Chapter 5

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(Lucas' POV)

"L-L-Lucas... He-help me p-please." Georgie begs through the phone, I immediately lunge forward from my position lying down on the bed.

"What's wrong? Where are you?" I yell down the phone, my heart racing trying to figure out what is wrong with him.

"Alleyway o-on John Street." He stutters down the phone before the phone cuts off going dead.

I scramble off the bed and sprint to my Uncles' Bedroom, "Wake up, we need to get to Georgie! He's in trouble!" I exclaim bursting through the door causing them to jump to attention.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Uncle Liam asks getting out of bed with a look of panic.

"He, he phoned me begging for help, he's in an alley on John Street?" I say hoping they know where it is.

"I'll get the keys, I'll meet you's in the car." uncle Niall says getting up and searching the room for the car keys.

Uncle Liam and I run outside to the car getting in and wait for Uncle Niall who arrives shorty after, "What did he say after he told you where he was, did he say what was wrong?" Uncle Niall asks me as we make it into the main road, going slightly faster that the speed limit allows.

"He didn't get the chance too, the phone cut out." I tell them as we continue to drive, my whole body filling with dread with each passing second.

"Here's John street." Uncle Liam tells me as we take a left down a strange street, I spot an alleyway at the same time as uncle Niall, the car slows down and I jump out before it stops and I sprint down the alleyway. "George!" I scream out hoping he'll respond.

He doesn't.

I turn right in the dimly lit alleyway, littered with bin bags.

"Guys hurry down here, I found him!" I yell to my uncle spotting George, lying naked on the ground, beaten and left in a pool of his own blood.

I sprint over seeing he is unconscious; pressing my fingers to his neck feeling the faint beating of his heartbeat, I wrap one of his arms around my shoulder gently tucking my hand under his other arm, using my other arm to go beneath his knees and pick him, making my way back quickly to the car.

"Take us to the hospital." I scream once I climb into the backseat with George reaching for the blanket next to me to cover George and keep him warm, feeling the cold chill of his bare skin.

"I-I-is he ok?" Liam asked me, not able to deal with the state his son is in.

"He's breathing. Barely."


When we finally got to the hospital doctors immediately rushed Georgie away from us, too look after him, leaving my uncles and I to sit in silence and wait for the doctor to come out.

Hours pass and still no news, eventually George's doctor, a tall balding grey hair man, come out to us, "Lucas can you give us a minute?" Uncle Li asks.

"No I want to help him, but to be able to help him I need to know what's wrong!" I retort and he sighs nodding at the doctor.

"First of all, George is going to be fine. There won't be any physical lifelong altercations of what happened." The doctor says positive and we all breath a sigh of relief, "We can't be 100% positive about what happened however from his condition he can tell that he was unwilling-fully sexually abused, from the tearing around his anus and from sperm found inside of him." The doctor informs us regrettably.

"He was raped?" Niall asks as if he can't believe.

"Yes but as well as sexual abuse there was significant physical abuse as well such as bruising around his ribs and waist, his nose was badly inflicted and a head injury which we have thankfully been able able to rule out any damage to his brain." The doctor tell us, "Where as he won't have any lifelong physical impairment, we will be in extreme pain for a period of time as well as finding it hard to walk which depending on the pain level he may need a wheelchair or crutches for a period of time to help him get around, also we recommend he see a councillor for the trauma he's went through.

"Thanks doctor." Uncle Liam says, "Can we see him?"

"Of course, though he's asleep now, I'd recommend letting him continue to sleep he may suffer from sleeping difficulties and nightmares."

The doctor walks away and we walk into George's room to see the damage caused, his head is bandaged as well as having severe bruising on his face, we all sit down beside his bed, I clasp my hand to my mouth in an attempt to drown out the sounds of my sobs as I break down at the sight of one off he most important people in my life being tested so poorly.

Uncle Liam slowly rubs my back in an attempt to soothe me yet I can't tear my eyes away from my best friend, wishing it was me and not him.


My uncles phone my dads telling them about what's happened, they arrive shortly after despite it being the early hours of the morning.

My uncles take my dads to the cafeteria to tell them exactly what happened.

