Chapter 23

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"My baby." A scared father cries at the side of his son, running his hand through the boys soft hair, kissing his forehead lightly with tears dropping from his cheeks.

The faint sound of the machines beeping surrounding the sobs of broken parents, after the paramedics declared the boy dead a faint, small heartbeat was found. He's a fighter. Not going without a fight. Currently in a coma the boys chances of waking up have been declared slim to none but the parents understandably refused to switch off life support; wanting to give their son that chance. The chance to fight for what is his. His life. His love. Him.

Zayn looked over the boy as he lay in the bed, unmoving. His face tore and scared from scrapping against the road, part of his head bandaged from shattering the windscreen, his left leg in a cast and stitches in the deep cut on his arm.

Zayn feels guilty. He missed all those years when both boys were growing up and now he may never have the chance to fix things. "Shall we give JJ and..." He sighs unable to finish knowing that the accident could have been much worse, "Let them have some time with him."

Niall nods; wiping away his tears, "Yeah." He says slowly, "Let them say their bits."

"Imagine if it was both of them." Louis announces, mainly speaking out loud to himself.

"I can't." Harry says, "This is bad enough."

"He'll wake up." Liam says, speaking for the first time, frozen in shock at seeing the young boy lying there.

"Li..." Niall says calmly, squeezing his ex's hand, "You don't know that." Niall sighs, "You heard what the doctor said."

"Well let's concentrate on looking after him yeah?" Louis asks feeling rather helpless unsure of what to say or do.

Each of the five men kiss the boy on the head saying a small goodbye because wether they like it or not it may be the last chance they have to say it. They all walk out into the waiting area seeing two scared and upset boys sitting waiting. Waiting for the unknown.

"How is he?" JJ asks standing up when seeing the men walking out of the hospital room.

"Not good." Niall answers bluntly. "He um... He may not..." He breaks down unable to speak any more bursting into tears. Liam quickly tried to comfort him wrapping his arms around Niall despite him hitting to try and escape but soon welcoming the embrace.

"Just remember that this moment is key." Zayn says taking over from Niall as Louis and Harry walk out both unable to face the truth, "The likelihood is that he won't wake up. So it may not be a bad idea to say any last things that you need to say."

The boys nod shakily walking into the room standing by the door listening to soft and slow beeping of the life support machines.

"You two were meant to be together. He'll wake up." JJ says as the other boys gives a soft chuckle.

"We'll be together." He responds stepping closer to the unconscious body. "Maybe if I had of been a few seconds earlier or later he wouldn't be in this mess."

"You can't blame yourself for this." JJ says confidently.

"Or maybe if I had been honest from the start." He says.


"No." He interrupts, "This is my fault." He sighs, "I love you but it seems like the universe is telling us we can't be together. Lukey-Lou and Georgie, we will be together and I know it."

"You will be." JJ says.

"Lucas. I'll see you soon." George says kissing Lucas' lips lightly, it's not the lips he remembers. Cold and stiff not soft, warm and gentle. George stands up leaning against the table top.

JJ watches his best friend seeing the pain he is in, killing him inside. He notices George slip something in his jacket pocket but not questioning it instead allowing George to do what he needs to do.

George breaks down quickly after saying his bit, running from the room leaving JJ alone running past his parents and uncles, running away.

JJ sits with Lucas thinking over something George said; 'I'll see you soon.' Then slipping something in his pocket. What did he mean? What did he lift? Was it?

No. He quickly pushes away any negative thoughts. George is troubled but not that badly; but what if he is? Oh god. JJ thinks quickly runs out of the room, "Where's George?" He calls to Liam and Niall.

"He went that way?" Liam asks feeling slightly startled by JJ's attitude.

"Get a doctor now!" He yells running in the direction that Liam pointed.

Running past patients and nurses he looks for George unable to spot him he starts checking empty rooms. Confused and scared he runs his hand through his hair. He hears the clanging of some metal behind him and he spots a janitors closet with the door left open slightly, he tries to push it open but something is blocking the way.

He pushes harder and it slowly gives way, "George!" he calls managing to slide I through the crack; kicking a table of metal bowls and surgical kit out of the way so he can open the door fully. It's dimly lit so he flicks on the lights seeing George collapsed on the floor with a bloody scalpel between his legs and a pool of blood slowly building.

"George!" He exclaims, dropping to the boys side, picking him up in his arms noticing the deep slashes across both wrists with blood pouring out. JJ quickly grabs towels from the counter applying pressure to his wrists, "George I need you to wake up!" He pleads, "Help! I need help!" He yells.

"He's in here." He hears Liam say from outside the closet. "Oh fuck." He says stepping in seeing George unconscious in JJ's arms as he rocks the boy back and forth.

The doctors quickly pile in applying bandages to his wrists and placing him on a bed and wheeling him away.

A shellshocked Liam and emotionally deteriorating JJ walk back to the waiting room received by a panicked Niall. "W-w-who's blood is that?" He asks nodding to the blood covered jacket JJ is wearing and the patches around his knees from kneeling in the blood.

"He... George slit his wrists." JJ answers shakily looking at his hands; stained with the blood of his best friend.

"What's going on?" Louis asks walking back in with Harry just behind him, seeing the three men standing speechless and blood stained.

"My baby tried to kill himself." Niall sobs, falling to his feet.


"Georgie?" A soft voice asks amongst the darkness, "Open your eyes for me baby." The voice says again.

George does as he is asked seeing bright white light, no features. No walls, no floor, no ceiling. It's a weird feeling he finds. He doesn't feel himself, he doesn't know how to describe it. He just doesn't feel like a person anymore.

"You need to wake up George." The voice calls again, it starts to sound more and more familiar.

George spins on the spot trying to find who was speaking to him but there is no-one, "Lucas? Is that you?" George calls into the emptiness, "W-where am I? What happened?"

"Turn around."

George instantly spins seeing the boy he loves standing right in front of him, his chocolate hair perfectly in position, his pale skin free from any scars and cuts. "Babe!" George exclaims taking Lucas in a deep embrace.

"You need to wake up." Lucas instructs by whispering in George's ear.

"No, I'm never leaving you again." George retorts, "I love you!"

Lucas rests his head against George's, "You know I'll always love you. Always have and always will." He pauses, "But you need to..."

Lucas stops, placing his lips softly against George's. Kissing him softly, no lust, heat or eagerness; instead love and passion and patience. Lucas pulls away slowly from the kiss, smiling slightly.

"Wake up."

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