03 | Taming Royalty

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taming royalty

Then you better find a way to run, princess. When I least expect it.

The words ring through my mind, encouraging me, giving me hope that I can run from Aiden.

I glance at Aiden in the driver seat. He seems relaxed. Calm, even.

It's always calm before the storm.

As if he knew I was staring, he smirks. I quickly look away.

"You told me it's rude to stare, but this is the third time I've caught you staring, princess."

I clear my throat, concentrating on the black tinted windows. Were they bulletproof? Were these windows as black as his soul?

All these questions are giving me a headache.

I glance at him sheepishly, "I'm sorry."

"I never said I didn't like it," his deep voice says, obviously amused.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "So why'd you point it out then?"

He shrugs, "To make you uncomfortable."

"Well, you succeeded," I comment, focusing on the passing scenery.

"Why are you looking out the window... when the view is great over here?" he asks.

I blush. How big was his ego?

I smile, "The view's great out here too. I don't mind."

Aiden hums in response. The car is silent.

He puts his hand on my lap. I freeze. Glancing at him, he seems focused on the road, his expression blank and his demeanor is casual.

"How long are we staying in Paris?" I speak up.

"A couple days," he responds.

"Is Claudia and Jordan coming with us?" I continue.


I don't like his short, unspecific answers.

I clear my throat, "Why did you take me? I could've stayed back at the hotel—"

Aiden cuts me off, "They would've found you there."

I shut up instantly.

He hums to a song I don't recognize. That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep with his hand still on my lap.


"I'm traveling with a new companion."

"She's new."

"She's my business."

"I'll need a dress for tonight. Make it red," he pauses, "Dark red."

Aiden's conversation has me asking even more questions but I know if I ask, it'll piss him off. Was he talking about me? Who's he talking to? Am I his supposedly 'new' companion?

I need Claudia to keep me company. But as always, she's not here.

Aiden turns to see me staring and sends me a killer smile.

I smile back.

He continues his conversation without moving his dark gray eyes from me. I wonder what he thinks when he looks at me. How can he be so focused? What's so interesting about me? Why can't he look away?

I feel another headache coming. I seem to be getting those a lot with Aiden Giovanni around.

He hangs up and gets inside the driver's seat before starting the engine and leaving the gas station behind us.

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