chapter 7-home

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The morning came as natural as it would be. Jenny entered the office. Earlier today, she had drunk two cups of coffee to clear her head. She hadn't slept a wink at night, tossing from side to side. Thinking of something, or rather someone who she wished she never thought about right now. Reaching her office she greeted her secretary, Ashley. "Morning Ashley." "Morning Ms. Jenny." As Jenny was about to pass through, Ashley called her. "Ma'am...,"she hesistated, before continuing,"Mr. Jackson entered your office about ten minutes ago. He is waiting for you to work on the project." Jenny nodded, inwardly cursing. Did he really have to enter her office this early? As she had spent her entire night thinking of him. She sighed, and entered her office.


He was there, sitting on her chair, looking hot as ever in his brown suit. When she entered, he just raised his face in aknowledgement. Jenny put her handbag on the table and said,"will you get out of my seat please?" He put down his legs from her table, looking amused. The smirk on his face irritated Jenny. "What's so funny?"she demanded. Jack stopped himself from chukling. "I was under the impression that we are partners." Partners. Jenny hated the word. "So?" "So i was under the impression we'd have to share your office, as presently, i dont have one." Jenny gritted her teeth. "But not my damn chair!!" Jack showed indifference to her anger. He was only amused. "But whats the problem if i share your chair J.M??" Jenny formed her hands into fists. He stood up, and went to sit to the opposite chair. "There!! Now you happy?" Jenny answered nothing.


She was cold but polite all the time they were working. They were planning all the steps to be done, from the first ones needing more attention. Sometime during the discussion, Jack lost himself thinking of her. She was on a white chiffon blouse, a brown tartan scarf folded in a bow and a black pencil skirt. Her hair was up in a bun, with loose tendrils in the front. Jack resisted the urge to tuck them behind her ear. So absorbed was he that he didn't at first hear what she said. "Jackson." He was brought back from his thoughts. "Pardon me. Will you repeat it again?" Jenny narrowed her eyes before saying,"i was asking you when do you think is appropriate to go visit the local fisheries for their taste in delicacies." "Maybe after this week. This weekend maybe?" Jenny made other comments which Jack didn't register as again he was lost in her. He loved the way she narrowed her eyes, and how she furrowed her eyebrows when she was thinking deeply.
Damn, stop thinking about her.

But she is just so irresistibly hot.

Doesn't matter.

Her eyes...

Just stop it already!!

He was debating with himself. He was shook out again when she called his name. Damn! Jackson. He hated the way she was calling him. Why didn't she call him Jack, just the way she did it before?
He suddenly grinned at himself. He will change that. He sure will.


After they were done for the day, Jenny started to pack. "So Jenny, do you think you have time to grab a cup of coffee with me?" She stiffened, before saying,"its Ms. Jenniffer for you. And no, i have no time for coffee." Jack was hurt with the indifference. "Come on Jenny, what's up with you? We are partners, cant you even loosen up a little. Its not like i'm gonna bite." Jenny thought to herself. It sure wouldn't hurt to take coffee with him. "Okay. Where now?" Jack smiled. It looked soo good. "I have just the right place in mind."


The place was cozy, clean, quiet and smelled so good that Jenny liked it in that instant. Jack choose for them a table at the window that had a nice view. She started to relax. He ordered coffee for both of them, croissants for Jenny and cinnamon buns for himself. Jenny was touched that he remembered her favourite snacks, but she was damned before she told him that. "Jenny, can i ask you a question?" She nodded. "Why do you detest me that much? Is it because i was assigned as your partner?" Jenny looked down at her croissants, not answering. But wishing to say more.


Jenny didn't see Jack for a week after the kiss. She strongly suspected he was avoiding her, mainly due to all the uncomfortable and lying,"he's not here now" given by his home staff and sometimes his mother. Before, every time he had to leave she knew where he'd gone. Now she was getting irritated with the i dont know where he is. One day, approximately nine days since that event, she ran upon him in the grocery. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but not there. Jenny ran after him as he was getting out of the shop. "Jack, wait up!! I need to talk to you." She was panting. Jack had no choice but to stop. "Jenny, i really should get going right now..." "Why are you avoiding me?" He looked at her with an innocent look. "I dont know what you are talking about.." "you hell know what im talking about. You have been avoiding me for a week now." She was suprised with the strength in her voice. "We need to talk about what happened." Jack, now tried looking anywhere but to Jenny. "Nothing happened Jenny." "The kiss...." before she could finish, Jack cut in. "It was nothing. Just a moment. It meant nothing. And if you are as smart as you are, you should forget about it." With those words he left, not letting Jenny see tears in his eyes and not even noticing the pain and in next seconds, tears in Jenny's eyes.


Jenny finally raised her eyes. They held anger in them. "You are right Jackson. Coming here you are just ruining my job. Do you even know how hard it was to reach here? How hard it was to show them i'm capable of doing things on my own? Why did you leave the goddamned place you were in the first place anyway??" The words were spoken in so much anger. Even not fitting for the crime. Jack's expression changed, reflecting sadness for a fraction of a second before replacing it. Jenny could have imagined it. "I lost what made me go there. And so i came back home."


So what do you think of Jack?? Who could he have loosed? And what did he come back for??
Lets see what suprises are held for us, dont you think??
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