54. Change it Up.

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Me. Eren, there’s a dare for you and Mikasa. Please tell her later on. Oh, and this is for you (passes him a bag with One Piece costumes inside) Oh yah, please don’t destroy them as they cost as much as a luxury car.

Eren. Okay sure. It’s to put on these clothes right?

Me. No. It’s to act as pirates.

Eren. Damn it. I always hope to see the sea, but not in this manner.


Eren. Mikasa, we are dared to be pirates

Mikasa. Really? I never thought this day would come (says as tears welled up in her eyes)

At the beach

Mikasa. I never thought we would get to see this sight another time. It still looks as fresh as before.

Eren. Yah. But now it looks like we need to get a ship.

Just then, a pirate ship drove past them. For some reason, the ship did a dangerous u turn and got to them.

Eren. It seems that this is our lucky day! Oh, we forgot to put on those clothes. Let’s do it on the ship. (Bits his hand and turns into titan form and smashed his hand into the captain spot, causing the remaining crew to surrender) now that is easy.

Mikasa. Eren, you are bleeding. Are you fine?

Eren. Yes. And it looks like we earned ourselves a crew.

Mikasa. Yes. But let’s get into the cockpit and get ourselves changed and I need to check you personally (says while blushing and dragged Eren with her as she charged into the cockpit, causing a few casualties along the way)

Eren. Ow! Mikasa, you are the dangerous one here!

Mikasa. Alright, but let’s undress ourselves now. (Starts to take off her clothes and changed into Robin’s clothes)

Eren. (Blocks his nose as he diligently studies Mikasa and changed into luffy’s costume)

Eren. Now that we are done, let’s address our crew.

They stepped onto the top of the cockpit and before they made the speech, the crew start shivering and start whispering among themselves.

Pirate 1: I don’t want this! I would rather be eaten by a titan then serving two OP cosplayers! And didn’t the girl ram into us? How can she do that to our friends? And… most importantly, how can they kill our lolicon pirate?!

Pirate 2: yah right! I don’t want to serve them! Also, why are they cosplaying? I don’t want to serve people as embarrassing as them!

Pirate 3: yah! And… he just killed my friend who was next to the captain! How can they do this to us? I don’t care how powerful they are, let’s just overthrow them!

Without knowing it, Eren and Mikasa chased down by the angry mob.

Mikasa. I guess this happens. Well, let’s just annoy our friends then.

Eren. Agreed.

Afterwards, rumors can be heard from within the walls about a pair of pirate wannabes who flipped over carts, stole purses and dissed Levi and Jean.

I’m sorry if you didn’t enjoy it. Anyways, please comment a dare you want to happen. Also, below is just an insert which has literally nothing to do with the dare.

Dare by: AccaniaWolf

Mikasa and Eren Dares Where stories live. Discover now