Chapter three

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Lauren's Pov

"Lauren Wake Up!" I open my eyes to see Ally looking down at me. I groan and look over at the clock, it's 7:30. Shit I do not remember hearing my alarm clock, I look over at it and it is blinking, it must have shut off.

"I am sorry Ally" I say while grabbing some clothes. "It's okay, just hurry up. We got a lot of work to do before Ms. Gibson gets home, she really does not like people there when she is" Ally says. Man this woman is weird, I rush to get ready in 10 minutes and we rush out the door.

Once we arive I can not believe what I am see. This condo is huge, I get out of the care and Ally pulls me towards the door. We manage to make it on time with only a few minutes so spear. We get to the gate and there is a tall man with long hair is standing at the door, he greets Ally with a smile and starts flirting with her, Ally is completely blushing. He stops talking to Ally once he realizes I am standing there.

"Hi, you must be Lauren. I am Alex, Ms. Gibson driver" he says with a big smile. "Hi, how do you know my name?" I ask with curiosity. "Ms. Gibson sent out an email with a picture of you so we know who you are" he says. She sent out my picture, how did she get that information.

"Do not freak out, she did that to Ally and I too. She likes to know who is working for her" Alex says which makes me feel a little better. He gives me a badge before we walk into the house and lets me know that I need it to get into the house. Ally and I walk inside and I can't help but notice how nice the place looks. Everything seems like it is in a certain order, this woman enjoys her order of things.

"Okay, Lauren I got a few rules to go over with you before we start. First there is a sheet in the rooms to explain how clothes, bed, and house should be done. Follow those closely, she is really picky about these things. Second stay out of her office and the room at the end of the hall, she has a certain person come in and clean those two rooms. If you ever meet her, call her by Ms. Gibson or Ma'am, nothing else. Last make sure you are out of the house by 8" Ally says with a very serious face. I nod my head and Ally then tells me I can clean her bedroom. 

I walk in and it is very nice room, She must really enjoy the color blue and green, a lot of her room is made up in those colors. I walk over and see the sheet on how to make the bed, she has very nice silk sheets. I make the bed and move over to the closet where her fresh laundry is sitting out. I read the sheet for her clothes and almost lose it.

I require my cloths to be hung by the color organization you see and by shade. My button ups should be hung up together and shoes should be split up by dress shoes and tennis shoes. Socks should follow color organization in the second dresser and my watches need to be grouped together by brand. My ties have a number on the back of them that match a number in the dresser. Match the numbers and make sure the ties are folded the correct way.

Ms. Gibson

I laugh and put the note back down, man this woman is crazy. Who needs all of this done just for their clothes. I follow the sheet anyway and finish cleaning the room. Before I exit I notice she owns a lot of boxers and briefs. I remind myself to ask Ally about it later. I walk out into the hallway and decide why Ally is busy I would look around. All of the rooms in the house are very organized and nice, only one of them looks like someone could have stayed in there. I walk out of the room and come across the room at the end of the hall. I look to see if Ally is near and when I see she is not around I put my hand on the door handle. I try to turn it and it is locked. Of course it is, before I can examine the door more, Ally calls for me. I rush downstairs and she tells about other rooms I need to clean.


I never thought cleaning could be so hard, this woman has some picky standards. Ally and I finished at 7:30 and are now heading back home. I figured Ally would stay and chat with Alex, but he was gone once we left.

"Ally why does this woman own so many boxers and stuff?" I ask. She lets out a small giggle "you have not looked her up yet, it is pretty common knowledge that she is intersex. She claims if very well and I am sure it is why women throw themselves at her" Ally says.

"She is not dating anyone" I ask. "No one really knows, I have never seen any signs that someone stays there, except the one bedroom. That couldn't mean anything, she is close to her  family and they visit often, especially her best friend Maria she is there pretty often" she says. The conversation stops there, because we were now home.

Once we get inside we are greeted by Camila. She talks to us about her day and tells us about hers. She was acting kind of strange like she was nervous and I soon figure out why. "Hey, Lo would you like to go out with me this a date" she ask. Camila use to have a big crush on me in high school and it never went anywhere, because by the time she told me she was leaving for New York. I feel odd saying no, especially with Ally watching closely, so I say yes. I can give her a chance, I know she really likes me.

After talking for some more I chose to head upstairs and watch a movie in my bed. Once I open my laptop I see a notification in my email. Its from Ms. Gibson and I do not know why, but I get nervous.

Dear Ms. Jauregui,

I hope you enjoyed your first day, I know my rules seem very strict, but I enjoy things being done my way. I have wrote you to inform you that Ms. Brooks has class early tomorrow and will not be coming in with you. If you need a ride, I can send Alex to pick you up at 7:30.


Gibson Inc

Well that is very nice of her, I guess I can take the ride, I decided to email her back.

Ms. Gibson,

I would love the ride, as long as it is not too much trouble for you. Thank you and you can call me Lauren.

Lauren Jauregui

As I am about to exit out of my email I get another notification from here.

Ms. Jauregui,

It will be no problem to have him come, he will be there at 7:30, if you have any questions about anything in the house please feel free to contact me since Ms. Brooks will not be there. Be on time as well Ms. Jauregui, I will need Alex by 9 and I do not like to be late.

Ms. Gibson

Gibson Inc

She is so formal, Instead of emailing her back and telling her that I turn on netflix and decide to watch a horror movie till I fall asleep. Before I get into bed I make sure to set an alarm on my phone and alarm clock, I can't be late tomorrow.

A/N the man in the bottom right is Alex.

Ms. Gibson (You and Lauren) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu