Chapter 21

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Get them out of the buggy. Move out epps said. We need air cover down here now Mikaela said Sam, help me with this jazz said That all you got, Megitron Come here little cretin. You want a piece of me. You want a piece. No I want two. Olivia yelled no really loud everybody stopped and looked at her. Megitron put him down Iron hide said. Olivia what are you doing Lennox asked. What's going on ratchet said her power is all the way here. Megitron is going to die. Olivia said shoot at him and hit him in the cheats she yelled put him down now. Megitron dropped him and drove away some guy said. Sir That tank thing's getting back up Lennox said.

Oh these things just don't die epps said. Oh we're so dead Mikaela said Wrap it around the head. Sam Lennox asked SAM Where's the Cube?

Right there Lennox said. Okay Mikaela said And take that and wrap it around the base and then put it around his neck. Lennox said OK Okay Epps get those Black Hawks here. That building SAM said Okay What Lennox said. All right I can't leave my guys back there so here, take this flare. Okay there's a tall white building with statues on top Go to the roof Set the flare. Now Signal the chopper and set the flare SAM said No no I can't do this. Listen to me You're a soldier now. All right I need you to take this Cube. Get it into military hands while we hold them off or a lot of people are gonna die. Olivia said im going with you SAM so lets go now. Olivia and SAM ran Lennox said to Mikaela. You got to go You got to go. Mikaela said No I'm not leaving Lennox said. You need to go Go Mikaela said No, I'm not leaving till I get Bumblebee out of here okay Lennox said. Army Black Hawk requested Immediate evac for civilian boy with precious cargo. Headed to rooftop marked by flare Iron hide said. SAM Olivia we will protect you. Olivia SAM said Okay. Lennox said Epps, where are those planes? Iron hide said Sam Get to the building Move.

Megitron said Deception attack. Hit it Iron hide yelled. Cover fire Move to cover Watch out! One of the guys said Girl get that tow truck out of here. Mikaela said OK OK I'm going I'm going. Get out of here now optimus rolled up and said. Megitron Prime he said Humans don't deserve to live

Optimus said. They deserve to choose for themselves Megitron said.

End of chapter 21

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