Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Lauren Jauregui i'm 21 and from Miami, FL. I just graduated from college, yeah I know that is kind of early, but I took summer classes and AP classes. I graduated with a major in photography and decided to move to New York City. My friend Camila lives there along with her three friends Dinah, Normani, and Ally, she met them while up there doing broadway shows. They have an extra room in their house so I am going to live with them. This is a big move and I hate to leave my life here behind, but this is where my career will launch and my life begins.

Ms. Gibson

A/n in this story I am going to give You a last name instead of having to type "(Y/l/n) every time, but any time the first name is used I will write in "(Y/n)"

Hello, I am (Y/f/n) Gibson and I am an intersex woman from New York City. I am 25 and a businesswoman, I make and sell military equipment from my company Gibson Inc. I own other small businesses as well, but Gibson Inc is my main business. I am what other people would call strict, but i'd say I just like control and things done my way. I am also a private person and I come off very mean, but if you had everyone's eyes on you and enjoyed the things I did, you would be private too. No, I am not like fifty shades of grey...well kinda. The thing is I like control, but not to the point were I control everything someone does, I just like organization, order, and for my rules to be followed. That does not make me like Mr. Grey right?

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Where stories live. Discover now