extra chapter- the media

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Hullo guyz!! I know the book has finished, but i kinda figured that some things can be added, not an epilogue, but about Jenny's time in her work. Before Jack returned by the way. Plus i just cant let go of her.
So, i just hope you guyz will enjoy this extra chapter, who knows, maybe others might come! ;-)
So please, enjoy!!


Jenny was deeply engrosed in her work, actually reading the last month's report about the perfomance of their oldest restaurant. She was frowning to the report when Ashley entered her office. "Sorry to barge in here without knocking, Jenny." She gave Jenny an apologetic smile which was returned. "What is it Ashley?" Ashley didn't answer, but put a newspaper infront of her. In bold letters, it was written,

The Grandeur's restaurant manager: cold-blooded?

Jenny looked at the heading then turned to Ashley. "What about this?" Ashley looked at her, suprised. "Aren't you bothered? They are tarnishing your name!" Jenny sighed. "Ashley, you dont have to be bothered by mere rumours. Its not as if they have something better to write." Ashley pulled up her stubborn face, folding her arms on her chest. "Fine, then lets sue them for writing lies about you." "You will do no such thing!" Jenny retorted, looking scandalously to Ashley. Ashley kept her ground rebeliously. Jenny sighed again, then feigned annoyance. "You will do nothing of the sort Ashley! Now go back to work!!" Ashley left. Jenny returned her eyes back to the newspaper which was folded in a half. She straightened it and read.


"'The head of Grandeur's managerial stuff Ms. Jennifer Mason is rumored to be cold and ruthless. Aiming at being one of the directors, she does everything she can to ensure that she fulfills her goals. "She is inhumane. She threw me out of my job just for upsetting a customer. And i needed that job for my sick mother." That were the words of a former employee about her. "She threw my CV's in the bin infront of my eyes just because i didn't reach the required years of experience." Another person also talked to us. "Its okey to be strict when it comes to work. And tardiness is not to be tolerated. But how much of strictness can we allow to be followed so as not to hurt our consumers, should be the main issue." Not only her work life is a straight unwavering rod, her personal life is a question too. "She doesn't date that one." "With that cold heart? It'll be a wonder if she gets someone to understand her enough to love her." "In all my life working with her, i've never seen her date, let alone fool with men." "I've seen men after her return with tears in their eyes and severely bruised egos." Ms. Jennifer, or rather, Jenny, has a doubted personality. The question is, how long can the Grandeur restaurants tolerate her?'"


Jenny shook her head. She should not allow it to bother her at all being the media but suprisingly it did. Yes, she knew she was strict, and was not a favourite among the employees, but to this extent? She brought forth her lower drawer on her table and took out several newspaper clippings. They were the rumour spreading ones. She took one and began to read.

'Lack of love life; can it be the reason for the strictness of our famous cold-lady manager?'

She put it away and passed her eyes on other clippings. Most talked about her lack of an active personal life, as if it mattered to them. Ruby was active enough for the whole family to last seven life times, she mentally scoffed. It nubbed her, but she dismissed it. It should not bother her but it did.

She remembered her mentor once told her, 'the road to success is always filled with thorns, snakes and unfavourable people. A strong heart and unyielding determination is required to reach your destination.' And thats what she needed.


She had continued working and the matter with the media long forgotten when Ashley came in her office. Jenny raised her perfect brows in a frown at the intrusion. "What is it, Ashley?" She seemed unable to produce sound for sometime due to shock, for what Jenny didn't know. Finally she managed to choke out. "You are needed. By the board."

Jenny stood up without word and headed out. All the way she kept thinking about why they were calling her. It wasnt about the media, she was sure of it. As they never minded before. Like never. So why call her today after that news on the newspaper?

She reached the door of the boardroom and let out a huff of breath she was holding. After several calming breathing exercises, she pushed open the door and entered.


What do you think she is about to be told? Is she going to be fired? Or given a severe telling off...XD

Please vote, share comment on the story if you like it as much as i do!!

Tchaooo......n good night!!

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