56. Rumors

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Mikasa heard a faint knocking on the door and she opened it to see Abbi, Tlyer and Viriri. “Hi, Mikasa. We are here today to watch an amv with you. It’s a dare after all.” Abbi explained patiently with Tyler nodding enthusiastically while Viriri looked around her and could not stop fidgeting.

 “Oh I see. Come in then.” Mikasa said nonchalantly and welcomed them in. Mikasa ushered them to her room and turned on the computer. “Wait here as I wake up Eren.” Mikasa commanded coldly as she closed the door. After a few seconds, Abbi and Tyler followed after her leaving Viriri behind to set up the video.

 Mikasa knocked on Eren’s door and waited for a while before entering. Unknown to her, Abbi and Tyler were behind her and they could see everything. Mikasa leaned over and whispered gently into Eren’s ear, “Eren.” This caused Eren to stir up from the hot breath he felt at his ear.

 “Oh, it’s you Mikasa. What’s up?” He asked lazily as he closes his eyes again. Seeing him closing his eyes, Mikasa decided to bite his ear softly. This caused Eren to feel his senses jolt and wake up immediately with a faint blush on his cheeks. “Mi-mikasa?! What are you doing?!” He asked shocked that Mikasa would do something so bold. “Oh nothing. It’s just that we received a new dare.” Mikasa answered nonchalantly like nothing had happened, but she was savouring the feeling of Eren’s ear.

 Meanwhile, Tyler and Abbi were enjoying the scene. Being extremely cautious about being hit by superhuman Mikasa, Abbi covered both of their mouths and they tiptoed back to Mikasa’s room.

 “What a long toilet break both of you have gone for! Was it number two or were both of you mak-” before Viriri could finish her sentence, She noticed that the two of them were extremely excited and decided to hear their story. “You will regret not witnessing this! Eren and Mikasa were making out right before our eyes! Reeeeeeeeee!” Tyler enthusiastically exclaimed with Abbi nodding along like she is high on drugs. “Looks like I’m in a worse friend group this time. I want to cry…” Viriri thought as she listened to Tyler’s mad rambling about what a simple ear nib between Eren and Mikasa signifies. “Is Tyler secretly Nux?” Viriri thought as she listened on.

 Luckily for Viriri, her saviours entered the room after what felt like an eternity. “Without further ado, let’s start the dare.” Mikasa commanded coldly. Hearing that, Viriri pressed the start button.

 As the video started, Viriri noticed that the merlin they were talking about was nanatsu no taizai’s Merlin and not the Merlin she was thinking of. “I should have guessed when I saw that dare,” she thought, disappointed. Unknown to her, Mikasa was pretending to be jealous that Eren was looking at the body of Merlin more than hers, making Eren to blush and kiss her. This caused her to blush too. Tyler and Abbi witnessed the scene and were having a silent fangirling session in their minds.

 Seeing that the video was all about merlin being cool and exploding stuff with characters she forgotten about, Viriri decided to sleep through it. Meanwhile, Mikasa was observing the badass actions of Merlin. “So she’s the equivalent of me in nanatsu no taizai. I will permit Eren to stare at other girls this time.” Mikasa thought as she stared at Eren’s back.

 After a while, the amv finished. “So, guys, let’s comment on the video.” Abbi said enthusiastically as she hit Viriri hard on the head. “Itai! 你 siao ah?!” Viriri shouted angrily but quieten down instantly when she saw that it was Abbi. “I don’t want to tell them that I only watched the first 2 minutes, but I can still smoke.” Viriri thought before telling them that her favourite scene was Helbram showing up as he is a cool character who rarely shows up.

 Hearing that, the rest packed up the room, not interested to carry on the dare. “Why are all of you leaving?!” Viriri demanded, feeling left out. “We finished the dare after all. It only asked us to watch it.” Tyler answered and chuckled afterwards. “Now that you are done, please leave.” Mikasa coldly said as she balled her hand into a fist. Seeing that Viriri left quickly while Tyler and Abbi quietly observed them.

 “Mikasa, if our world is like the one in the video, I feel that there’s no need for you to protect me,” Eren said, feeling that he is a burden to Mikasa. “What do you mean, Eren? Even if you have as much magic as Merlin, it wouldn’t change the fact that I want to protect you.” Mikasa said solemnly as she put her hands on Eren’s shoulders. “Thanks, Mikasa. But… I don’t want to leave you. I wish that I didn’t get this titan shifting ability.” Eren said as a single tear dropped down from his eye as he remembered that most of the people in Nanatsu no taizai can live very long.

 “Eren, it’s fine. I’m sure Abbi changed that property of titan shifting for you.” Mikasa said, trying her best to reassure Eren. Hearing that, Eren closed his eyes, removed Mikasa’s hand from his shoulders and leaned forward to rest his head on Mikasa’s shoulder. Seeing his peaceful face, Mikasa decided to leave him there for a while. However, she could not contain her lust and she leaned in to peck Eren on his neck.

 “What’s that for, Mikasa?” Eren asked as a thick blush formed on his face. “Oh, nothing. You just looked too appetising,” Mikasa joked, causing both of them to laugh. Meanwhile, Tyler and Abbi were crying tears of joy as they witnessed the moment of their lifes. “Even though they didn’t kiss, it is still wholesome to watch.” Abbi said as she stared at them. “Even though Eren was quite edgy, it’s understandable when witnessing love stories with different lifespan gaps,” Tyler said. “Oh, by the way where’s Viriri? Didn’t she came here to witness Eremika moments?” Tyler asked Abbi, curious why someone would continue the world but leave for the main attraction.

 “Oh, she ships the same thing as her real life self, Ikanoai. But she only write the dares due to boredom.” Abbi stated before she and Tyler went back to fangirling about their ship. Unfortunately, they were caught by Mikasa who threw them down 1 storey. They survived with minor bruises, but it left a scar in their hearts.

I hope you will not be angry that I will not do video dares anymore.

Dare by: depressedtrashcan___

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