Chapter 3

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So a very big special thank you to Krystal99 for creating such a fabulous cover for this story!!

Also hope you're enjoying the story



(Lucas' POV)

"Morning uncle Liam and Niall, me and George sorted everything out last night. Hi dads." I say taking a seat on the oversized sofa

"Lucas you scared me half to death!" Daddy shouts, "What were you thinking?!"

"We'll give you guys some space." Liam says walking out of the room with Niall, flashing a smile at me for good luck.

"I was thinking I wanted to meet my mum!" I yell back at him.

Louis rolls his eyes at me, "You could have just asked us about her!" He exclaims.

"Bullshit! I've tried to, anytime I have ever asked about her y-you either ignored me, told me to stop asking or point blank told me not to ask about her!" I retort, both their eyes widening at the word 'bullshit'.

"Don't you dare ever talk to me like that again!" Louis yells at me, "It's not easy for me to talk about her." Louis finishes more calmly.

"Why?" I say with confusion, thinking back to the story my dads told me when I was growing up.

Louis and Harry got together on New Year's Eve at midnight during the countdown, they wanted to have a baby so they asked Louis' friend to donate her eggs and womb for them, I was born and slowly they lost contact with the move to Paris.

"We may not have told you everything about your birth mum." Harry says from the corner with an apologetic look.



I wake up slowly, disappointed to see that Lucas isn't still next to me.

I feel horrible, the stench of stale booze from last night lingering on my clothes, I strip down to my boxers and pull on my dressing gown and tied the belt around my waist securing the dressing gown in place.

I walk out of my bedroom and head towards the kitchen, feeling a craving for a very big bowl of coco-pops, both my dads are sitting at the breakfast table sipping at their mugs of tea talking in hushed voices.

"Morning." I say walking on and taking a bowl from the cupboard. "Where's Lucas?"

"Talking to his dads in the living room." Daddy Niall say with a smile, pushing out a chair for me as I pour milk over my cereal.

"Oh he's on the phone then?" I ask.

"Nope, your uncles flew over." Daddy Liam says, "I know we never really talk about your adoption but you know if you ever had any questions we are right here to answer them, you don't need to go on some mad scheme to try and find your birth parents."

"I know, I just I figured that they did what they did wether they wanted to or not they gave me up for adoption and I ended up with two great parents who I know love me so if I ever did see my birth parents I wouldn't feel any need to start a relationship with them, just to say thank you to them for making the right decision." I say taking a big scoop out of my cereal, "Plus I have that many memories of the different foster carers I've been through I never knew my mum and dad so it would be kind of hard to find them."

"We love you so much." Daddy Niall says placing his hand over mine.



Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now