extra chapter- the media-2

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Jenny entered the board room to find all of the board members sitting around the table. It seemed as if they were having a meeting of a kind, and she was intruding. As she entered the room, all heads snapped in her direction, and she found herself scrunitized by many pairs of eyes.

"Jenny, please have a seat."a soft voice talked up to her, somehow relieving the tension that was building in her gut. The owner of the voice was an elderly man of about late fifties, with a kind face lined with fine lines, probably caused by age, or even stress. Now it made sense why her father decided to retire when he was just fifty-five. The man who was the executive director, motioned her to seat at an empty chair near the end of the table.

As she sat, she let her eyes roam freely around the boardroom. It looked as if all board members were men, and besides her, the only other females in the room were two secretaries currently seating at corners, attentively ready to listen and note down anything and everything spoken.

After her perusal of the room, she now let her eyes snap back to the executive director, preparing herself for what she thought was a confrontation about her behaviour.


"Jennifer..."he started. Jenny got her attention directed to him, whole her heart pounded to no limits. "I hoped you got our last month's report." Jenny nodded, not trusting herself to speak. "And i hope you read too, as we did, that this month the popularity of our reataurants has dropped for about 4%, and the profits for about 6%. Also we have been dropping steadily for approximately the same percentage for this year." "Yes...i saw that too."

Jenny was looking down, afraid that she might find accusation on the man's eyes. She didn't want to see disappointment in his face. He had took Jenny under her wing immediately after she finished college because he said she held an air of confidence and hard work. And he always treated her as his daughter, appraising her and promoting her when she did her job well. And now she was repaying his kindness this way. By destroying his company with her shitty personality.

"So what do you think we should do?" His question brought her back to reality. She raised her face to stare at him. She took her time, choosing words carefully. "Its my fault sir. I should have been putting more effort in it. I will write a full apology letter, with my resignation letter too."


Some men on the table nodded their heads in agreement with Jenny's words. "Resignation? Who said anything about you resigning?" It was the executive, sounding scandalized. Some men who had agreed non-verbally with Jenny, turned their heads to him, looking suprised. "Bu-but i thought..." Jenny was lost for words. He did not mean she had to resign. But why?

"No Jenny, you will not resign. On the contrary. I want to give you a project. It is suppossed to help us rectify the situation." He let his words sink in, before continuing. "I want you to research the cause of our drop in finances and popularity of our restaurants and hotels. Also bring forth ways to return our group to its former state. I will give you five weeks to complete the project. Any questions or suggestions?" Jenny didn't have any, and by the looks of it, no one else did too. Some men, by their facial expressions, looked as if did not aggree with him, but thought better to keep their silence rather than to argue with him. He was afterall, their leader and owned 60% of the company's shares. "If no questions or further words, i end this meeting. You are all dismissed."


Jenny waited after all of them had filled out. One of the secretaries mouthed 'goodluck' to her, and she returned it with a smile. After the people left she slowly made her way to her office. She was glad she didn't see Ashley at that moment, as she knew she would bombard her with questions, which she would not be able to answer, and at the moment, she also had her set of questions running around her head.
She slumped down on her chair. She was grateful he didn't fire her, but why set that challenge infront of her? And at that time period! Will she be able to manage it?

Still in her thoughts, she didn't hear the door being opened. She was jolted awake when the person spoke. "Can i come in?" It was her boss. Yes, THE executive director. Jenny hastily stood up. "By all means, do come in sir!" She motioned to the chair infront of her desk. After they both got seated, he looked at her. "So....a penny for your thoughts?" Jenny blushed. He had caught her lost in thought. "Nothing sir...just thinking about the new task at hand." His eyes softened in concern. "Did i pressure you too much with it?" "No, no you didn't! I was just thinking on how to tackle it, thats all." He looked at her intently. "I know you must be asking yourself why you. As it is a huge responsibility. Also the future of the company lies on the outcome of the project." Jenny didn't say anything, so he continued. "Jenny i've seen you since high school, working yourself up. You have determination, and i know you can do anything you want just by trying. So i would entrust the project with nobody but you. And i'm tired of those old men out there. They do nothing but eat and grow fat. Its time for new faces to appear on the board. Particulary yours. So, make me proud will you?" With the last words he raised Jenny's lowered face by lifting her chin. Jenny was unable to talk. His words left tears in her eyes. But she just managed to nod for him. "Aaww....dont cry Jenny. I'm not that horrible." Jenny smiled at his attempt at humour. He stood up and Jenny stood with him. "Okey, now i have to return at my office." He walked away. His hand had reached the door when he turned to her again. "Oooh...and Jenny, please try to liven up your personal life. I'm tired of reading everyday that my manager is as cold and unfriendly as a pet rock." Jenny blushed but could hear his laugh echoing through the hall as he left for his office. Only someone like him would find humour on such a situation.


Ya-ay...!! And thats our boss!! I adore him! ^-^

Before you ask me, i'm not kind of prejudiced. I just wish some things like decision making would be equal among men and women, even though there are still cultures especially here in my home continent and country where decision making on literally EVERYTHING is upon men.
And the men on the board are kind of wanting a men only board. Which sucks. :'(

And yeah, for who guessed well, the project is the one Jenny is working on on the start of the book.....though i know most of you didn't figure that out...LOL... o_O

It could be the end of the book for sure, but i want your views if i should continue putting more of Jenny and/or Jack in here. You can just comment or PM me. I'll be waiting.

Yeah, so before i forget, its literally two updates on one night. And i wrote BOTH of them this evening. So please cwap you chubby hands for me!!

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