25 Fake Death.

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Tyler walked out to where everyone was with a fake gun and blood. He put the to hus head a fired. He feel to the ground and fake blood want everywhere. Abbi and Riley ran ro help him they knew the prank.
Mikasa and Eren to him. Is he dead. Abbi shook her head yes she fake cried into Riley's chest. He had her hand around her head. Mikasa hugged Eren and begin to cry to but for real.  Riley still holding Abbi close to him. Picked up his with one arm and cared his body to the cabin. He put him down and Tyler sat up. "Riley Abbi you most not tell anyone".
They left him and want back to the base where they had a a moment of pray and then they got the day off. Everyone was sad that he was gone.

One month later.

Eren and Mikasa had been  think about what had happened a mouth ago. And they sat wishing he would come back to play dares on them again. Then form out behind them came Tyler he put his hand the there shoulders. And they turned around. Mikasa jumped up and hugged him. Abbi and Riley showed up and acted like they where happy to see him snice they know that he was never dead. Riley put his arm around Abbi and they just smiled.  Eren even hugged Tyler. Where glad to have you back they said.

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