Chapter seven

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Lauren's Pov

Trigger Warning Talk of Dugs and being Drugged

After settling down and talking to the girls I decided to head up to my bedroom. That was four hours ago, I can't stop thinking about all the information I was given tonight. I finally stop sitting there and decided to look at the links (Y/f/n) sent me earlier.

As I was reading information I wasn't as nervous, this might sound crazy, but I was kinda thrilled to try all of this stuff, but some is a no go. As I was reading (y/f/n) sent me the list of rules and punishments.


Address dominant as Ms. Gibson, ma'am, or daddy when in the play room or any sexual situation.

Follow the rules without any hesitation or a punishment will be enforced

Use the safe words that have been agreed upon when a hard limit is being reached.

The submissive will not masterbate without Domaints permission.

Dominant or submissive will not engage in any sexual or romantic act with anyone else unless agreed upon.

If submissive moves in she will take care of herself and clean up after herself.

Submissive will wear dominants choice of outfit in any important outgoing.

Dominant and submissive are loyal to each other, the dominant will respect the submissive as she will respect the Dominant.

Submissive will be honest with dominant. Trust is key to making this relationship work.

Dominant and submissive both have free will to leave the relationship at any point.

Spanking with hand, cane, paddle, or others

No cumming

Any other punishment submissive and dominant agree on

I almost couldn't believe the rules, the idea of spanking turns me on. I sigh heavily and shut my laptop. I'm not sure what to do, this is all so much.
I was cut off from my thoughts when Dinah came into my room.

"Get dressed Lo we are going out tonight girl" she yells and then slams my door. I decide going out is a good way to clear my head so I get dressed. Once everyone is done we head out to a club .

Later at The Club

I was watching all my friends get drunk and act crazy, especially Normani and Dinah. Every time Beyoncé came on and they were really grinding on each other. Ally had texted Alex to come and they have been dancing since he got here.

I would be have more fun if Camila wasn't just staring at me. Once she got drunk she started to admit to a lot of feelings and kept offering me drinks, I finally took once after she pushed it so hard. What's her problem? She told me she loved me, but I don't feel that way about her. I decide to go outside and get some fresh air.

Once I was outside I got a call from Ms. Gibson.


Y- Lauren have you looked at my email?

L- Well hello to you too. And yes I have.

Y- What do you think?

L- I don't know if I can do t-hhisss

My words were getting kind slurred and I didn't feel so good. I know I'm not drunk I didn't drink enough.

Y- Lauren are you okay, where are you?

I ended up getting shoved and my phone hit the ground and broke. I was getting dizzy and decided to sit down.

15 minutes later and I was almost out of it, Camila tried to offer to take me home, but I couldn't move. Before I could understand what was happening, Ms. Gibson was standing in front of me, she looked kinda pissed and scared at the same time.

She helped me up and then everything goes black.

Ms. Gibson Pov

After calling Alex and figuring out he was at the same club as Lauren I raced there. How could she be so stupid and not take care of herself. Once I reached the club and saw Lauren's state I knew she wasn't drunk, she was barely functioning. Someone drugged her, by the look of it put too much in her glass.

She ended up passing out, thankfully in my arms. Alex came outside and I told him to tell the girls that I was taking her to my place and getting a doctor.

They all rushed outside as I was getting her in the car and decided to follow me home. Guess I was hosting everyone tonight. I called a my personal doctor on the way there.

Once we reached my home, the doctor was at the door and wasn't very calm about seeing Lauren's state. We got her inside and the doctor asked if we would all wait outside my bedroom.

Something was very off about tonight and I was going to find out what happened to her, but later.

Next Day Lauren's Pov

I woke up with a killer headache and didn't recognize the bedroom I was in at first. I have cleaned this organized room enough to know where I am. Damn what happened last night, I don't remember drinking.

"How are you Ms. Jauregui?" I looked up and Ms. Gibson was at the door.

"I feel awful, what happened?" I asked. She walks up to the bed and hands me some pills and water.
"You were drugged, by how much was in your system the person clearly didn't know what they were doing. They could have really harmed you. After our phone conversation I called Alex and he told me where to find you, once I got to the club you were barely speaking. I brought you and your friends back here and a doctor checked up on you" she says. Holy crap who would drug me, maybe a random at the bar.

"We can talk about this more later, but let's get you some food and a bath" she says. We head downstairs and I see everyone in the living room eating, except Ally who is cooking.

"Oh my god, Lo are you okay?" Camila asked, while hugging me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was in really good hands last night" I say while smiling at (Y/f/n). I look at Camila and she is glaring at me, I choose to ignore it.

We all sit down and ate and talk for a while, till everyone had to go home, work, or class. I was going to leave till (Y/n) stopped me.

"Lauren would you mind staying, I'd like to spend time with you alone" she says with a smile. I nod my head and tells me she is going to get dressed and I could use the shower in her room.

A/n sorry about the slow updates this week, it was finals week and I had a lot of studying to do. After this chapter the next one will be smut, I will try and have it posted tonight, but if not it will be in the morning.

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