I look at a sleeping Georgie, even though he's asleep I can see the pain in his expression, just the way his eyebrows are knitted together, I gently run my hand through his chocolatey hair, he starts to stir in his sleep, his eyes bursting open and the heart monitor increase dramatically.

"Shush, shush, it's me I'm here, you're ok, it's me Lucas." I tell him trying to calm him.

He tries to sit up but cries out in pain, "Don't move the doctor said you will be in a lot of pain."

He nods and stops moving, "I... D-do you know what happened?" He asks avoiding looking at me.

"The doctor told us." I tell him and he nods lightly, "I'm sorry."

"I didn't want it Lucas, I wanted my first time to be with someone I love who loved me as much as I love them, now- now he stole that away from me." He tells me behind to cry, tears gently rolling down his pale cheeks.

"He didn't steal anything. That... That wasn't your first time, that was an attack. You're first time will be special and perfect with the most amazing guy." I tell him and he forces a smile for me in a feeble attempt to say it's ok.

"Where's my dads?" Georgie asks.

"In the café talking to my dads." I tell him, "Want me to go get them?" I offer but he shakes his head.

"Can you tell me how bad it is?"

"Are you sure?" I ask feeling uneasy about the situation but he nods, "Ok, well you might find it hard to sleep and should consider talking to a specialist about what happened. You are going to be in a lot of pain for a while and might find it hard to walk so you might want crutches or a wheelchair for a while, you have a lot of bruising as well."

"Thanks, I guess." He says quietly, "I don't want to talk to a specialist."

"Babe, it might help." I say trying to persuade him.

"Can't I just talk to you? I trust you." He asks starting to cry again.

"Of course you can, you know that! It's just I'm not trained so what I could be saying to you might not actually help you."

"If it doesn't then I'll speak to a professional." He says looking up at me.

I nod and there's a knock on the door and I walks my dads and uncles.

"What's going on?" Liam asks sitting down next to me.

"I don't want to speak to a professional daddy." Georgie says as Niall rubs Georgie's legs causing him wince slightly.

"Bud, it's going to help you." Niall says kissing his son on the head.

"I'll talk to Lucas, he said it was ok."

"Did he now?" Liam says looking at me, almost glaring.

"For a while, but if it's not helping him then he sees a professional." I tell him and chews his lip lightly and nods.

"You should try to get some more sleep, I'll see if we can get an extra bed in here for us." Niall says standing up.

"No! You guys go home. I'll be ok to morning, maybe Lucas could stay?" Georgie quickly asks before his dad leaves the room.

"I don't know..." Niall says hesitantly.

"I don't mind, if it's what Georgie wants." I say and Niall smiles at me.

"Right ok, I'll see if a bed can be put in for Lucas." Niall says walking out of the room.

"Lucas can I speak to you outside for a minute?" Daddy Harry asks and I nod following him out of the room. "Be careful ok?"

"What do you mean?" I ask feeling confused.

"George needs a friend right now, anything else wouldn't be a good idea right now, he's been through something awful. Just be careful yeah?"

"You think I have feelings for George?" I ask shocked as to wha he's saying, "Even if I did I wouldn't be so stupid, obviously I wouldn't ask him out on a date five minutes after he's been raped!" I exclaim storming off and back into the room, smiling to George when I get back in.

"The nurse will be by shorty to put in a bed ok?" Niall says walking into the room with Harry.

"Try and get some sleep yeah?" Liam says kissing George on the head.

"Lucas, we'll see you in the morning ok?" Daddy Louis says.

"Night." George and I say as the adults all leave the room.

"Thank you." Georgie whispers sliding himself to the side of his bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Get in, your bed's not here yet." George demands sliding the duvet down.

I kick my shoes off and peel off my t-shirt. I undo my jeans and slide them off leaving me standing in my boxers.

I slide in next to Georgie and he rests his head on my chest and I wrap my arm around his shoulder kissing his forehead as he closes his eyes wanting to get to sleep again.

I close mine to, my mind drifting back to what Harry said to me. Thinking I had feelings for George.

He's my little Georgie, sure the thought of him going on a date nearly killed me, but that doesn't mean I was jealous because I wish he was going on a date with me does it?

All the memories we've shared together, the non-stop texting despite the time difference, the small glances, all the kisses, cuddles and hugs; all come so naturally to us but does it mean anything right?

Does it mean anything to him?

Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن