Dare 9 let's borth be Cats

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"I want both of you guys to wear cat ears and a tail for the whole day", said TylerKowske.
" Mikasa get your cat stuff ready".
"Um why Eren".
"Where doing a cat dare".
"Not again".
"Oh yes the whole day baby".
They get there cat stuff on and walked outside to warm up. Everyone begin to lough. "Ok shits", said levi."Let's warm up".
Levi seen what Eren and Mikasa are wearing.
"Ok who let the cats out of there cages" ?
Everyone stopped and loughed. Even Armin.
"Armin" , said Eren.
"I can't help it it's funny".
After warmup it was more training.
"Hey Eren how many licks does it take to get clean" said Jean.
They keep training until lunch. Mikasa and Eren sat out side so they could be alone. And away form the jokes. And then it was time to clean. The base. "So Eren are you going to lick the floor or mop it" Said Annie.
Eren keep cleaning.
Then it was the last thing of the day. The big meeting they have woth everyone.
Mikasa and Eren say down. Everyone loughed. Until Erwin and Levi came in.
"Ok People and Cats let's talk about the latest titan attack". Said levi.
Eren and Mikasa blushed.
After the meeting the want back home. They kissed each other and want to bed.

If you any Comment.

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