Chapter 1

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"Lucas! Time to get up buddy!" Dad shouts from outside my bedroom door, usually I would groan and tell him to leave me alone and let me sleep for twenty more minutes, who cares if I'm late for school, but today; today I'm eager to get up and excited, "If you skip another day of school you will be in big trouble!" He warns before I here the apartment door slam shut.

I jump out of bed feeling the cool air against my skin as I swing open the door and lean out the window sparking up a cigarette and feeling the smoke travel into my lungs before slowly exhaling the fumes. I see my dad, Harry, walk out the building entrance and hail a taxi, getting in and heading to work.

I know, don't even think about criticising me for smoking, I know all the Heath problems it causes but the damage is already done. I started last year, when I was fifteen now sixteen I'm hooked.

Knowing daddy, Louis, is already left to visit some book person for breakfast or something.

I styled my dyed purple hair into my usual quiff and put on my glasses so I can actually see, pulling on some red chinos and TOMS as well as a leopard print t-shirt and my favourite leather jacket.

Pulling my pre-packed bag out from under my bed, I fling it over my shoulder make my way out of the apartment grabbing my passport of my bedside table on the way.

Au revoir Paris.

Bonjour London.

I jog down the steps to exit the building looking for a taxi which is oncoming, "Taxi!" I shout spotting one about to pass me and waving my arm in the air for it to spot me, "Airport please." I say once I get in.

Half an hour later I'm walking into the airport terminal looking for the easyjet airline which takes me to London.

I'm not running away, not permanently anyway, and not because I'm depressed or abused or any of the cliché reasons but simply because I want to find my mum. If dad won't tell me, I'll find her.

Even if it means leaving everything I know.

I need to see her at least once.


Five hours and a taxi ride later I'm standing outside the gates to my uncles mansion in Central London, I press the button on the intercom and a familiar voice speaks.


"Uncle Li-Li! Open up!" I shout cheerfully into the intercom however there is a few seconds of silence before he responds.

"Is that?"

"Yep!" I reply and then he buzzes me in and I walk up to the front door to see my two uncles waiting for me.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Uncle Niall exclaims in confusion, with a frown to match Liam's.

"Nice to see you too!" I joke, "I'm here to find her." I say seriously walking past them and heading for the living room with them following behind me.

"Who?" Liam asks.

"Mum." I say causing Uncle Liam's frown to deepen.

Uncle Niall sighs sympathetically, "Buddy, I take it your dads don't know you are here then?"

"Not quite."

"Well if you're staying, we best have a spare room made up then." Uncle Niall says looking at Liam who appears to want to protest, "Would you rather him here or in some dodgy hostel?" Niall argues causing Liam to groan in defeat.

I smile but look around only to notice someone is missing, "Where's Georgie?" I ask and Uncle Liam smiles at the childhood name.

"At his friend JJ's house, three houses down the road." Uncle Liam smiles knowing I would want to go and see him. "Go!" He instructs with a chuckle.

I make my way over hearing some noise coming from the small house's garage. I stand outside the door and can hear what sounds like a band performing, but George doesn't sing...

"So you'll know that
I'll carry you, I'll carry you, I'll carry you
So you'll know that
I'll carry you, I'll carry you, I'll carry you"

They finish up and I let myself in, "Georgie, you never told me you could sing!" I exclaim and my childhood friend whizzes round on the spot to look at me when he hears my voices.

"I-is that...?" He asks with confusion an I stick my tongue out at him, "Oh my god!" He exclaims running over and wrapping his arms around me and I do the same, embracing him in a hug. "You've changed!"

"How so?"

"Well." He says with a smirk, "Your hair is bloody purple, what happened to the sweet little brunette?! You have a lip piercing and an industrial bar for Christ sake."

"Don't forget tongue!" I interrupt, sticking my tongue out a him to show the bar.

"We text nearly everyday, yet you never told me any of that stuff, what else don't I know?" He asks actually sounding a little hurt.

"What about you, singing like that!" I retort defensively, I sigh knowing he's right, "I'm still me, same guy, same best friend, only maybe one thing you don't know about..."

"Which is..."

"I smoke have been for about a year."

"Ok." He says simply then turning back to his friends. His back to me.

"So erm, I guess I'll go." I say awkwardly, letting myself out of the garage, pulling out a cigarette ad sparking it up.

I look around wanting to find something to do, I don't want to go back to sit awkwardly with my uncles. I head right and keep walking.

Eventually I stumble upon a small cafe and I let myself in, I walk up to the counter and ask for a coffee ad croissant, taking a seat by the window and radiator.

Halfway through my cup of coffee I hear some laughing from a group of guys coming into the cafe and sitting down on the opposite side of the cafe.

It's George and his friends.

George looks round and spots me, smiling sympathetically, he leaves his friends and comes to sit next to me.

"So tell me," he says, "Why are you here?"

"I'm going to find my mum." I tell him and he sighs as did my uncles.

"And your dads are ok with that?" He asks in disbelief, he catches on when I don't respond, "You actually did it?!" He exclaims, "You got on a plane and flew here yourself!"

I often spoke to George about wanting to do what I have done, I don't think either of us actually ever thought I would do it.

"Why'd you never tell me you could sing?" I ask him, honestly surprised by how talented he is.

"I never really did it seriously until recently, got together with the boys and we want to pursue it, start doing gigs together." He tells me fiddling with a packet of sugar.

"Georgie, your dads own a record label, you guys could be huge!" I tell him, I don't see why he hasn't spoke to them about it yet.

"I want to be successful because we earned it, not because of who my parents are." He says timidly not looking at me.

"How are you going to do that?"


I laugh, of course following in the parents footsteps, "You don't see a problem with that?" I say spotting an issue.

"Which is?" He asks unsure.

"Uncle Zayn is a judge on it now!" I point out like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I know but by the time he sees us he can't do anything, just need to keep it quiet." He replies, not wanting me to mention it to any family member.

"Ok, I get it!"

"What hotel you staying at anyway?" He asks.

"Hotel de Li-Li et Niall!" I say enthusiastically and he rolls his eyes.

"Course." He says, I'm not sure whether he's happy about it or not, "Do you want to meet the guys?" He asks with his usual bright, wide smile.

"No you get back to your friends, I'm going to go do a bit of shopping." I tell him and he frown slightly but smiles anyway.

We both stand up and start to walk out the door, "Hey wait dude!" One of Georgie's friends shouts at me.

"Lucas." I tell him.

"Lukey-Lou." George interrupts his friends teasing me with the name he and my dads used to call me when I was little.

"Lucas, are you the guy our wee George has been texting everyday since forever, who makes him blush constantly and is to shy to talk about?" The same guy asks me and I blush not knowing that was how George acted about me.

"I guess so." I say looking at George who is sitting next to one of the other boys with bright red cheeks.

"Then you have to come out with us tonight! So we can get to know you!" He offers with a genuine smile.

"Sure, but I need to go but some partying clothes then!" I tell them flashing a smile at Georgie who still isn't looking up, "Oh and he's my wee George!" I say before walking out of the cafe.

Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें