58. FriemdShip is Magic

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Chapter 58:

   “Eren, I just received a mail from Viriri. She gave us a new dare. It is about you knocking Jean out and paint him to look like a My Little Pony character. We would also need to gather everyone and play the My Little Pony song.” Mikasa reported to Eren as he just woke up. “Mikasa… give me 5 more min--- wait what?! A dare? And why are you not involved?” Eren asked, feeling upset that he needs to do the dare without Mikasa’s help.

 “It can’t be helped. Anyways, I can help you with calling everyone over for the dare.” Mikasa said reassuringly as she reached for Eren’s hands and squeezed it tightly. “Thank you, Mikasa. I feel better now. I feel that I can do the dare now. Want to find Jean with me?” Eren asked Mikasa softly and much to his happiness she agreed.

 With that, the two of them wore their shoes before opening their door. To their surprise, someone wearing a horse mask was outside. Before Eren and Mikasa could react, they stole their mat and ran away. “What a day to start with somebody horsing around,” Eren dramatically sighed before reaching out his hand to Mikasa. Mikasa held his hand in hers instantly and they casually brisk walked to the training fields.

  “Mikasa, Eren! How are both of you?” Armin asked them casually before their training started. “Armin, we are fine. Also, my relationship with Mikasa is still fine. If anything happens between us, we will be sure to tell you.” Eren told him joyfully and Mikasa nodded, causing Armin to smile. “I’m happy for both of you! Also, are you hosting a buffet fanmeet later? Viriri told me about it.” Armin asked concerned about his friends’ sanity.

 “Oh, we are indeed hosting it. And if you see Viriri, give her my thanks.” Mikasa said with a cold smile as she was angry that Viriri destroyed her chance to show her skills to Eren. “Mikasa, it’s fine. You don’t need to help me anymore with the publicising, but you can help plan the events,” Eren quickly said and it calmed Mikasa down. Just then, their sergeant came in and told them their training schedule.  

 After the training, Jean walked up to Mikasa. “Hey, Mikasa, how’s the training?” Jean said casually, trying his best to get a response from Mikasa instead of the cold shoulder she usually give him. “Oh, it’s fine.” Mikasa said coldly, causing everyone around her to tense up. “Oh, that’s great. Anyway, I better get going.” Jean said before turning away and exited the training field. Seeing him go, Eren went and gave her a pat at the back before chasing after Jean, leaving Mikasa standing there, her face flushed.

 When Jean entered a very sophisticated area, Eren did not let this chance slip by and he knocked out Jean from behind. He dragged Jean through alleys, careful not to be seen. Finally, he reached his house. Just as he entered, he noticed that their doormat had been returned to its original position. He dragged Jean into their kitchen, made him swallow a sleeping pill before heading into Mikasa’s room.

 Mikasa’s room is plain, there was only a bed and a desk, which has their framed pictures on it. He took a deep breath, savouring the scent of Mikasa’s sweat. It always smells good to him as it got a sweet and distinct smell to it.  Her room is filled with it as she constantly work out to keep herself fit to protect Eren.

 Eren carefully opened up the second component of the desk, revealing a make-up kit Abbi gave to Mikasa as her birthday present. It was left in its original state as Mikasa did not want to damage her skin just for their frequent dates and Eren has no objections about it. He ran to his room to grab his phone and went to the kitchen afterwards.

 Eren looked up the My Little Pony characters and decided to make Jean look like Applejack as he looked the closest to them. Since the dare told him to paint, he took out a foundation brush and started to apply a dark yellow powder. “I should really thank his face.” Eren thought as he painted. Suddenly, a loud knocking sound travelled to his ears.

 Eren opened the door to see Mikasa followed by a heavily bruised Viriri. “Hi, Mister Eren. I came here to help you with the painting and disguise… or at least part of it. Since the dare only asked for you, I ask of you to let Jean wear this mask that I stole from SG secure.” Viriri said earnestly as she produced the horse mask that they saw this morning. “So you are the doormat thief!” Eren shouted, puzzled over her actions but after giving him the mask she bowed and ran off.

