chapter 14- the truth

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Three days later, on her hideout, Jenny was called by the hotel owner. She was in her room, sleeping, or else, trying to. She heard a knock. She tried to ignore it but it persisted. She then warily picked up her bones to the door and oppened it. It reveled the fat but kind owner. Seeing Jenny's face, he exclaimed,"Ooh my, what could have possibly happened to you? Your eyes..." Jenny cut him off. "I'm okey sir. Just a bad case of allergy,"she lied through her teeth. "Okey...if you say so. By the way, there is a call for you." Jenny felt like fainting. Who would know she stayed here? "Are you sure sir? Can it be you mixed it up?" "No i'm sure. They specifically asked for Ms. Lucy Smomey." Holy crap!! They did find her! But who could it be, that they even knew her fake name. She suspected someone, but asked the owner to make sure. "And who did they say they were?" "A miss Ruby Mason." Her hunch was right. "But can't you tell her i'm not available?" The owner just shook his head. "She already called seven times. And gave some threats too."said the owner in a pained expression. Typical Ruby. Jenny grimaced. "Okey i'll take it."


"Hello." Ruby's soft voice answered. "Hi coward." Jenny grimaced. "What do you want Ruby? I must have made it clear that i want to be left alone." There was a pause, before Ruby answered,"i knew where you were since the last time you left Jenny. And believe me, i didn't want to disturb you. I just have some news you might be interested to hear." Jenny's heart skipped a beat. Could it be something happened to their dad? "What is it Ruby? Is it father? Is he okey?" "It is about your lover-boy." Jenny let out a sharp intake of breath. "I don't want to hear anything about him Ruby." There was a silence. "Really?" This irritated Jenny. "I'm perfectly sure Ruby." Now there was a much longer pause. "He is in prison Jenny." This was a suprise. Among all that she could imagine about him, this was not on her mind. It was her turn to ask. "Are you sure Ruby?" "Yeah." A pause. "On what charges?" "Physical assault." Jenny could feel blood draining from her already pale face.


In about half an hour Jenny was already at her apartment. She was shaking to her bones and her lips trembled. She found Liebee and Ruby. "Jenny!!" Liebee exclaimed, running to hug her friend, who was too weak to hug her back. Ruby just sat back looking at her sister. "Liebee...what happened to Jack?" Liebee's face fell. "Oohh...Jack. It is somehow my fault."she said slowly. Jenny turned to her. "Your fault? What do you mean by that? What did he do? How is it your fault?" "Calm down sis. It is not what you think. Let Liebee explain."cut in Ruby. Jenny turned again to Liebee. "After you left, Jack was so broken. So i told him what that woman did to you." She hesistated, before continuing,"the result was disastrous. He attacked her and beat her. She now has a broken arm and severly bruised face." Liebee smiled at the memory, then grimaced again. "So he was caught." Jenny listened attentively. "I need to get him out." Ruby smiled. "So what are we waiting for??"


"Hey you there, you are free to go." Jack saw the door to his cell opened by the fat donut-eating policeman. He rose and walked slowly. At the counter he found Liebee, Ruby and....Jenny. She looked awful. She had dark circles in her eyes showing that she hadn't slept enough and her eyes were also red. He wasn't much better than her. His chin was unshaved and had dark circles around his eyes too. "What is she doing here Ruby?,"asked Jack, referring to Jenny. Both Ruby and Liebee gaped. "I just wanted to see you Jack." "Well, you have already seen me. I hope you are satisfied now. If you excuse me, i have to leave now." Without much ado, he left.


Days passed. The case against Jack was dropped by Lazilliee who after getting better decided to go back to Paris. "Jenny, i hate to say this but you should pick up your ass and go talk to Jack. You two need it", Ruby said one day. "Ruby, what don't you understand? He clearly doesnt want to see me or even talk to me." "Then you have to make him! Force him to talk to you!! Fight for him Jenny!" Jenny looked weary. "I'm done with him Ruby. Just leave me alone now." Ruby looked at her. "Do you know that he's planning to leave? And never return? Do you really want to let go of him?" Jenny didn't answer, and not because she couldn't. She felt so helpless. Ruby gave up and left. With a plan in her head. Two hours later Jenny was infront of the tv watching yet another sad movie, when the door suddenly banged and someone entered inside. It was Jack. He rushed to her. "Jenny, are you okey?? What happenned? Are you hurt??!" He was there with a scared look on his face. "I'm okey and not hurt. But what are you doing here?"she asked, puzzled. "But Ruby said...."then it dawned to him. Ruby set this up. Jenny realized it too. But decided to take her chances.

"No more secrets Jack. Tell me the whole truth. I hate this void between us." Jack looked at her. He looked tired and worn-out. He went to sit on the sofa and Jenny followed him.

"After i arrived at Paris, i didn't have many friends as i was an outsider. But Lazilliee became my best friend. I never told her about my home, for mom's sake. Her pride made her keep a secret about our dad. So we made up stories. During our college time, Lazilliee started to treat me differently, and when i asked her she confessed her love for me. I didn't love her in the same way and i told her so. She took it hard. Tried to commit suicide but we saved her just in time. When she got well she begged me not to leave her, and that she loved me alot and couldn't live without me. I decide to be with her. We went on until she cheated on me with my friend. It hurt me, though not so much as i didnt love her a bit. So i decided to come back, because there was nothing else holding me back there. And i didn't know she would come for me. And i'm sorry for what she did to you."
He had tears in his eyes. Jenny took his palms and kissed them on the inside. "You were the one i always loved Jenny. Only you." Jenny raised her hand. "Is she the one you lost?" "No Jenny. The one that i lost is my mom. She died there on heart attack. So i figured out that i should come back home." Jenny put her hand on her mouth. "Oh my!! I didn't know. Im sorry about your mom Jack." "Its okey." There was a silence, before Jack's eyes were filled with desperation again. "I swear I'm not a violent person Jenny. But it just snapped in me when I heard what she did to you. I would never let anyone hurt you, and I will never hurt you again." Despite her tears, Jenny let a smile. "You are not a violent person Jack. Far from it. You are the most loyal, loving and kind person I have ever met." Jack held her and she rested her head on his chest. "I love you Jack." "I love you too Jenny. And i'm sorry for all the hurt i put you through. I hope we can scratch that and start anew." Jenny smiled through her tears. "I would love that."


Church bells!! :O
Im sooo haappyyy!!! They mended their rift.
As book come to an end, a new book is coming up!! Its called The Charming Lady. Here we will see more about Ruby and how she closes her fairy tale. Hope you will favour it too....
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Love you guys!!!

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