12 | Michaelson Reunion

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"Where are we going?" Claudia mumbles in the passenger seat.

I glance at her, switching lanes and looking behind us for any followers.

"I don't know. Just driving for now, I guess," I respond.

She sighs, looking behind us to Aiden's sleeping body, "I know a place about twenty minutes away."

I raise an eyebrow, "Who's place?"

She shrugs, "An old couple. They'll take us in."

I nod and listen to her directions. She leads us to a small house with a large front lawn and a white fence.

"Claudia... who does this house belong to?"

She exhales, "My parents'."

I'm caught by surprise. I never met Claudia's parents in the three years we've been friends. She told me her aunt and uncle took her in when she was a freshman in high school for personal reasons.

"Are you sure we should?" I ask, walking up the steps, "I don't think they'll invite a bloodied man into their home. They might think we're running from the law and call the cops on us."

Claudia shakes her head, knocking on the door.

"They won't. I won't let them. Especially when I tell them I'm pregnant."

I nod, believing her. Not like I have a choice but this house is the only place we've got right now. The door opens and a woman in her forties appears. Her smile falters when her eyes land on Claudia.

"Oh my God," she breathes out, covering her mouth, "Claudia? Is it really you?"

She nods, "Hi, mom."

Claudia's mom hugs her tightly. Claudia's arms stay by her side. I give her a questioning look but she just shakes her head at me.

Claudia's mom pulls back, wiping her tears, "What are you doing here? Why didn't you call? Is everything okay?" She keeps throwing questions at Claudia, questions she doesn't have the energy to answer.

I glance at the car where we left Aiden. I wonder when he'll wake up.

"I'm Eleanor. Nora or Ellie for short," I introduce, holding out my hand, "I'm so sorry for the surprise visit but we're in need of some shelter..."

Claudia's mom nods her head frantically, "I'm Stephanie. Come in! Come in!" She pushes us inside and shouts, "Richard!"

Claudia sighs, irritation and weariness crossing her features. A man who I'm assuming is her father jogs downstairs and stops in his tracks when he sees his daughter.

"Claudia? My baby girl!" Richard hugs her and Stephanie follows after. Claudia looks at me sheepishly but I'm too focused on Aiden's wellbeing.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," I say, gaining their attention, "But we have a friend who's hurt and we need to bring him inside."

Richard and Stephanie exchange glances, "Of course. We're happy to help a friend of our daughter."

I nod and lead them outside to the car. I drag Aiden's body out of the car with Claudia's parents taking each arm. Aiden's body is heavy and it takes a lot of energy just to put him on the couch.

"Why don't you go shower," Stephanie suggests, "We'll watch over Aiden."

I nod, Claudia leading me to her bedroom, I'm assuming. She moves slowly and quietly, her mind elsewhere. She hands me a towel and some pajamas, laying down on her bed and closing her eyes.

I hesitantly make my way to the shower. I smell like shit, probably look like it too. The water relaxes my muscles, making me sigh in bliss. I put soap all over my body, disgusted by the dirt and blood that covers me.

I hear the door creak open and close. I know who it is. The shower doors open, revealing Aiden's dark gaze. I inhale sharply, covering my upper body. But surprisingly, his eyes don't roam down my bare body. He keeps his gaze on mine, his pupils dilated.

"Aiden," I rasp over the loud water cascading down me.

He slowly undoes his tie, not breaking eye contact. He's slow when it comes to his jacket and shirt after. He unbuckles his belt, letting his pants fall down to his ankles.

He still doesn't break eye contact.

The only thing left was his boxers which he wasted no time in taking them off and stepping into the steamy hot shower.

He doesn't touch me though, much to my surprise and slight disappointment. His large bicep moves behind me to grab the soap bar, putting it all over his hard chest.

I try my best not to look down. I can see the scar where the bullet pierced him and where I healed him. It looks bad but better than before.

He squirts shampoo on his hair, then starts washing mine. Aiden turns my body around so he can thread his fingers in my hair.

I lean into his touch, my back leaning on his front. One arm is washing my hair while the other slides down my arm and on my hip.

He's getting on dangerous territory.

I feel his lips on my neck and I gasp. His strong arms keep me in place. I snap my eyes closed, waiting for his next movement. Claudia's words come back to advise me.

Aiden's unpredictable.

He trails hot burning kisses down my neck and kisses my bare shoulder. I bite my lip to keep from moaning since Claudia and her parents are right next door.

He spins me around quickly, my heartbeat escalating fast. My chest heaves up and down and finally, his eyes focus on my chest and for the first time, I don't mind.

He cups the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I don't have to ask him what it's for, I know exactly.

It's an apology kiss. It's a welcoming kiss. It's a reunion kiss. It's a kiss where we've been waiting for since we met.

But somehow it also feels like a goodbye kiss.

I don't let that thought bother me though. I pull his neck down and run my fingers through his hair. He lifts my thighs up and pins me to the wall, starting his assault.

"Aiden," I gasp, digging my nails into his back, I'm sure they'll leave scratch marks.

"Let me," he demands lowly, his voice husky. "Just once."

And I let him.

I let him touch me. His hands as delicate for someone who beats people for a living.

I let him kiss me. For someone who uses words so verbally, he's soft and gentle. People like him bite hard, I'm aware.

I let him take me. A man who's as handsome as him would never go slow, soft, or gentle. They like it rough.

But I won't let him own me. For a leader like him, that will be the first priority on his list.

But for this one night, I'll let it slide.

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