55. New World

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Hi, my name is Viriri! I work as an interdimensional postman. For the sake of supporting my family and my life, I had started this job. I had always wanted to retire and go back to being a neet. “Looks like I’m delivering a letter to a person called Mikasa… sounds like a name I should know” I thought as I heaved a sigh. “Well, let’s get to it now” I tried to motivate herself. “Sigh, I wish that I can get back to farming SE.RA.PH” was the last thought that I have before I keyed in the coordinates into a small orb and travelled to the other world, but I purposely made it a one way travel.

“Sigh. I guess there is no dares for me today. I guess this is fine. Anyways, I wonder what is Eren doing now……” Mikasa thought as she laid on her bed before a doorbell rang, causing her to get up and open it, hoping it is Eren, but was greeted by a 154cm tall girl with purple shoulder length pigtails and was wearing a black postman costume and has black irises, with a name tag which read Viriri on her breast pocket.

 “Are you Mikasa? I have a package for you and… it’s an illegal item.” Viriri said casually with a smile decorating her face, but Mikasa could feel that she was forcing it. “Yes, but I didn’t order anything.” Mikasa said in a dismissive tone and was about to close the door when she realised it could be a dare. “Wait, is it a dare?” she asked with a demanding tone. “I guess it is. But that would mean that you are asked to hurt someone.” Viriri answered with a nonchalant tone. Hearing what she said, Mikasa furrowed her eyebrows. “If this dare is from Tyler, then that means that I’m asked to hurt Jean or Levi. But… what if it’s Eren? What will I do if it comes down to that?” Mikasa thought with a worried look on her face, which caused the girl concern and asked if she want to take matters inside. Hearing that, Mikasa told Viriri to give her the mail. “Sure, but can I open it with you? Also, please give me your wifi password?” She begged Mikasa. Mikasa chuckled before welcoming Viriri into her house.

 “Wow! Your house sure is big! It feels like I’m visiting a millionaire’s house!” Viriri exclaimed as she looked around Mikasa’s house, careful not to stare at a place too long. “Thank you, you’re the first person to tell me that.” She said before she signaled to Viriri for her to sit down. “So, the mail says make Mikasa stab Eren. Also, it contains a silver knife.” Viriri says as she emptied out the contents of the mail. “If that’s so, would you do the honours of making me stab Eren?” Mikasa asked and seeing Viriri give a slight nod she dragged her to see Eren.

 Mikasa knocked Eren’s bedroom door hesitantly, afraid that Eren would hate her for it. “What is it, Mikasa? Did Armin come by here just now? Anyways, tell him that he couldn’t come with us to the movie later as it’s a date for us.” Eren said energetically on the other side of the door and heavy footsteps were heard before he opened the door to see Mikasa with a lowered head… and the next thing he saw was red.

 “Mikasa… why are you doing this?” Eren asked weakly as he looked at Mikasa. “Oh, too bad, but your girlfriend here can no longer hear you.” Viriri said dramatically while wearing a white kitsune mask, before giving off an evil laugh. “See that knife in her hand? It’s what possessing her. Though, if you throw the knife into the ocean, it will make her normal again.” “Why is she telling me this much? It’s like she want to be defeated quickly.” Eren thought before focusing his willpower on saving Mikasa and turned into a titan. Titan Eren knocked the knife out of Mikasa’s hand, causing it to fly over the horizon.

 “Oof, that’s too much damage.” Viriri said as she assessed the damage on the house as Eren regressed back to his human form. “But, since it’s just this much, I can still do something about it.” She thought before bringing the house back together and laying Eren and Mikasa together. “Well, goodbye love birds. See you again next time!” She said cheerfully before jumping out their window.

 When Eren came to, Mikasa was nursing his wounds tenderly. “Eren, I’m sorry for hurting you. I didn’t mean to at all.” Mikasa said softly with wet eyes. “Mikasa, it’s fine. I’m not mad at all. And, it’s just the work of a cursed weapon.” Eren said before sitting up and give Mikasa a peck on the cheeks, causing her to blush ferociously. Then, Eren passed out from fatigue and pain. “To think he doesn’t want me to blame it on myself this much… thank you” Mikasa thought as she clutched onto her scarf, happy that she could have spend some time with Eren.

I’m sorry if you didn’t enjoy it and sorry for spending so much time introducing my self-insert. Anyways, if you want the original author to come back, read, comment and vote on her newest work, Elphaba the Monster. It is a fanfiction on Wicked and contains moments on Glinda and Elphaba. The story has lots of action packed scenes and most of the scenes are well elaborated. It contains some very original ideas and happens in an alternate universe, so even if you did not watch Wicked, you can still enjoy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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