Chapter 17

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Lauren's Pov

Ugh, I woke up with a terrible headache. Where was I? I open my eyes to a dark room with only a light above my head being on and tied to a chair. I don't remember how I got here, but I had a feeling it wasn't good. A small giggle caught my attention.

"Who is there" I asked, but didn't get a responses. Instead someone walked into the light and the memories came flooding back. "Camila what the hell, let me go" I yelled. She just laughed and skipped around the room "See I can't do that Lauren, we are going to be together forever" she said as she stopped in front of my face with a smirk on her face. "Now, I have to go for a little bit, try not to piss of boss man. He's lost his mind now and is a little unpredictable" with that she walked out the door.

As soon as she walked in (y/d/n) walked in and just smiled. "Oh, you are going to pay for this little slut. My freak daughter would have stayed busy if she hadn't met you and I would still be richer than ever" he said as he walked closer. Scared wasn't a good word to describe what I was feeling. I just hopped mistress would find me soon.

Your Pov

Pacing was all I could do at this time. My mind was clouded and I was truly experiencing fear. My dad I knew wasn't stupid enough to kill Lauren. He knows it's the only way he will get the money, but Camila I don't know and I need to figure out more before I can do anything.

"Dinah, Ally, and Normani I need to ask you something" they all turned towards me. Camila's family, do any of you have any information on them?" I asked. Ally and Normani both answered back no, but Dinah didn't move. "Dinah?" she sighed as I said her name and stood up.

"Camila sister Sofi lives in the area. She has been looking for Camila for years. Look what I am about to tell you guys is going to make all of you mad at me for not saying anything, but Camila threaten my entire family life and she already killed someone once" now that grabbed everyone's attention.

"Dinah what the hell is going on" I yelled, I was getting very on edge about this situation. "Well Camila moved here shortly after graduation. We had met before at a music camp and agreed to move in with each other. I had no idea why at the time, but she was in a rush to move. After some time of living together her sister came to the apartment one day while Camila was out" Dinah paused and took a deep breath.

"Sofi asked me for a Karla and I had no idea who that was. She noticed that I didn't know and told me Camila's full name and it started to click. Camila told me she hated her first name and would never tell anyone. Well we sat and talked and she told me that the police had been looking for Camila for a while now, after her graduation their mom had went missing and is yet to be found. While telling me what happened Camila came home and lost her shit at the sight of her sister and told me she would kill everyone I loved if I said a word" Dinah stopped and looked at us all. I was understanding of why she didn't say anything, but I was still mad.

"We need to find Sofi she is the only person that knows anything else about Camila before here" I said as I walked to my office. Everyone followed and I started making calls to find Sofi and hopefully she could help us find Camila.

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu