said Do you know what I think that if there was some sort of an alien infestation the guy said. Yeah Ron said. They the government would be the first to let you know. The government would let us know. I mean this is America the guy said. Yeah Ron said. You know that's how we know we live in a free land because there's no secrets. They'd say "Hey! Duck and cover Ron said. Your head is kind of a different size than it is on television. Olivia said my human parents are so weird some times as she walked out she said dad im happy I found you. Iron hide said me to. Ratchet optimus and the team walked up were all happy to have found you to keep you safe from harm.

Olivia said I don't need protection. I need a team and family. Jazz walked up and a spark mate. Olivia said yes and a spark mate jazz said. I love you. Olivia said I love you to.

The end

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