Chapter 5

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Lauren's Pov

Today for work Ally dropped me off, even though she would not be coming to work due to class. As I was getting my badge out I watch Alex shamelessly flirt with her. I did not even bother to say bye and just let them talk. I decide to go and pick up Ms. Gibson's bedroom. I got so caught up in getting the room done today that I didn't notice the shower running or turning off. I was startled when a voice called out my name.

"Well it is pleasant to see you again Ms. Jauregui" I nearly have a heart attack after (Y/f/n) calls my name. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you" she says. I was getting ready to respond till I turned around. She was standing there in a sports bra and a towel around her waist. I could see the outline of her bulge.

" fine Ms. Gibson" I stutter out. She smirks and walks towards me. I literally almost faint as she gets closer. Why does she have such a strong impact on me. As she gets closer I thought she was going to pull me in and I think she could tell what I was thinking. Instead of grabbing me, she simply reaches behind me and grabs her clothes.

"Now Ms. Jauregui I'd love for you to stay here and watch me as I get dressed, but until I have your legal consent to touch you, I think it is best you leave" she says. I'm so caught up in looking at her I just nod my head and think nothing of what she just said.                                  

I walk out of the room and literally almost start freaking out. I almost saw my boss naked and I'm sure she was flirting with me. She is hot, charming, and very intimidating. My thoughts were interrupted when Ms. Gibson came out in a light blue button down and black dress pants. She always looks so formal and clean.

"Ms. Jauregui are you okay, you look pale" she ask. "Sorry I just am not use to seeing you in the morning and I feel bad for walking in on you" I say. She just smirks and looks at me like she is studying me.

"Trust me it was no problem. I am usually not here by this time, but today I decided to take off" she says in a calm manner. Shit she was going to be here all day as I clean. I can't function when I am near here.

"Lauren would you like to join me for breakfast?" She asked. "I don't want to invade your day, but thank you" I say.

"Come on eat, I know you didn't eat before you came in" she says more as a command. She is right I hadn't, I didn't want to be rude so I sat down and ate. As we sat there we just had small talk and she asked me about my life and family. I told her small stuff like how my parents were split up, but I had two younger siblings. We talked for what seemed like forever, but was only two hours.

I stand up and decided I should start cleaning, I already used two hours up. "Excuse me Ms. Gibson, I should get back to cleaning" I say.
"Lauren stay, do not worry about it, my home is fine for today, I'd rather you talk to me" she says in a calm manner.

"Miss I-" I was cut off by her "Sit!" She says as a command, I sit instantly and watch her face go from anger to lust maybe. "You are good at listening Lauren" she says. Why do I feel like that has a weird meaning. 

"Now Lauren tell me about how you feel on trying new things" she asks. I am confused by what she could be getting from my answer, but I tell her anyway. "I would sa, I am a curious person and you can't know if you hate something if you haven't tried it" I respond. She smirks and shifts in her seat.

"What is your preference for your partners" she asks. "I don't really care as long as they are a good person. Gender does not matter to me" she smiles at me and stands up from her chair.

"I enjoyed talking to you Lauren, I hope to talk to you later before you leave, but I have some small business to attend to" she says. I nod my head and before she walks out of the room she stops. "Lauren my maid that normally cleans my office is out sick today, is there any way you would mind cleaning up a little in there today" I nod my head. "Say it Lauren, answer me" she says with a serious face.

"I wouldn't mind Ms. Gibson" I answer quickly. She walks out of the room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Why does she make me so nervous.

After a minute I get up and start cleaning the kitchen. Once I finished the kitchen and her bedroom I make my way towards her office. When I walk in she is standing pacing on the phone talking. It sounded serious so I thought I could quickly pick up and be done.

As she is talking I try and reach the top shelf in her book case and due to the shorts I am in I couldn't tell if my butt was showing at all. I got this feeling to kinda wanted to tease Ms. Gibson. So as I reach up and I shake my hips a little and I can hear that she has calmed down some on the phone and isn't responding as much.

Once I finish cleaning the shelf I turn around and she is standing there breathing heavy and staring at me. I can see that she is hard and trying to control herself while on the phone. I walk out of the office with her eyes never leaving my body.

Before I walk down the hall, the always locked room catches my attention. I walk towards and just think about what could be behind that door. I was going to see if it was unlocked but I was startled again by Ms. Gibson.

"Curious aren't we" she says in a seductive way. I turn around to face her and all I can see is lust in her eyes. "I am sorry" I says.

"It is fine, but you won't know what is behind that door till you have signed all forms" she says. Before I can ask what she means she speaks again "Lauren you can go home early today, my family is coming over a little late and as much as I want you to stay they are a handful and you distract me too much" she says while looking me up and down. I nod my head and give her a small thank you.

As I am grabbing my I try to call everyone to come and get me, but everyone is either busy or not answering. "Would you like a ride home .Ms Jauregui?" She ask. "Only if you do not mind, I am sorry" I say. She nods and exits the room I guess to call Alex.

When she walks back in the room she has on a leather jacket and walks outside. I follow her towards her garage and she opens the door to a fancy two door black car and after I get in she gets in.

"Are you driving Miss" I ask kind of nervous. "I am. I promise I am a good drive Lauren" she responds back. She starts the car and starts driving. While driving Lana Del Rey "Dark Paradise" comes on and I start singing. I enjoy her taste in music.

"What a lovely voice Ms. Jauregui" she says. I say thank you and 30 minutes later we arrive at my place. As I am getting out she stops me "Lauren I would like to take you out this Friday if you do not mind" she ask. With not even remembering that Camila already asked me out on this day I say yes.

She smiles and I say thank you for the ride. She watches me as I head inside and I can hear her drive off as soon as I shut the door. Holy shit I have a date with my boss and what did she mean by my legal consent?                                                                                                                                                                                   

A/n so for this Dominate and submissive relationship should Lauren call you "Daddy" or stick to the more formal role of your last name and "ma'am. The Daddy name will have nothing to do with DD/lg type on relationships nor will that be in this story. It is just a thing some people like to be called. Comment and let me know.

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Where stories live. Discover now