Living with Demi

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Jordan's POV
I was at a park with my friends getting high as a fucking kite. Brady wasn't lying when he sent me that text. He had a ziplock bag full of weed! "Dude so how did you get this again?" I ask him "All I had to do was sleep with the guy and he paid me with this. He was pretty cute too." Brady says taking a hit from his joint. Oh yeah guess I forgot to mention that Brady was bisexual. Tracy just found out she was gay and guess how she found out? Yep by sleeping with me! Make a straight girl gay check! "What a lucky guy!" I say as I swing my arm over his shoulders while he gives me a goofy grin. "Hey Jordan I dare you to kiss Tracy" he says "Done!" I say as I go over and kiss Tracy and she kisses back. She picks me up and lays me on one of the park benches and presses her body against mine making me moan. "I said to kiss her not have sex with her." Brady says as Tracy pulls back. "You owe me." I say glaring at her "What time babe?" She asks "Sometime after my Calculus midterm. I need something to relax me." I say chuckling as I feel my phone buzz.
Lacey😡👿: Jordan could you please come over. I need to talk to you.
I rolled my eyes "Gotta go guys the bitch wants to talk to me." I say "Sorry dude good luck." Brady says as he hands me a piece of gum. I took it knowing it would hide the scent of weed. I made my way to my sister's apartment and knocked on the door. "Hey Jordan." She says hugging me. Great now she definitely smells the weed. "Come in and sit. I have someone who wants to see you." She says. Weird she didn't mention anything about the weed. She usually does. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I looked around and the apartment looked normal. I went to the couch and took a seat. "Lacey why did you tell me to come over?" I ask her "Demi come on out." Lacey says as I see Demi appear from the kitchen. "Hey kid." Demi says she looked so different from when I last saw her. She now had long brown hair and she looked like a different person almost. She was wearing a casual outfit and still she managed to look flawless. "You haven't seen me in a year and all you have to say to me is 'hey kid'!" I say crossing my arms. "Sorry I love your hair I think it looks great!" She says I rolled my eyes. I had changed my hair it was now purple and aqua. But that was far from the point. "Don't change the Fucking subject. You said things weren't going to change! You promised me that nothing was going to change Demi!" I say getting angry. "Nothing has changed Jordan. I'm still the same Demi you know." She says "Bullshit Demi! We haven't spoken to eachother in over a year! And anytime we have something always comes up." I say "Okay who the hell are you and what have you done to Jordan? Cause the kid I know wouldn't try to pick a fight with me. She would've instantly given me a hug the moment I stepped out from the kitchen." Demi says "She grew up and realized that the person that she called a friend was just using her to go back to her pop star life!" I say "Okay Jordan that's enough. Look I called Demi over here in hopes that she could bring my little sister back." Lacey says "Well you're wasting your time because there's nothing that she can to do to make me change my ways." I say "Actually no she's not cause I have a plan. Lacey told me about your friends and how you've been partying and doing drugs and drinking. Well I've been down that road kid and trust me it gets you no where. And I'm going to make sure you don't go through the same shit I went through. So for the rest of this year or until you're back to normal. You are going to be living with me and I'm going to help you recover whether you want to or not." Demi says "You can't be fucking serious! What if I don't want to live with you?!" I say "Too bad so sad. Now go to your dorm room and come back with a suitcase of clothes. And I'm checking to make sure there aren't any drugs or alcohol." She says "I fucking hate you both! You're ruining my life!" I say as I storm out of the apartment. Just my Fucking luck!
Demi's POV
I sighed as Jordan slammed the front door. Damn the kid has changed a lot and I can't help but think that maybe if I wasn't so focused on my career that I could've helped her overcome this sooner. And I hated the way she looked at me when she saw me. It reminded me of the way I looked at her when we met for the first time. "Sorry about that Demi. I didn't know she would react that way." Lacey says as I shook my head. "It's fine I reacted the same way when my parents sent me to a treatment center. She's lucky we're not sending her ass to one." I say as Lacey chuckles. "You really think you can bring Jordan back Demi?" She asks "Lacey you're basically asking me to fix her and from experience I know that no one can fully be fixed but I will help her overcome this and I will get her to a point where she won't need alcohol or drugs or sex. I can promise you that." I say she nods "Thank you Demi for doing this. I know it's a lot to ask of you with you're crazy busy schedule and career I'm surprised you even picked up the phone." She says I shook my head "Are you kidding? I'd do anything for you guys. You're the ones who helped me get my life back. And now I'm gonna show Jordan how to live again." I say as I hear a knock on the door. "Speaking of the devil." Lacey says as she gets up to answer the door. A pissed off Jordan is revealed and along with her is a suitcase. "Alright kid load that up in my car. I'm checking it as soon as we are at my place." I say "Whatever." Jordan says rolling her eyes and going to my car. "Thank you again Demi." Lacey says "It's no problem Lace. See you later." I say as I head out to my car to help Jordan get her things in. We got in the car and I started driving to my place. The car ride was awkwardly silent. "Hey kid why don't you play some music." I say "No thanks I'm good." She says I sigh "You know this could be a really good opportunity for you. I mean you could get started on your music career." I say hoping that a spark of the old Jordan will hop out. "I stopped hoping I'd be a singer the minute you stopped responding to my texts." She says ouch that hurt. "Look kid I really am sorry. I honestly would love to drop everything and talk to you about your day but unfortunately in this industry you simply can't do that." I explain. "I get that Demi but would it have killed you to at least sent me a birthday card or something. I mean we live in the same city for crying out loud and you never even once dropped by to see my dorm room." She says getting frustrated. "I know I'm sorry kid." I say quietly "Whatever." She says staring out the window. I sighed as I turned into my street and parked in my driveway. I got out of the car and got to Jordan's suitcase before she could get to it. I searched through it and found nothing. That's when I saw that she had a backpack on. "Hand me the backpack." I say "What no!" She says "Jordan im the adult here now give me the damn backpack." I say getting agitated "Um excuse but I'm an adult as well. Can't I have some privacy." She shot back. "Well you're not acting like an adult Jordan! Now either you give the backpack or I'll take your phone away!" I say she rolled her eyes "Fine! Here! But you're not gonna find anything." She says handing me the backpack. I open the zipper and search through it. "I'm not gonna find anything huh?" I say holding up a bottle of pills. "I need those for my anxiety." She lies "Jordan these aren't anxiety pills. These are pain killers." I say "No they're not!" She says trying to grab them from me. "Fine keep them! Can we go inside now it's freezing." She says I nodded handing her backpack back to her. I opened the door and instantly I heard Batman running down the stairs. "Awww well aren't you a little cute puppy!" Jordan says huh I actually saw a little of the old Jordan when she said that. "Sorry we haven't met. Your mom has been too busy to introduce us" and there she is. I rolled my eyes as I got her suitcase inside. "Your room is upstairs. First door on the right. You can decorate later if you choose. I'm gonna get started on lunch." I say "Whatever." She says as she gets her stuff and brings it upstairs Batman following closely behind her. This is gonna be one long year.

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