chapter 15- happily ever after

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"More, more baby more!!" "Ooohh...." Moans were heard. Jack was on top of Jenny, doing unspeakable things to her and Jenny saying and muttering words she wouldn't have dared in her right mind. Except that she was not in her right mind now. Jack thrust into her, deeper and deeper, earning moans and curses from Jenny, who raised her waist up, her fingers scratching Jack's back, and her head thrown back in ecstacy. Jack was kissing and sucking on Jenny's neck and collar bones, and he was a mass of love bites around his shoulder and neck. "Ooohh Jack baby...." Jack gave two more powerful thrusts and let on, arriving at the same time with her, each calling the other's name. They both were a heaving heap of limbs and tangled sheets. "I love you Jenny." "I love you too Jack." Jack rolled over, pulling Jenny with her on his chest. Jenny tilted her head so that she was looking at Jack's face and her chin was on his chest. "I have something to tell you Jack." Jack's brow furrowed. She looked serious. "What is it baby?" Jenny now was worried. She didn't know how his reaction will be. Will he be happy or angry? "Jenny tell me, you are worrying me." Her silence had been long. "I just dont know how to break it to you." "I just hope you are not breaking up with me Jenny." "No i'm not." "Good. Coz i might cry alot." He smiled to her. "I'm going to have a child." She said quietly, looking anywhere but not towards him. "What??!!" Jenny turned her eyes to him, hopefull, but when she saw the suprised look on his face her face fell. "How along is it?"he asked quietly. "I think about one month."she was near to tears. But was more suprised by the next set of words he said. "Baby, thats wonderfull!! I'm so happy! Im going to be a father!" He shouted the last sentences. He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. "I'm so happy baby. Finally you made my life complete." Jenny let herself be consumed in his warm embrace. "Lets get dressed." Jenny looked at him puzzled. "Why? Where are we going?" Jack had already got out of bed. "Hurry and get dressed, Jenny. We are going to meet your father."


Mr. Mason was so overjoyed with the news. "I always wished Jenny gets her happiness. She was always the sad one out."he said, with tears in his eyes. Jenny held his hand in hers, tears in her eyes too. "Mr. Mason..." "No Jack, please call me dad." Jack smiled. "Dad, can i have your permission?" Mr Mason turned to him comfused. "To do what?" "To do this." Jack got down on one knee, and took out a ring out of his jeans pocket. "Jenny, for a long time i wanted to do this. You've been my light, my heart, my teacher, my patner and my love. Without you i wouldn't be who i am now; a caring guy who now because of you, is not selfish and thinks of other people before himself. He wants a more brighter future, lightened up by you. He wants to love you as much as his small heart can allow. Will you marry me Jenniffer Mason, and share the rest of my miserable life with me?"

Two months later Jenny and Jack were married at the local chapel. Jenny wanted it to be a simple event, but many people came. Ruby, Liebee and Ashley were her maids. They had an outdoor marriage. The place was flooded with flowers, enough to choke with the sweet smells. It was all Ruby's work, who had been appointed the event planner. But Jenny didn't mind, as it was done on the shores of her beautiful beach. She felt happy and for the first time in a time, she felt complete. Completed by a certain handsome and nice man who was currently coming in her direction, looking as dashing as ever. He had on a white suit with black collar, black pants and a pink bowtie. Ruby wanted to amuse herself and made Jack and his men were pink bowties. The men felt uncomfortable, but they looked cute. Typical Ruby. "Are you alright baby?" Jenny smiled at him. She had moved away from the party to gaze to the beach she loved so much. "Can i ask you a question Jack?" Jack furrowed his eyebrows, comfused. "You know you can ask me anything baby." Jenny turned her gaze back to the beach. "I was always wondering....why did you run away when you first kissed me all those years ago? And told me to forget about it." Jack took hold of both her shoulders and turned her around to face him. "I was scared Jenny. Of you rejecting me. And of me not being enough for you." "I would never reject you Jack. And you are more than i ever dreamed." He took hold of her hands and kissed them. "I love you Jenny." "I love you more Jacky." They stood there hands entwined for sometime, looking out yo the sea, before Jack saying. "Lets go back to the guests before they think we eloped before time."

            ************* cute and sweet....♡♥♡
Can you imagine those pink bowties...  :-D

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