Chapter Thirteen

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Lauren's Pov


Well shit, this isn't how I ever planned on meeting her parents. I watched as mistress vibe shifted, she went from relaxed to very afraid almost. It couldn't be honestly, she never looks that way. I watched her step aside as a tall man walked in.

"Now home come you haven't picked up your phones in weeks. Your mother has been worried" that is no way to greet someone. "I am sorry Dad, I've been distracted" she was nervous. What is going on. Before he spoke again he looked up at me and his eyes had an evil look behind them.

"Where are you manners (y/n)? I didn't raise you that way. Introduce us" she quickly walked over to me and placed an arm around my waist. "Dad this is Lauren, Lauren this is my father (y/d/n) Gibson" he stuck his hand out and I went to shake it, but he instead kissed me hand. "A pleasure to meet you sir."

"Oh, you trained this one right. She has manners unlike the last one" what the hell, he is kinda rude.
"Dad please don't speak ill of her. Lauren is amazing girl, not an object" she had pushed me behind her and my confusion only grew.

"Okay okay, listen your mother wants to see you and have dinner tonight and bring Lauren. Your mother will be happy to meet her. Do not disappoint me" with that he quickly exited the house without even saying goodbye.

I didn't get the chance to question (y/n) because she quickly left the room without a word. What the hell just happened.

Later before Dinner

I had been sitting in the living room since this morning. (Y/n) has been in her office since early this morning and hasn't come out since. There was a knock on the door that cause me to get up.

I was nervous it was Mr. Gibson again, but to my luck it was just Alex. "Hey Alex" he smiled at me "hi Lauren, how are you?" He asked. We made small talk and he told me about how him and Ally have started going out on dates. After a few minutes he looked around the house. "Where is Ms. Gibson?" He asked.

"She been in her office since her dad came early this morning. We are having dinner with him tonight" I watched him tense up and his smile disappeared. "He was here, is (y/n) okay?" He never uses her first name! "I gues-" I was cut off by him. "Listen Lauren when you have dinner especially if it is here, keep a close eye on her. Do not leave them alone" I nodded my head quickly and watched him disappear down towards Ms. Gibson office. Can I just get some answers about this man.

Dinner Trigger Warning Abuse physical and verbal and alcohol

Before Alex left he informed me of what Ms. Gibson asked me to wear and that a chef would be coming to cook for us tonight. I had been ready and was just waiting for mistress to come down.

It was a couple minutes later when she came down. She looked stress, grabbed my hand and kissed it "I know you have a lot of questions my love, but I will answer them in time. Just be on your best behavior tonight. My father is a strict man" as soon as she finished the doorbell rang. She practically ran towards the door and her father walked in followed by what I assume is her mother.

I walked up to her father and greeted him along with the mother. "Hello Mr. and Ms. Gibson, I'm Lauren it is a pleasure to meet you" I looked over at mistress and she had a smile on her face and seemed to be pleased. "Oh honey just call me (y/m/n) no need to be all formal. Besides I am happy to final meet the woman who has had my baby in all smiles" she gave me a quick hug. Mr. Gibson didn't look all to pleased with that. "Mom, Dad can I take your coats" the both slipped out of their coats and handed them to her.

"Now Lauren tell me about yourself dear" her mom asked. I went on telling her about being from Miami and all the small stuff. Her dad just stared at me without saying a word. When the chef announced dinner we made her our way towards the dinning table. Mistress placed her hand on my thigh and would smile at me ever so often throughout dinner.

It was awkward at first till Mr. Gibson asked about the business and it was all serious talk from there. Mistress mother had finished eating and so did I "Lauren walk with me honey" I stood up and followed her out. Mistress eyes never left me till I was out of sight, it was as if she was begging for something.

"She cares about you deeply you know" I looked at her confused. "I never seen her look at someone the same way she looks at you. I haven't seen her that happy since she played guitar. My daughter is a strong woman, but I sometimes worry" Ms. Gibson said as we walked.

"Why did she stop playing? I asked. "Oh her father thought it was a waste of time to learn and pushed her into piano. He was always a strict man and was tougher on her more than her brother and sister. Their relationship always worried me" she said with a sad smile.

"Why if you don't mind me asking" she stopped walking and turned towards me "He always wanted another son and when (y/n) was born with her condition he didn't take it so well. As she grew he only became harder and harder on her. I thought he wanted what was best for her, but sometimes I'm not so sure. She always so tensed around him" I hated the idea of what all this could mean. "Excuse me honey I need to use the ladies room" Ms. Gibson walked off towards the bathroom.

I walked towards the kitchen and mistress and her father were not there. I went to go look for her, remembering Alex's words from earlier. I walked towards her office and what I saw broke my heart...

There stood (y/n) father holding her up off the ground and choking her. "So you ignore me for some little bitch. I raised you better than that. You are lucky your mother is her" he snapped at her. I don't know what took over me, but I rushed into the office and pushed him away from her. "Oh, did your little bitch come and defend you my freak of a daughter" he looked like he was going to kill us, but her mother walked into the office.

"Dad Mom, we must speak later. I have much work to attend to" (y/n) said with what little voice she had left. "Okay honey, but make sure you and Lauren come to the family dinner in a few weeks" her mother said with a smile, clearly missing what just happened. Everyone walked out of the office and towards the front door. (Y/n) mother hugged me and walked out the door while her father just shoved her with his shoulder into a wall once her mom walked out.

As soon as they left (Y/n) walked towards the bedroom, she shut the door and didn't say a word after.

3 A.m

It was late, but I couldn't sleep. Mistress had been locked up in her bedroom all night. I can't believe her dad, he is an abusive ass hole. My thoughts were cut off by a voice. "Lauren are you awake?" It was (y/n). I sat up quickly and she walked in. "I guess you have a lot of questions and I guess I should explain. Just listen okay I trust you enough to tell you." I nodded my head.

"As you can tell my father is abusive, he has always been like that. My mother has no idea and just thinks he is strict when he is talking to me. When I didn't act right as a child he use to do awful things Lauren. He was a crazy alcoholic that was obsessed with perfection and he didn't settle for less. He lost his mind more when he had Alex. Yes, Alex is my brother, but he isn't from my mom."

"He cheated on my mom once and had Alex with our neighbor. No one knows except Alex and I, I found out when I overheard him speaking once in his office. He beat the shit out of me that night when he found me. Even though Alex didn't live with us, he was just as hard on him when he got the chance" she paused for a second, I could see tears in her eyes, but the never fell. "Listen he is beyond mad Lauren, no one has ever defended me from him and he will not take to kindly to that. I need to keep you safe, he is unstable. I know for the past month and half you have been here, but I want you to fully move in. I need to know that you are safe" she looked at me with a serious tone. "I can't just leave my friends, they can't keep that apartment if I don't pay rent."

"I'll pay it, just stay here Lauren please" she practically begged. I couldn't say no to her so I just nodded my head. She pulled me in close and we laid there. As I started to doze off into sleep I could hear her whisper "I can not lose you."

A/n alright the drama starts. Now there is a little background information on Ms. Gibson.

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Where stories live. Discover now