Chapter 14

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Lauren's Pov

It had been a week since everything with (y/n) dad happened and she has been on edge since. With the family dinner coming up she has been distant. She has buried herself into work and barely comes home before 11. We also haven't had sex at all and the submissive inside me isn't happy, but I understand.

"Lauren, are you ready" I was cut from my thoughts by Alex speaking. "Oh, yes Alex I am ready" I quickly closed the door and headed towards the car. I was on my way to the apartment with the girls to get my last bit of stuff and inform them that I was moving in.

"How is she" Alex asked. I figured he was talking about Ms. Gibson. "Distant Alex, she has been cold since her parents came by for dinner. It didn't go so well" I explained to him. "What happened Lauren" I saw him tighten his hold on the wheel and I grew nervous to tell him, but maybe he could help. They were once best friends, "I caught her dad choking her and pinned against the wall" I told him.

Alex didn't say a word following that, he just nodded his head and drove towards the apartment. Once we reached the apartment Alex opened the door for me and I walked into the apartment only to be tackled by Camila in a hug.

"Oh my god Lo, where have you been?" She asked with excitement. Before I could answer her everyone else came rushing downstairs. "Lo, where the hell have you been up too. Get a new mysterious girlfriend and the. disappear on us" Dinah yelled while hugging me. "Girlfriend?" Camila asked. I totally forgot about her feelings and failed to explain my relationship with Ms. Gibson.

"Um yeah, guys I gotta tell you something. I am moving in with her. I know it's sudden considering we have only known each other for 3 months, but trust me I am happy. My part of the rent will still be paid and you guys can come over whenever" I said quickly. No one said anything, but Camila marched right upstairs.

"Ignore her she is dramatic, but as long as you are happy Lo. Just be careful with Ms. Gibson" Ally said while giving me a quick hug. When she realized Alex was parked outside she rushed out and I was left with Normani and Dinah.

"I want to meet her Lo, be happy but I still want to meet her" Normani said while Dinah nodded her head. "How about dinner tomorrow?" I asked quickly. Shit I didn't even mind to ask mistress, hopefully she isn't mad that I just invited these people over. They nodded their heads and I rushed up stairs to start packing after hugging them.

While packing I heard someone lightly knock on my door and speak "are you sure about this Lo. That woman gives me a bad feeling. I think you should stay here" Camila speaks.

"I appreciate your concern, but I have made up my mind Camz. This is what I want" I tell her calmly. "But what about us? Lo we were suppose to go on a date" she says as she walks towards me. "Camz look you know I don't feel that way about, no since junior year" I responded while facing her.

"You promised you wouldn't hold that against me, I didn't mean what I said or what happened. It was a mistake" she says while holding onto my arms.

"Camila you cheated on me, then told me I didn't mean anything to you, and the after that fuckboy hurt you, you started stalking me till mid senior year. I forgave you after your mom explained what was going on." Yeah Camila and I use to date, but she cheated on me two month into the relationship and then shit just got out of control.

"Lo, it was a mistake and I promise not to hurt you like that again. You have to give me another chance" she was practically screaming by now and had a good grip on my arm that was starting to hurt. "Camila you are hurting me, let go" I yelled and soon after I could hear Dinah and Normani rushing upstairs. "Camila let go man. Go cool off" Dinah yelled while pulling Camila off me.

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Where stories live. Discover now