Chapter 7

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(Harry's POV)

After I left the boys at the hospital I headed back to Niall and Liam's house and go straight to the office to find Louis exactly where I left him.

His caramel locks in disarray, a large mug of tea by his side. Hunched over his laptop typing away furiously with his glasses on the edge if his nose.

"Babe, how's the new book going?" I ask pulling up a chair beside him.

"Shush. Working."

"Don't you fucking dare shush me!" I exclaim in shock of his behaviour, Louis doesn't say anything instead rolls his eyes and continues typing, "Whatever, be like that." I say getting up and leaving the room walking out the back door of the impressive mansion.

I close the door behind me, pulling out my box of cigarettes and placing on between my lips bringing the flame of my lighter to the end taking a deep draw and exhaling the smoke into the cool air around me.

I spot a small stone outbuilding hidden under some trees with a light inside, deciding to investigate a walk over the wet grass, coming to the door with an unlocked padlock hanging off it.

I slowly open the door leaning in the doorframe continuing to smoke in the open air, I look inside and see Niall sitting in an armchair a glass of whiskey in his hand, eyes closed.

"What you doing?" I ask causing Niall to jump and open his eyes spotting me in the doorway. I chuck the fag butt into a bucket near by and enter the room closing the door behind me.

"Oh it's you." He says taking a sip from his glass. "Liam doesn't allow alcohol in the house so if I want to drink I have to come out here." He says solemnly downing the rest of his drink and grabbing another glass filling them both up, one presumably for me.

"What does he expect? You're Irish!" I joke walking in and lifting my glass sitting down a spare seat.

"He feels it will tempt George." Niall replies dryly.

"You're kidding right... He's sixteen what does he think he does on a night out?" I ask in shock and disbelief.

"Georgie could and has come home completely pissed and Liam refuses to belief it's because of alcohol instead he thinks he's just being a giddy teenager." Niall says downing the drink.

"So what made you come out for a drink now?" I ask curiously.

"I told Liam I want us to see a couples therapist."

"My god, I always thought you guys had the perfect marriage, everyone could see that." I say shocked by his statement.

"Every couple has their skeletons and issues, I'm sure that you and Lou have your issues too." He responds pouring another glass of whiskey.

"That we do." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"Thought you quit smoking." Niall chuckles looking at me with a smirk.

"You drink, I smoke. Louis doesn't know." I tell him and he nods understandingly.

"Liam doesn't want to go to the police about what happened to George." Niall tells me, his dry tone returning.

"Are you kidding me?!" I exclaim in shock, "Why?" I question, feeling infuriated with Liam and his sheer audacity.

"He doesn't want the media stir up..." He sighs, "apparently we are too high profile and it will make things worse so instead a criminal gets to roam free and do the same thing to other boys. George neglected to tell us that the 'boy' he went on the date with was in his mid to late twenties."

"That's even more reason to go to the police!" I exclaim in shock, "Does George want to go to the police?" I ask calming myself down.

"No clue."

"He tried walking when I visited earlier." I tell Niall who looks up at me, "He could take a few steps with us holding him up but he had to lie down again, the pain was too much."

He rolls his head from side to side, sighing loudly. "This isn't like a scrape on his knee when he was wee, a magic kiss won't make this better for him."

"Depends on who kisses him." I whisper thinking back to Lucas, despite him saying he has no feelings romantically for George I can tell that their not just friends there's something more magical and strong between them.

"You've noticed that too?" Niall asks his mouth dropping open.

"I didn't until Louis pointed it out and now that he has..." I say taking a pause, "It kinda makes sense."

"Has anybody tried asking them?" Niall asks curiously.

"I spoke to Lucas but he said his feelings were strictly platonic." I tell an he nods understandingly, setting his empty glass on the table beside him. "He was genuinely shocked by what I was saying."

"Has Lucas came out, if he's even..." Niall asks hesitantly, raising his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Lucas..." I start to reply searching for the right words, "Lucas has never really 'came out' but instead just brought home whoever, he's more of a feelings is feelings kind of guy irrespective of gender." I tell him, "What about Georgie when did he come out?"

"He never did." Niall chuckles, "He never told us that the date was with a guy; we only found out because of what happened. Li and I had our suspicions though, he never brought anyone home, never went on dates and always got really defensive whenever Li and I asked if he ever wanted to bring anyone home." He takes a deep sign, shaking his head slightly. "I wish he could have felt like he could talk to us about things like that."

"I think you need to talk to him."

"You're right." He says standing up and lifting his coat.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to go talk to him." He says calmly pulling up the zip on his coat.

"Ok, remember to speak to him about the police too, make sure he knows it's his choice." I tell him and he nods flashing me a smile.

"Thanks." He says walking out the door.


(Niall's POV)

"Lucas could you give us a minute please?" I ask politely making my way into Georgie's hospital room, surrounded by the faint beeping of heart monitors and the noticeable smell of antiseptic.

"Sure." He says flashing me a smile and walking out if the room leaving the two of us alone.

"Erm... What's up?" George asks awkwardly shifting in his bed.

"I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things." I say perching myself at the foot of his bed.


"Have you been considering talking to the police?" I ask and his eyes widen in panic, "You don't have to, it's your choice. What ever choice you make your dad and I will support you every step of the way. Just make sure you know that what he did was wrong, and if you did speak to the police you could be protecting other boys who he could do the same thing to." I tell him and he sighs a breath of relief and nods understandingly.

"I know it could." He says with a noticeable increase in his breathing rate, "I- I just can't speak to them. Not yet anyway." He tells me.

"That's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with." I tell him.

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"How come you never told us you like guys?" I ask and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, unknowing of how to respond.

"I was never sure." He says gazing down at his hands.

"What changed that?"

"A boy." He says a faint grin appearing on his face as if a thousand memories all appeared at once within his mind, happy, cheerful memories all locked up for him, himself. Yet the fear of showing who he is and how much the memories mean still prevalent. "The best boy in the world."

"Do you remember before you came to us?" I ask.

"I remember feeling scared and alone." He tells me, his features softening relaxing into the now casual flow of conversation.

"Don't let a bad start keep you from winning the race, life will throw so many hurdles in your direction and you just have to keep jumping. In the end it doesn't matter how you got there or how fast but all that matters is that you made the most of your time. Don't let fear stop you."

"H-how did you know I was scared?" He stammers, chewing his slightly chapped lip.

"I see you there and I'm right back looking at that scared little four year old boy with hair so long I couldn't see his beautiful eyes." I tell him gently moving a strand of hair out of his face, "That little boy that I love so much."

"I love you too daddy."

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