chapter 5-second suprise 2

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Jenny put her hands on the man's chest and pushed him away. "How dare you? How dare you kiss me?" Tears, fresh hot tears smeared her mascara. "After all these years....?" She didn't finish her statement. She slapped him. Hard enough to sting. Then she left him standing. She went to search for Liebee and Ruby. She found Ruby at a corner, passionately kissing a guy. Jenny pushef the guy away, and took hold of a protesting Ruby. She found Liebee still dancing. "We are leaving now Liebee." Seeing her friend's condition,Liebee didn't ask questions, and left with them to her car.


In the car, Ruby, who was sitting at the back, was dozing , mainly because of the quantity of alcohol she had consumed. Liebee was driving, all eyes on the road. Jenny used all of the energy she could muster to keep herself from sobbing. No, it couldn't be him, she said to herself. He had drowned in the sea, or probably lost in the air. For a long time Jenny had made up stories and answers in her head to explain about his unexpected disappearance. It has been eight years, eight years since she last saw him or even heard from him. Until today. He just showed up. And kissed her.


Reaching their appartment, both Jenny and Liebee dragged a drunk Ruby to Jenny's room. Going downstairs, Liebee called. "Jenny?" Jenny knew what it could be about, but chose to listen first. She went to the sofa and sat with Liebee. "Are you okey Jenny?" Jenny shook her head. "Whatever it is, i'm hear to listen to you." "I'd rather not talk about it. Its just a ghost i saw." She stood up. "I'd rather get some sleep. Goodnight Liebee." Without  waiting, she left to her room. Just reaching it, she fell on her side of the bed and cried bitterly.


She woke early enough. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She looked like crap. Her eyes were red and swollen, and so did her nose. She splashed cold water on her face and opted for a hot bath. A treat to herself. She entered the bath tub and soaked herself in the scalding water for about half an hour. It relaxed her tired mind. An hour later, she came out, and Ruby was still sleeping. Jenny shook her head in amusement. Ruby never ciese to amaze her, with her heavy drinking. She would then wake and forget what she did the day before. But she'd never stop drinking, not in a hundred years. Well, that was Ruby. The whole of her. And Jenny loved her so deeply.


Ruby woke up and found Jenny in the kitchen, fixing noon meal. Seeing Ruby's state, she handed her a glass of tomato juice. "Thanks", said Ruby grimly, while sitting on the stools in the kitchen. Jenny looked at a tired Ruby, before saying,"you should stop getting that drunk Ruby. It is not good for you." Ruby scowled at her sister, but decided to let the matter go. "Where's Liebee?" Ruby asked. "Had to fetch something at the mall." Just that moment, the front door opened to reveal Liebee. "Hi girls!!" She had a small bag. "Mmmhh....something smells good, what is that?" Jenny rolled her eyes, but answered neverthelessly. "Pasta with meatballs." Jenny was a known good cook. "And what's the new thing you bought?" Asked Ruby. Liebee feigned being hurt, but everyone knew Liebee's obssession for new things. So nothing could have sent Liebee to the mall other than a new thing. A fact which Ruby explained to her, rather smugly. Liebee pouted, then said,"fine!! I did go to buy something. Its a bracelet that i couldn't just resist!!" Jenny and Ruby looked at each other and laughed. Causing Liebee to storm out to her room.


Monday came, and Jenny had to drag herself to work. She had dark circles around her eyes, due to lack of sleep. And that caused her to be irritable. She enjoyed her days but spent her nights tossing around the bed, thinking of the sandy-haired guy.
Entering her office, she just nodded to Ashley's good morning, not bothering to answer her. After a few minutes Ashley brought her coffee. Jenny looked at her gratefully, groaning at the welcome bitterness. "Bad night?" "You can imagine." Ashley put infront of Jenny files she had to pass through and sign. "The board members wanted to see you today at nine, i got the message a few minutes before you arrived." Jenny, who had the cup to her mouth, lowered it carefully. "Really? But i thought it was decided last week?" Ashley hesistated, before saying. "I heard some rumours..."looking everywhere but her boss. "What did you hear Ashley?" Ashley heaved, then talked, still not looking at Jenny,"i heard they are to give you a partner." Jenny felt her temper rising. But controlled it not to snap at poor Ashley, who was already worried. She tried to plaster a sweet smile she could muster, then said,"thank you Ashley. You may go now." Ashley hurriedly left. Jenny made some breathing exercises. She wanted to be calm. And tell them that she didn't need a nanny to take care of her. She was just as capable of doing it as anyone. Didn't they see how far she had reached with her efforts? Then why don't they still  believe in her?


She kept on breathing slowly as she walked towards the board room. She didn't want to loose her temper. It was five minutes to nine. She was early. Entering, there was no one inside. She took a seat, putting her file on the table. Minutes later the room started to fill with the board members. Soon the chairperson entered last. He cleared his throat and said, "members, we are here to discuss our newest project, which has been entrusted to Ms. Jennifer Mason." Turning to Jenny, he added,"we called you here, because we have a few amendments." Jenny held her breath. So here we go. "We chose a partner for you. We hope you can both work together for a maximum success." At that moment, the board room door opened to reveal a sandy-haired man, with hair combed back qnd wearing a grey suit and a briefcase. "Ms. Jennifer, i have the honour to introduce to you Mr. Jackson Walterson. He will be your partner.



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