16 | Sending a Message

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I wake up feeling empty. Also there was my hangover for stupidity having fourteen shots.

The phone call haunts me, still. It only rang once, but enough to bring shivers to my spine of who it could be.

Would he really call?

Claudia said he was close by... would he visit? Intrude? Surprise me?

The suspense is killing me.

I can't always assume he's nearby for me like he's planning on winning me back. It's not like he ever had me to begin with.

But there's some hope in me, the fairy tale part of me that believes he'll try harder. He won't give up until I'm under his thumb and wrapped around his finger.

A truck's horn shakes me out of my thoughts. I blink several times and come back to reality where the sun shines.

Claudia looks at me, "You've been busy thinking."

"Thinking takes a lot of brain cells to function," I say lamely. I don't make sense at times like these.

"How I know you're stressing is because you make no sense," she comments, casting me a slightly worried look, "Are you gonna be okay seeing your mom?"

I nod, hugging myself. "She's fine. Dad's with her," I add, "Step on it a little."

She hits the gas pedal and speeds her way through the oncoming traffic. Thank God for her driving skills, she should become a racer.

"So I spoke to my professors yesterday," she announces.

I check the weather on my phone and hum, "Oh yeah?"

Claudia nods, "Yeah. I plan on staying with my parents for a while. To catch up."

I glance at her, "You've spoken to them?"

She shrugs, "Short phone calls once a day. I just don't want to be alone right now."

I'm a little hurt by her words.

"I'm with you Claudia," I state, confused.

"You have other things to worry about than my abandonment issues," she doesn't look at me when she says that.

I bite my cheek to keep from saying anything. I turn up the radio to lessen the tense silence in the car. We decided to leave when the sun came down. My professors allowed me to take another break of mine. I guess they think it's a habit I make when really, I'd rather stay in school and drown myself in homework rather than deal with boys and friends and family.

All of a sudden, a black SUV comes speeding to my side and slams into us. Claudia's car swerves and the glass shatters, making me scream and cover my face. The car stops moving and I hear thunderous footsteps and talking.

I glance at Claudia in the driver's seat to see her head hanging down, her hair covering her face. She seems unconscious and non responding. The doors to both sides open and we're roughly dragged outside the car. The man lifting me up speaks to the other in Italian, I assume.

I'm shoved roughly into the back of the SUV. The first thing I hear before going to sleep is Aiden's name and shortly after, his voice.


I'm woken up by a slap to the face. My mouth opens in shock before it becomes fury to see a girl around my age in lingerie standing over me with an irritated expression.

"Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are?" I snap at her, rubbing my cheek.

She doesn't change her facial expression, I can easily describe her as ugly. "Boss wants you to shower and change. You're going to a room with your friend."

Before I can say anything, she walks out the room. I don't look at my surroundings. I see a camera in the corner and I don't want them to think I'm interested or anything. I do as she says and shower quickly. I change into some jeans and a long sleeved shirt to cover all exposed skin. Don't want to give the men any ideas.

I open the bedroom door and see bodyguards standing by. One of them introduces himself with a hard Italian name I can't pronounce and directs me to Claudia.

He opens the door to another bedroom and I see Claudia's figure laying on the bed.

I run to her, "Are you okay?"

Claudia's demeanor is calm. "Better than ever." she lifts up her shirt to reveal her bruised stomach. "It's not as bad as it looks. They gave me medicine."

I nod, laying beside her against the headboard, "What do you think's gonna happen?"

She exhales, "Black market, I guess?"

I laugh humorlessly, "Never thought I'd hear that again."

She bangs her head against the headboard softly. "We're damsels in distress," she scoffs, "So cliche."

Damsels in distress, the words ring through my head, reminding me of him. Funny how he's the one who pops in while I'm kidnapped that probably has something to do with him.

"I know what you're thinking," Claudia announces, "You're thinking of Aiden."

I sigh, "I've tried pushing him out of my head but it's sooo—" I groan in annoyance, gripping onto my hair, "—hard. He won't leave me alone!"

"Sounds drastic."

I roll my eyes. "Very deep," I say sarcastically.

"Sorry. Kinda worried about being raped and stuff in that category."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm an idiot."

"We're both idiots," she corrects and smirks, "Don't leave me hanging by myself like I'm the sane one in this friendship."

I chuckle.

The doors slam open, revealing three large men in suits. Claudia and I sit up straight at the sudden surprise. Two of them come to each side of the bed and lifts us up by our arms and brings us to the other man.

The man smiles, "Eleanor Holt and Claudia Michaelson. What a pleasant surprise."

I scoff, "Yeah, on your behalf."

The man chuckles lowly, "Oh, you sure are something. Must be why Aiden fancies you."

"Fancies?" Claudia laughs, "That's a new one. My girl over here," —she nods to me— "is quite the seductress."

I smirk at her comment. I don't know what she's doing but she's Claudia and I'll let it slide.

The men are silent until the middle one pulls a gun from his waist and points it at me.

I freeze.

He smiles, like he's not about to kill me.

"Don't worry," he says, "I won't touch any important organs. Consider this as a message and you're the package."

Then the bullet came and buried itself into my chest.

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