Chapter 13

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(George's POV)

With sunlight streaming in through the slightly ajar window my eyes slowly opened to another dreary London morning. The birds tweeting the same dull song, the same chill throughout my room and the same dull ache throughout my body.

"Morning beautiful."

"Arghhh!" I scream, lifting my pillow and whacking the intruder next to me in panic.

"Wow! Wow! Georgie it's just me." A voice similar to Josh's shouts in shock and distress. I stop hitting them with my pillow and look to see Josh laying next to me, the duvet fallen down to expose his bare chest.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I panic.

"Babe," he says with a look of confusion, "I stayed the night remember, we were watching a film, I got ready to leave and you asked me to stay?" He tells me wearily.

"Oh." I say unable to remember what ed telling me about, "Of course I remember, it's just you scared me." I lie to him with no recollection of last nights events. I get up out of bed after wrapping a blanket around my waist becoming aware I'm wearing no clothes. "I'm going to go to Lucas' hotel, try and make him talk to me." I tell Josh reaching for my t-shirt which I had previously discarded on the floor.

"Babe, what are you talking about?" Josh asks with a worried tone, his eyebrows rising.

"Lucas, he'll probably be leaving soon. I want to see him beforehand." I tell Josh, slipping in my boxers and jeans under the blanket. I throw my blanket back on the bed and fasten my jeans.

"George, sit down a second." Josh asks and I perch myself on the edge and he crawls over not bothering to cover his nude body, he gently places his hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling ok?" He asks.

"Fine why?"

"I-it's just Lucas left already, you know that. He left days ago." He tells me.

"N-no, he- what?" I respond unsure of what he's saying. "You're winding me up." I conclude, knowing there's no way he's being serious, he shakes his head in disagreement, "Stop it." I say starting to feel pissed off.

"Check your phone." He says calmly reaching over to bedside table for my phone, handing it to me.

I quickly type in my pass code and scroll through my messages, disbelief reins through me as I see texts from Lucas, he's actually gone, days ago.

"Knock Knock." My dad says as he waltz into my room, Josh scrambles to cover himself, "Hey, the deal was clothing was to be worn at all times and Josh sleeps on the floor." Niall says sounding disappointed.

"Did... Did Lucas leave?" I ask still not quite able to believe it.


(Lucas' POV)

I look around my box scattered room, the blank walls which once held posters as pictures of memories once past, one final picture remains, the earliest photo of George and I there is, the first day we met, curled up under a blanket watching an old Disney movie, sipping our hot chocolate.

"Are you going to take it?" Louis asks patting down the cellotape on one of the final boxes.

That picture has been on my wall since I can remember, George and I bonded automatically when we met, like our lives were on a course bound to intertwine, but not forever. The picture has always been a source of comfort for me, when I'm upset his cute cheeky grin makes everything feel better again even if it's only for a little time. "No, the picture belongs here, in this room on that spot, I couldn't move it."

Back Again (Sequel to Runaway To Paris Larry & Niam) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now