author's note

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Hello guys!!

This is not an update for the bonus chapters, rather like an idea of something I want to do, and I kind of need your advice.

I want to do a sequel of The Manager's Crush, more like a continuation of it, but with a new plot, and with, hopefully, the old characters and new ones. So here's the deal:
1. Should I do it or not?
2. And if I do it, should I continue it in this book or make a completely different book???

I'll be waiting for your views and how you think about it! Just comment it on this chapter or PM me!

You are welcome to read my other published books, the Charming Redheaded Lady, and Across the storming clouds. They are nearly finished, and I hope I have outdone myself on them!

Without forgeting, please vote, comment and share my books to your friends to show support to me. It will keep me inspired to write knowing that someone enjoys my work.

Once again, thank you for taking time to read this. See you!!

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