11 | Hide Away

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hide away

Gunshots passes Claudia and I as we ran through the hallways. I hear men shouting out orders and demanding answers while women screamed for help.

I'm surprised Claudia can run while she's pregnant. She's breathing heavily but not sweating and panting like I am.

She looks left and right for clearance.

"This way!" She pulls my arm to an exit out back and pushes through. The cold night air flew past us as we ran.

I see black SUVS and men patrolling the hotel, surrounding the place. Claudia and I jump into a random car and she starts driving far away from the hotel of blood.

A body jumps onto the hood of the car, making us scream and Claudia turning the steering wheel, flipping the man off the car and speeding away.

"Wow," she breathes out in awe, "I just did a hit and run! On a body!" She laughs like a maniac and continues driving crazily.

I grip onto the door handle and my seatbelt for dear life, "Stay on one lane, please. We're not running away from Batman."

She snorts, "No. But we're running away from the bad guys, right?"


Claudia drives us to a crappy motel.

Correction; the car ran out of gas and flopped us to a crappy motel.

Claudia sighs, "How much cash do you have?"

I shove around and search the car. I open the glovebox and found a wad of cash, some fake passports and a gun.

Claudia nods in approval and shrugs, "That works too."

I smile and take out a hundred dollar bill and walk inside the motel. Claudia walks ahead of me with her chin high and her first couple of buttons undone.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I jog to her.

"Let me do all the talking," she orders.

An old man sits behind a counter when we walk in. He looks up when he sees Claudia and his jaw drops.

Claudia smirks mischievously, "A room with two beds please."

He nods, typing something in the computer. He coughs and scratches the back of his head.

"Uh, that would be a hundred fifty."

A hundred fifty for this crappy piece of shit?

Claudia giggles, swirling her hair, "We only have a hundred. Can it get any lower?"

No, but I think he can, I think to myself, disgusted.

Claudia presses her chest on the counter. The old man's eyes widen and he nods vigorously, handing her a key but not taking the money I held.

Claudia grabs my wrist and pulls me in the elevator. She buttons herself and stays silent in the corner.

"Are you okay?" I murmur.

She shakes her head.

The elevator dings and we step out. The place was rotten with pests everywhere. I'm sure I saw a rat giving birth and now I'm scarred for life.

I put the key in the key hole and turn the knob but it wouldn't open. I kick the door but it still won't budge. I use my whole body and shove the door open and succeeding.

I sigh in relief but frown immediately when I see the room. It has two beds, a dirty ripped couch and a small flat screen with a tiny refrigerator with mold around it.

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