Chapter 17

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(Niall's POV)

"Zaynie!" I yell dumping my luggage on the floor of the ritz reception, sprinting across to my ex-band member. He spots me coming and drops his bag too, smiling comically knowing what's coming, I jump onto him wrapping my legs around him hugging him tightly.

"Fuck sake Niall!" He laughs, "It's only been a week!" He says patting me on the back as I jump down off him.

"Yeah and I have like fifteen years of hugs to make up for!" I exclaim.

"Hey." He says seriously, "It's all in the past forget it yeah?" I nod in agreement as he picks up his bag again and we walk towards my own luggage, "Where's Liam?"

"He's flying in tomorrow." I tell him, with a sad smile as we walk towards the elevator each of us pressing the button for our rooms.

"Things still tough?" He asks.

"No we're getting better. He had some work to finish up." I explain.

"I thought you two would be forever." Zayn replies sadly, looking down at the ground.

"Yeah well we're still friends so that's something..." I mumble, "Plus for George's sake we have to be."

"I know loads of divorced couples who can't even be in the same room as their ex."

I laugh, "Yeah but it's us." I laugh, "Too much has happened for us not to be besties."


After we had unpacked Zayn and I met up and headed over to Georgie's hotel, both standing outside waiting for who ever is inside to open the door.

After a brief wait George finally opens the door and we walk in, "Daddy!" He exclaims gleefully when he sees me giving me a big hug.

"Nice to see you too." Zayn laughs giving the boy a hug after he releases me.

"How's New York been?" I ask perching myself on his bed.

"Up and down." He replies honestly taking a sip of water.

"Why what's wrong?" I ask and he throws me some trashy celebrity magazine.


(Zayn's POV)

"What's wrong?" I ask Niall who studies the magazine and the story inside.

"Jake's back." He answers dryly.

"As in..." I pause, "Austin?"

"Yep." Niall sighs.

"He got it on with Lucas." Georgie tells me laughing slightly, "Wait what do you mean back?" He asks curiously.

Niall looks at me and nods knowing I'm debating wether to tell my nephew the truth or not, "He... He split Louis and Harry up." I tell him dryly, "He even had a brief relationship with Harry."

George bursts out laughing like it's the best thing he's ever heard, "Oh my god that's brilliant!"

"Has anything else happened?" Niall asks his son.

"Uncle Louis and Harry gave me a bit of grief about getting back in contact with Lucas." He tells us.

"What they're in New York?" I ask.

"Yeah... I kind of bumped into them on the street and they forced me to get a coffee with them." He answers hesitantly as if trying to word his response right, almost as if he's leaving something out.

"Do you want to?" Niall asks knowing the impact Lucas once had in his son's life.

"Yeah it could be nice to see him..." I interject, "I haven't seen him since he was a baby."

Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now