 “Let’s leave her alone, Eren.” Mikasa said kindly as she walked gently into their house. “I left John inside our kitchen. And I used the make-up kit Abbi gave you.” Eren said casually, causing Mikasa to chuckle. “Let’s make sure to not tell Abbi later” Mikasa said as they arrived at the kitchen.

 “Eren, did you do this make-up? It looks like a kid just threw sesame at him. The only thing that makes him look like a horse is his face shape.” Mikasa said seriously, causing Eren to muffle his laughter. “Even though I’m not supposed to do this, I should give you instructions on how to paint him.” Mikasa said as she sat down on a chair.

 Thanks to Mikasa’s precise instructions, the painting task was done in less than 2 hours. “I didn’t expect you to know so much.” Eren said, surprised that Mikasa would know this much even though she did not put on makeup.  “That’s a woman’s secret, Eren.” Mikasa said as she put a finger on her lips and struck a seductive and mischievous pose. “Hey, Eren, want to watch Claymore with me? I heard from Viriri that it is very similar to Shingeki No Kyoujin.” Mikasa asked Eren and he instantly agreed thus they went to Mikasa’s room to watch the anime.

 Soon, the buffet began. When they were in Mikasa’s room watching Claymore, Abbi, Tyler and Viriri were preparing the buffet. But they did not prepare anything as everything was bought from online delivery. ‘I don’t care how bad this hawker food is. RIP, my wallet.” Viriri thought and she knelt down and cried as soon as they were done. “Let’s enjoy ourselves now.” Abbi said encouragingly as she brought her friends two plates of food. This was when everyone started streaming in.

 Seeing that their friends had helped them decorated the tables with food, Eren decided to let Jean wear the mask, which he painted heavily to make it look less dumb. ‘It’s free estate,’ Eren thought as he scooped up lots of kuay teow into his bowl. After 45 minutes of chatting, party games and eating Eren and Mikasa announced the appearance of Applejack.

As soon as they said it, My Little Pony started blaring at everyone. Smoke machines started, spewing up clouds of mist. That was when a very unhappy Jean came onto the stage. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this. But as long as Mikasa’s happy, I’m fine with it.’ Jean thought as he feels his face heat up.

 “Eren, how did you manage to bring my favourite character Applehack here!?” A very excited Armin said as he rushed up to shake hands with Jean. “I’m your number one fan!” Armin said excitedly and hugged Jean tightly. “I think that’s enough, Armin.” Annie coldly as she eyed Jean. “I doubt he could be eaten. His meat doesn't seem tender enough.” She added as she narrowed her eyes.

 ‘This is the most fitting punishment you get, Jean,’ Tyler thought as he laughed evilly. ‘Jean indeed looks nice in this set up,” Abbi thought silently as she said a silent prayer that things like this would still happen. It was then when Levi walked up to John and inspected him closely. “This is one naughty horse you got here.” Levi said as he noticed traces of mud on him and was just about to brush it off when Viriri stopped him. “Mister, this horse is feeling unwell, thus I applied a layer of mud on it to let it cool his temperature.” Viriri said seriously, causing Levi to step away from Jean. “Understood, child.” Levi said in a mocking tone as he stared down at Viriri, but eventually went away.

 “That sure was close.” Viriri said silently. After a while, all the food was finished and everyone went home. “Eren, Mikasa, the next time I won’t let you off the hook for a dare.” Jean said coldly as he ran home, looking like he wanted to find a hole to die in. Hearing that, Eren and Mikasa laughed. Meanwhile, Viriri was staring at them quietly. ‘I wonder what I should do to you guys…” Viriri thought silently as she looked at six envelopes, each with their original content smudged. “I wonder what you dared them to do… my dear friend.” Viriri thought as she looked into the sky.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any feedback or complaints, feel free to spam them in the comment section.

Dare by: idfcmellody123

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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