Chapter 13

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Sam said you A-holes are in trouble now. Gentil men I want to introduce you to my friend optimus prime. Optimus said taking the children was a bad move. Autobots relieve them of there weapons. Jazz said freeze. Whoa whoa give me those Simmons said. Whoa whoa hey there optimus said you don't seem afraid are you not surprised to see us. Simmons said look there are seven protocols okay im not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I cant communicate with you. Optimus said get out of the car all right Simmons said. Optimus said now. Optimus said get out. Simmons said hey all right im getting out. Mikaela got Sam out of the hand cuffs. Sam said your good with handcuffs to now huh.Mikaela said Sam you were not meant to here all that. Olivia stood back she looked at her dad said transform. Let me in and hide from them. Olivia went to Simmons don't hurt bumblebee to much. Please Simmons said I wont now go. Olivia went to iron hide and got in he drove her some where safe. Iron hide said OK as he drove off Mikaela said sam I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in. When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect life? Simmons was muttering big guys big guys with big guns huh. Sam asked whats is sector seven? Answer me Simmons said im the one who asks question around here not you young man. Sam asked how did you know about the aliens were did you take my parents? Simmons said I am not at liberty to discuss it. Sam said no he went to grab Simmons. Hey you touch me thats a federal offense. Sam said do whatever you want and get away with it badge right. Simmons said yeah brave now all of a sudden with his big alien friend standing over there. Sam asked again were is sector seven? Simmons said wouldn't you like to know. Simmons yelled hey optimus said bumblebee stop lubricating the man. Simmons said get that thing to stop. Mikaela said all right tough guy take it off. Simmons said what are you talking about? Mikaela said your clothes all of it off for threatening my dad. Simmons said little lady this is the beginning of the end of your life. You are a criminal lets face facts it in your gene pool.

end of chapter 13

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