Chapter 16

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Lauren's Pov

I had been sitting at home for 3 hours before mistress walked through the door. She had a slight smile ghosted on her lips. "Hey baby" I said as I ran and jumped into her arms. "Hey, go on a walk with me baby" she put me down and I ran to go put on clothes.

We had been walking for a while, before she spoke "I want to tell you about my life Lauren." I nodded my head for her to continue. "My father as you know is an awful man. He used to to choke me out, beat me, and threaten to kill me all the time. He liked perfection and if I wasn't perfect those actions were used. He let up when Alex was born, but as soon as I discovered the truth about Alex it got awful. I was barely 8 when i figured out Alex was my brother" she stopped and paused for a second.

"We use to play together all the time, till my dad started beating us both. He would tell us that the one of us messed up and was the reason for our bearings. Alex and I started to hate each, till we got way older. By this time Alex had picked up a drug habit and I was in college. You know the story from there, but you didn't know I was born into wealth. No one really knows, my mother owns Richards Rich." I was shocked. "The chocolate company?" I asked.

"Ha ha, yeah the chocolate company. When my father discovered my mom he didn't know she was rich, but when he found out they were quickly married after. He didn't work a day after that and it was the main reason he didn't want my mom to know about Alex. In a contract they signed if he was ever discovered to have been cheating he would get no money if a divorce was to happen." I wasn't sure what was happening, but (y/n) had a smile on her face the whole time.

"That explains somethings. I can't believe how horrible your dad is" she nodded her head. In that moment I decided to trust her completely and tell her about my life as well.

"I don't hate my dad. A lot of people think I do, but I'm just mad at him" she looked at me, signaling to continue. "He cheated on my mom with his best friend wife. He slept with Camila's mom, Camila and I figured out our sophomore year when her parents were divorcing. It was kept us close, we talked about everything we felt. Sad part is that my dad didn't stay with her mom either. He destroyed a family that year and left the town after, not caring about all the lives he destroyed" I was slightly crying by now, but I needed this.

"My mom lost her mind, she slipped into a depression and left me to defend for my sister and brother. She lost everything when my dad came back, my brother and sister left with him to live and my mom lost her job. I couldn't leave her, things got crazy, but she found herself again late my senior year. Around that timer Camila was slowly losing it, her mom moved on and had her little sister. She cheated on me our junior year and started stalking me by senior. We should have stopped being friends then, but I understood she was going through a lot." (Y/n) had pulled me into her chest and was holding me.

"Thank you for telling me that baby. I really do love you Lauren. I want things to be different with you" I felt my heart skip a beat at her words. She pulled me in super close to her "I love you too (y/n)." She kissed me slowly after that. "Let's go home love" she whispered in my ear.

Next morning

Last night was truly amazing, (y/n) was so sweet and we stayed up all night just talking. I was now making breakfast when I got a text from Camila.

C - Lo can we talk. I'd like to apologize for my behavior

L- Yes, but any craziness and I'm out Camila.

I decided to give her the chance to explain herself and maybe fix all this mess. I quickly ate breakfast got dressed and had Alex drive me to my apartment.

After I knocked Camila came down and answered the door. No one else was home, due to work and class. "Hey Lo" Camila smiled at me. "Camila can we please just start the this talk. I really don't want small talk" her smile disappeared and she nodded. "Lo, look that night I was drunk and that isn't an excuse I was just so mad. Seeing you with her made me jealous and it sucked because you looked happy. In my head that didn't matter I wanted you and if hurting her ego was the cost I was going to do it. I didn't mean to hurt you" she looked up at me with sad eyes.

"Camila you could have just said that instead of making an ass of yourself and hurting me. Camila you and I both know that we were not going to work out again. You cheated on me, even after all our families had been through and then you started stalking me. You went crazy" I shouldn't have yelled out she was crazy.

The look in her eye quickly changed after that "I am not crazy! I wasn't stalking you, you are mine Lauren. You belong with me" she started scaring me at this point. "Camila I'm going to go. It's clear you are off your meds again" Camila quickly ran to the door and pulled out a gun. "You aren't going anywhere Lauren." She yelled at me with a smile.

What the hell, i quickly backed up and made my way towards the stairs. "Camila calm down, put the gun away." She started walking closer to me "I can't do that baby. See you should be with me, not her. I can love you better and trust me you won't be seeing her again. She will be taken care of" what is she talking about. Once I reached the stairs I quickly ran up the stairs.

Every door was closed and I hadn't realized what room I had ran in till I after I closed the door. "Holy shit" I mumbled. I was standing in the middle of Camilas room and there were pictures of me everywhere. There was maps and all these things on a board and a picture of (y/n) dad.

My thoughts were cut short by a rag being put over my mouth. I tried hard not to breath in, but it was no use.

Your Pov

I had been in a meetings all day. I was so excited to get home and see Lauren. I walked over to my desk and saw my phone flashing. I had a bunch of missed calls from Alex, Ally, and two unknown numbers. "Ms. Gibson, there is a Dinah on line one. She has been calling for hours I tried to tell her you were in a meeting." My assistant Ashley said.

"I'll take it. Thank you" she nodded her head and closed the door.

"Hel-" I was cut off by Dinah. "(Y/n) you need to come to the apartment now. Don't ask questions it's about Lauren" she hung up right after that. It was about Lauren so I quickly grabbed all my stuff and headed out the door. "Ashley cancel all my meetings" I yelled. "Are you sur-" she asked but was cut off. "Ashley cancel them now. I will not ask again" I yelled.

Once I was in my car I was sure I broke so many laws speeding over to their apartment. I hope Lauren is okay. What if she is pregnant, id hope she wouldn't tell me this way. Once I reached that apartment I quickly ran inside.

I saw Alex, Ally, Dinah, and Normani sitting in the living room crying. "Where is Lauren, what the hell is going on?" I yelled. Dinah got up and walked over to me. "We don't know, all we do know is that Camila has her" I didn't hear anymore after that I quickly ran upstairs checking every room hoping this was a joke.

Once I reached Camilas room, I knew it wasn't a joke. There was pictures of Lauren and everyone else hanging up around the room. I could tell she had been planning this for a while. There was one picture and number that caught my attention. My dad's photo was hanging up with a bunch of information about me under it. Did these two plan this shit.

"I didn't know she stopped taking her meds. Camila was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. She had been talking about Lauren a lot this week, but I didn't know it was leading to this. We will do anything we can to help" Dinah spoke.

"How did this happen" anger was the only emotion I was feeling now. "Alex said he was hit over the head and based off Lauren's phone Camila got her here by saying she wanted to apologize. After that she took Lauren. Camila also left a note um for you" she handed me a piece of paper.

I will not harm Lauren, but I can't speak for your father. He has lost his mind these days. Put 2 million in his account and we will not harm her. Trust me you won't find her.

-Camila and (y/d/n)

"Fuck Fuck! Everyone get in the cars we are going to my office, I can't risk them two trying to harm anyone else. I'm going to kill both of them when I get the chance." I put the paper in my pocket and exited the apartment with everyone else following closely.

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Where stories live. Discover now