chapter 6- flashback

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"WHAT..??" Jenny stood up suddenly, making the papers in her file fall and scatter everywhere. All the members turned to her, suprised. "Why him? I mean, why do you want me to work with someone? I can do it better alone." The chairperson turned to her, anger in his eyes. "Let me remind you Ms. Jenny, you are in the office, not a disco hall." Jenny looked at him, then decided to sit back down. She needed to calm down. "The reason we gave you a partner is to ensure nothing goes wrong. It is a very delicate project, and one wrong move we could loose our investment. Do you have any problem?" Jenny took a deep breath before saying,"sir, i am more than able and competent to do the project alone and with maximum positive results. Also, how can you give a delicate project to a complete stranger?" She sat down with a smug expression. "Ms. Jennifer, Mr Jackson is the newest member of our company,"and ignoring Jenny's expression of suprise, continued,"and looking at his cv,he has an impressive history of similar projects. So we deemed him fit for the job." "But..." jenny was not let to finish. "Ms. Mason, if you think you are INCAPPABLE of working with someone, what do you think if i give the project to somebody else who can work with others?" He had touched a nerve. "No sir, i will work with him,"Jenny said finally, defeated. "Then thats settled. I wish you both the best of luck.",said the chairman, relieved. All the members then left.


Jenny walked to her office slowly, unaware of Jack following her. Only when she reached Ashley's table did she notice, mainly due to Ashley blushing and giggling like a school girl. She turned and found Jack. She narrowed her eyes and asked,"are you following me?" Jack stopped, looking at her quietly. She sighed,then turned to face him with hands folded tightly on her chest. "What do you want Mr. Jackson?" She had put much emphasis on the word mr. "I just want to talk to you J.M." Jenny stiffened. J.M was a nickname Jack used to call her in their teen years. "Well, i dont feel like talking to you." With those words she turned and entered to her office. Jack followed her. "You have a beautiful office,"he commented. Jenny sighed out loudly, before saying, "for the last time Jackson, stop following me. I'm not in the mood of talking to you." Jack put his briefcase on a chair and followed her to where she was standing, and stood so close to her that they were just inches apart. "We cant be on tension all the time J.M. We need to put a truce." The rose his finger and caressed her cheek. Jenny involuntarily closed her eyes and leaned to the touch. He looked at her pouty lips, so tempting, calling him to kiss and posses them, claim them, make them swell from his kisses. "Jenny I..." Jenny stiffened, opened her eyes, and took a step back. Jack looked at her, then went to pick his briefcase. At the door he paused, then said,"see you tomorrow."before leaving, closing the door behind him.


Jenny didn't know she was holding her breath until he had left. She let out a long breath. She sat, feeling weak. Heat radiated, from where he had touched her. And thoughts, thoughts she had kept inside, buried, were now let out. She remembered his kiss on Friday, which had left her feeling uneasy and wanting for more. More things that she didn't know she could have or want. She remembered how his kiss left her wanting and needing more. Jenny shook her head, to clear her mind from him. He has no right whatsoever to touch me in any way, she mused. And she was determined to make him keep his hands to himself.


They had been swimming for hours, and now they sprawled on the sand, lying on a blanket. "Jack, im tired. Lets go home." Jenny made to sit up, but Jack suddenly took hold of her elbow. He shifted his position, so that half of his body, his upper body, was lying on half of Jenny's. Jenny held her breath. They were only inches apart, and Jenny could see all his eye lashes, his eye brows which were beautifully curved....her thoughts were interupted when Jack's head moved close still. She could feel her heart stopping, and her mind turned fuzzy. She wished he closed the distance remaining, and do what she thought he wanted to do. "Jenny...."he breathed. "Dont forget the basket." With those words, he stood up and left her. She remained in that same pose, not understanding what has happened. After a few moments,it dawned to her, and she could feel a blush coming . She mentally slapped herself. She was going crazy.


His briefcase and jacket were thrown at the sofa. He had opened the top buttons of his shirt, and a can of beer on his hand. He too was thinking about how soft her skin felt on his finger, and the tingling feeling that shot up to his very soul. The kiss was also something else, her lips were soft, sweet like honey, taunting and daring someone to explore them. He was sure she had responded, for about a fraction of a second, before she pushed him away. He didn't know what possesed him to kiss her. Was it her soft expression, her daringness, her eyes or her lips which pulled him like magnet? She had looked beautiful, daring the animal in him to posses her. 'Fuck!' He squezzed the can on his hand. He didn't know why she hated him. After all what he did just to see her....he had expected a different reaction. He deserved the slap on Friday, but today....he didn't know. Was she glad to see him? He didn't think so. He threw the can so forcefully, which bounced on the wall, spilling its contents before falling down. He was angry, at himself and at her.


It happened two weeks after the near kiss. The kiss i mean. Jenny was on their favourite spot, waiting for him. It was their turn to babysit a baby about one mile from their spot. So it was like their meeting point. She was lying down, closing her eyes, breathing the fresh air. She didn't hear him walking towards her. He looked at her there, so beautiful and so sweet. He couldn't resist her. He sat down, and then bent and kissed her. Jenny slowly opened her eyes, wide with suprise. He was tasting her lips, slowly sucking at the bottom lip, requesting entrance. Jenny closed her eyes again, and parted her lips. Jack deepened the kiss. He slowly proded with his tongue, tasting and searching for hidden corners, sweet nectar. Jenny put her arms around his neck involuntarily, letting him take control. He held her at the back of her neck, and another arm he rubbed her arm up and down, creating sparkles in her body. It felt heavenly. Abruptly he broke the kiss. They were both panting. He looked at her, his eyes wide, as if he didn't believe what had just happened. He stood up, before saying,"we should get going now. We will be late." Without waiting for her, he left.


Hu hu huuuu....can someone bring me a circuit breaker? Coz the sparkles are so tense i can't hold up!!! ;-P
So what do you think of Jack? Attractive enough??!!
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