chapter 13- the other woman

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Two weeks after the party, Jenny was rushing to Jack's house one Saturday, to pick up some files she was to work on that weekend. Now that the project was over, they were entrusted to oversee the work. Tricky. She had just reached his house when she saw a strange car outside his house. It seemed as he had a guest. Strange, that he might have a guest and didn't call her to inform her. She went to the front door, and her hand was on the door handle when she heard a female voice. Freezing her on the spot.


"I've come for you Jacky. I miz you."the girl voice said seductively, with a french accent. "I told you Lazilliiee, it is over between us." It was Jack's voice, coming out strained. "Pleaze, Jacky, i need you. I love you. Pleazee come back to me." "And i tell you again, i don't love you. It is over." "No, no, it cant be over Jacky!! I know you still love me. You are just angry with me." There was a silence. "I dont love you Lazilliee." "No no nooo...Jacky. You love ME. And ME only.!!"she shrieked. Before Jack could comprehend what was happening, Lazilliee had moved towards him, and put her hand on both sides of his face. "What are you doing Lazilliee?"he asked in a low voice. She smiled seductively. "Zis." She brought his head down and met her lips with his. And at that moment Jenny opened the door, and witnessed them. Her eyes grew wide as saucers before turning around and running away.


Liebee knew something was wrong when Jack entered their apartment without notice, looking bewildered and his hair divishelled. "Where is Jenny Liebee?" He asked without greetings. "I thought she was in your house. She said she was coming." Jack ran his hand on his hair, pacing. "She did....but something happened..." None of this was making any sense to Liebee. "Calm down and tell me what happened Jack." Jack stopped pacing. "Its a long story, maybe next time. But if she calls you, please tell me Liebee. Please?"he pleaded with his eyes. Liebee nodded. "Thank you." With that he left.
It was two hours later when Jenny called. "Hello." "Hellow Liebee." Her voice sounded distant and dull. "Ooh, Jenny, thank goodness you called! I was worried about you! What happened with you and Jack? He came here looking for you, looking wild. Are you okey?" There was a short silence before Jenny answered. "I'm okey. And please let's not talk about Jack right now." "What happened Jenny?" "I dont feel like talking about it Liebee,"she answered coldly. "Okey, where are you?" There was another silence before she answered. "I cant tell you. But just know i'm fine. I'll be back in about a week. If the office calls, tell them i'm having flu. I just called you to tell you this. And if Ruby asks about me tell her that i just wanted some freedom and fresh air." With that, she hung up on her. Liebee sighed. She didn't know what happened but it must have been serious. Jenny wasn't a kind of person to run away or hide herself in presence of a problem. And she was afraid she might hurt herself. She typed a number and then called. "Jack, she just called. But there is bad news...."


A week later Jenny came back, but she mostly shut herself up in her room, not talking to anyone. She even ignored Jack at work no matter what he did, and always avoided to be with him in privacy. She didn't breath a word to him unless it was work related. The rainy season started, and it was damp, gloomy and wet, and matching her sour mood.
The time came for the yearly awards of the best employees of the year, in which a party was thrown. Jenny's spirit had risen a little, although she spent most of her time working herself to death. On the party night, she was sitting on her table, and she could see Jack making way towards her, but she had no intention of talking to him. As she was standing to leave before Jack reached her table, a figure entered through the front door. Jenny froze, and so did Jack when he saw the person. It was that woman. She was dressed in a tight mermaid ivory dress, accenuating her curves. He dress was sleeveless, and half of her ample and full sized breasts was on display. Her dark brown hair was styled in waves, her delicious lips painted deep red, and carrying an emerald clutch, matching her eyes and her shoes. She looked stricking. Half the male population in the room turned their heads towards her. She made her way towards Jack. "Jacky my love, why didn't you pick me up? I waited hourz for you."she said in her french accent. Jack turned towards Jenny in dismay, who just decided she had seen enough, and left for the washroom in a trot. She reached the area and entered a cubicle. She sat on the closed toilet seat, and willed her breathing to be normal. She couldn't let herself cry over him. He was not worth her tears, she told herself from time to time. At the beach, she had cried most of the time, about his betrayal. And now she had no more tears. She got out of the cubicle and was washing her hands when Lazilliee entered. Jenny busied herself with washing her hands, trying hard not to gape at her beauty. "So you are ze other dame,"she said in contempt. Jenny, who had frozed for about half a minute, decided to ignore her. "When zey said he had another girl i thought you were a model. Now i just realise you are just a kid." "Whatever you must have heard, i'm not Jack's girl anymore. So just leave me alone." Lazilliee let out a laugh, and moved towards Jenny. She let her hand run through Jenny's face, before suddenly pulling her hair backward, making her head bend and Jenny cried in pain. "He iz mine, you hear?"she had a crazy look on her eyes. Jenny struggled to free herself. "Leave me alone!!" At that time Liebee entered, and witnessing the situation, went for her friend's aid. When she was freed, she exited the washroom, heading outside. On the door she bumped onto Jack who steadied her in his arms. "What the he..."his words were stopped when he saw tears in her eyes. "Jenny, what happened? Why are you crying?" Jenny, who hadn't known it was Jack disentangled herself from his arms. "Leave me alone Jack. Haven't you done enough? Isn't she the one you lost? Why dont you just go back to her, seeing how much you love each other." Jack was comfused. "What did i do Jenny?" Jenny let a shacky laugh. "You don't know what you did? Then i'll tell you. Despite betraying and lying to my face, you had the nerve of sending your girlfriend to abuse me? How dare you? Fuck you Jackson!!" Jack had let loose Jenny's hand in suprise, and Jenny used that opportunity to ran outside, towards the darkness and heavy rain.


                  THE END

I'm just kidding.
I honestly wrote this chapter and matched Jenny's mood on the way....also feeling like crap and like crying. :'(
And so sad.:-(
Can everything turn back the way it is?
This chapter also makes up for the super short previous chapter. See you next chapter.

The Manager's CrushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora