Chapter 19

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(Lucas' POV)

A few days past and I got fed up waiting around knowing my Georgie was in New York and I could put things right finally.

Can I still call him my Georgie? He would probably object to it. I... I need to fix everything. I know I fucked up.

"Sir I can't give you any information." The concierge tells me.

"I'm not asking for his credit card information, his phone number or his... His address!" I complain, raising my voice slightly "All I want to know is what room is he staying in."

"I understand that sir." He tells me calmly, "That being said I am not permitted to give out that information."

"Ok... Ok... Can you even just tell me what floor they're on?" I ask pathetically, and he simple shakes his head, though he looks sympathetic.

"No Joshie... It's ok. I'm just going to chill out at the hotel today." A familiar voice says from afar, sounding slightly aggravated.

"Ok Georgie." Josh replies sounding forlorn, "I'm just starting to worry about you."

I stand and watch as Josh kisses George on the cheek and makes his eyes out of the hotel. I follow Georgie as he walk towards the hotel bar and sits at the bar.

I walk up behind him, "Is this seat taken?" I ask motioning towards the empty seat next to him.

"Vodka and coke please." Georgie says to the bartender, "Just leave Lucas." He says quietly.

"Sorry, can I see some I.D.?" The bartender asks.

"Shit..." Georgie mumbles, "Sorry... I've left it in the hotel room."

"I've got mine." I say going into my wallet and pulling out the I.D. I had made so I could drink. "His drink and a whiskey for me." I say flashing the bartender my I.D.

He nods and walks off to get the drinks, "How did...?" Georgie asks.

"I know a guy." I tell him and he rolls his eyes, "So I wanted to talk to you."

"I thought I made it clear I never wanted to speak to you." He says flatly after downing his drink. "Another he says to the bartender."

"Did your dad tell you I came to visit the night before we left?" I ask him.

"Yeah. He also said he told you to leave so try and pass that off as your reason; you could have at least kept your promise and came back for our audition." He says gulping down half of his next drink as I drink the first bit of my first drink.

"Yeah but do you know why I came to visit you that night?" I ask and he looks up at me blankly. "I went there to tell you that you mean everything to me."

"I already know that... Well thought I knew that." He says, a sadness in his voice as he waves at the bartender for another drink.

"No... Georgie. Not like that..." I tell him and scrunches his eyebrows together, "In m-my head I had this speech planned out to tell you that i couldn't be friends with you and I that I needed more because I was undoubtedly head over heels in love with you."

"Oh yeah?" He asks with an unbelieving smirk, "How'd that go for ya?"

"I saw you with your tongue down Josh's throat." I tell him dryly, "At that point I knew that we couldn't be together."

"Who put you in charge of making that decision?" George retorts with a dry laugh, "I'm pretty sure I should have had a say in that matter." He sighs, "Three shots of tequila." He says to the bartender who quickly brings them over and George downs them one after the other.

Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now