Chapter 15

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(Lucas' POV)

"Lucas..." Sarah wines as I drag her down the street towards our school, "We're off on our holidays, why do we have to go in to school!"

"Because... We have a shit load of coursework and we both left our folders there." I explain despite her already knowing it. We swiftly reach the school building, "Hey Michelle!" I shout to the receptionist who smiles.

"Oh Lucas!" She shouts back as Sarah and I pass towards the elevator, "Some guy was on the phone trying to find you asking where to find you and for a number. His name was Jay or something like that."

"Did he say what he wanted?" I ask I'm confusion.

"No he just left a contact number." She says trying to find the paper on her desk with the number on it.

"Just chuck it, guy sounds like a creep." I tell her walking in with Sarah to the elevator.


(Josh's POV)

"So did Jaymi tell you who we say in Prada the other day?" I ask JJ as we sit in Central Park eating some sandwiches.

"No who?" He asks curiously taking a bite out of his BLT.

"Lucas freaking Tomlinson." I tell him gaging slightly in his name, upon hearing his name JJ spits out the sandwich in his mouth.

"Are you kidding?" He exclaims in shock, "I've been trying to find him since we got here!"

"You knew he was here?" I ask astounded by his reaction.

"I ran into his dads a month or two ago." He explains, "They said he moved here not long after he returned to Paris, he's in some art school. I phoned there to try and find him but they wouldn't give me any details."

"What! No, no, no." I exclaim, "Georgie can't see him, not now not ever."

"Why?" he asks, scrunching up the sandwich rapper.

"George hates him. He's furious about what happened, he never wants to see him again!" I ramble in panic.

"Your jealous." JJ states looking at me and as I go to respond he cuts me off, "No, it goes further than that. You're worried. You think that if Lucas is back that means your out, Josh, he loves you, he's engaged to you!"

"But you didn't hear him going on about his feeling for Lucas when he first came back." I argue, knowing it sounds pathetic. "Please, for me don't tell him."

"You know Lucas will come up at some point." JJ whispers, "it may not be now it may be in years to come, when he is reminiscing about his younger years, Lucas was too big a part in his life."

"Well, I'll prolong it as long as possible." I tell him sternly.


(George's POV)

I decided not to question JJ, there's was no point; mainly because I was too tired and also because I was confused.

What does JJ want with Lucas?

He's no longer a part of our lives he's dead and buried in the past.

Perplexed I sit down on a bench opposite the warner bros centre, watching the march of boring business men wondering down the sidewalk. Suddenly in the mix of grey and black suits bursts out a colourful, gleeful girl, her long hair bouncing as she laughs and jumps up and down. Leaping down the sidewalk after her a boy appearing to be of the same age as me in tight jeans, baggy shirt and beanie with doc martins laughs loudly, shouting "Sarah!" After her. His face is hidden from me but something about the boys care free nature appeals to me, a feeling of familiarity and nostalgia.

Soon enough the pair disappear around the corner, and that happy feeling disappears with them.

I get up and walk in the opposite direction, passing so many people and shops pausing outside an off licence, debating with myself wether to go in or not. Giving up I browse through all the wines and beers ending up at the vodka. I've never been a big vodka drinker but nevertheless I pick up a bottle and pay for it; screwing the lid off as I walk out the door. Taking a big gulp of the drink, cringing as it burns my throat but drinking more anyway.


(Josh's POV)

We are all sitting in the hotel room, except for George, watching some American TV. Some show about people being naked in the wild and having to try and survive.

*Bang Bang Bang*

All our heads turn towards the door, I get up and peer out the peep hole trying to see who's there, whoever it is covering it.

I cautiously open the door seeing Georgie who stenches of alcohol, leaning against the doorframe with his head, I open the door further and he falls onto the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh my god are you ok?" I shriek.

He starts giggling, "I think I'm drunk." He mumbles, "Am I standing up?"

"Why are you drunk?" JJ asks getting of the bed and helping me to lift George to his feet.

"I saw someone, he looked li- he looked familiar." He slurs, all boys stare at me.

"Why did that make you want to drink?" Jaymi asks with worried tones.

"Because h-h-he left and that made me sad." George recalls. "I'm alllllll out of vodka..." He mumbles whist stumbling to the mini fridge grabbing the first miniature bottle of alcohol he sees.

I swiftly snatch it from him, "No more alcohol." I condemn causing him to pout, "Let's get you into bed." I say directing him towards the bed he and I share. After stripping him of excess clothing I firmly wrap the duvet around him kissing his forehead lightly doing my best to ignore the stench of booze.

Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें