chapter 4-second suprise

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The day had come. She was supposed to present her project and she was nervous. She had passed through it like a hundred times, finding no mistake but she kept on feeling like it was incomplete. She had worn a beige suit, which fitted her nicely, compliments of Ruby. Her hair was up in a high bun, accenuating her cheekbones. She put on a little blush on her cheeks, pale pink powder in her eyes and some lipgloss. She was stricking. Despite that, she still felt nervous. "Dont worry Jenny, i know you will do marvelous." "Thanks Ashley." Ashley was her secretary, and so close as they were in first name terms. Jenny sat down and did some breathing exercises. Suddenly her door was opened. "Jennifer, you are needed in the board room." Without waiting for an answer, the person just left. Jenny stood up. This is it. There was no going back now. She gave the copies of the project to Ashley and left.


"And so, as you can see, i collected views from different people, who all thought there should be improvements to be done in our catering services and our restaurants. They said that the restaurants simply had nothing new. Everything was the same, the food, the services, everything. So there is nothing new or exiting and they have become a bore. Thats why many now go to our rivals who have come up with new things. Thats why the only customers we get are new ones who are yet to get used to us. At the end of your pamphlets, you can see a list of suggestions of things to improve and also to add. Nearly half came from our consumers, and the other half, i researched them through our rival companies and local likes. And now, we reach the end of my presentations. I welcome suggestions, questions or ideas." Jenny finished her presentation and switched down powerpoint. She stood still, holding her breath and waited. The board members turned amongst themselves and conversed in small voices. After about a quarter an hour, the chairperson asked Jenny to leave for a while. "We will call you in about an hour to give you our verdict,"he said kindly. Jenny forced herself to smile and went to her office. She felt like going crazy. What could be possibly wrong that would need them to talk about without her being there? After that long and tortorous hour (for Jenny of course!!) she was called back. Entering, all the board members had unreadable expressions in their faces. Jenny started to panic, feeling that she had dubbed the project. "Sit down Ms. Mason"the chairman said. Jenny sat. "We passed through your presentation, and it is not bad, leaving behind a few alterations. So we decided." A pause, which to Jenny felt like a hundred years, issued. "We have decided to accept your proposal. And what's even nice, we thought that you should be the one who will handle it. So, are you ready to take up the challenge?" The look on Jenny's face was priceless.


It was Friday, and Jenny had an early leave from work. She wanted to treat herself to a much needed sleep. But at six, Ruby dropped. "Hi girls!!" Her cheerful voice cut through. She went to kiss Liebee on the cheek, then procceeded to Jenny. "Sis, in honour of your success, i want to give you a treat." Jenny feigned a heart attack, and with rasping voice, said,"i think i will die with the perculiar treat for me. What is it, a lifetime supply of lingerie?" All of the girls laughed. Ruby was wild. She loved partying and dating. She was the blacksheep of the family. She was petite, curved in all the right places, a beautiful face, creamy skin and a large quantity of dark red hair, shiny and with a hint of wave in it. She was considered to be so beautiful. "No, no lingerie today. We are going clubbing." Liebee gave an excited squeal. Now Jenny felt like really fainting. "But i dont have a dress!" She defended herself. Ruby gave her a wicked grin. "Then its a good thing i passed through the boutique and brought you a dress."
An hour later they were busy making themselves up. Well, more like making Jenny up. She was a total looser on makeups. Liebee was in a green dress, reaching her lower thighs, sleeveless, tight on her waist. She had her hair up on one side using a silver brooch. Ruby was in a red pencil dress, off on one shoulder. She let loose her wild hair. Jenny, on the other hand, wore a black dress, just on her knees, wore some of her hair up and the rest cascading to her shoulders in soft waves. They looked so stricking. "Ready girls??" Asked Ruby. The rest nodded. "Then lets go and rock the club!!!"


It was loud and crowded in the club. The girls made way to the counter. "Three shots please", Ruby said. All of them took one shot and after counting to three, they downed the contents as one. Jenny nearly splurtered the scotch. "Eeeww....i almost forgot how awful it tastes." The others laughed at her, before Ruby adding,"well, it is because you are so naive big sis." She asked for two more rounds of shots for them, and after downing, Liebee and Ruby made way to the dancing floor, leaving Jenny at the counter. She asked for a beer, and drank slowly. After sometime she went to the washroom, passing through dozens of people and amid ass groping and whistles. Entering, she closed the door, taking hold of the sink she looked at the mirror. 'Come on,get a grip of yourself! You came here to relax and enjoy, stop being such a party pooper.'she mentally scolded herself. After a touch of makeup, she returned to the club. She could see Ruby and Liebee dancing, each with a guy, and they looked like they were enjoying themselves. "Would you like to dance?" A deep voice cut through her thoughts. She decided to let go. She gave  him a smile and answered,"sure." She gave him a hand.


After a few minutes of dancing, she started to doubt her decision. The guy looked drunk, and he was gropping her ass, and a few times touching her breasts. As she tried to leave him, he took hold of her elbow. "Where are you going, sexy?" "Im tired of dancing,"she aswered while trying to disentangle herself. He did not let go. As they were struggling,a new male voice was heard just behind her. "Didn't you hear the lady? She is tired of dancing." The drunk guy left Jenny and tried to follow the other guy but he was sent back flying. Jenny turned to see her saviour, or even some other douchebag. She couldn't believe her eyes. "YOU....." She couldn't finish whatever she wanted to say, as the moment her mouth opened, the guy crashed his mouth on hers.


Hu hu huuu....!!! What do you think? Who could it be.....a cliff hanger!! Lets see in the next chapter!!
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Tchaaooo guyz.....!!! ;-P

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