Night Changes

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Jordan's POV
From Tracy😏💋: Hey babe you're coming tonight right?
To Tracy😏💋: Wouldn't miss a midnight skate session with you guys for the world. Just give me a few minutes. The Superstar is still up.
From Tracy😏💋: Okay but hurry up!
"Jordan?" I heard Demi's voice say my head snapped up as I quickly shut my phone off. "Yea?" I say as nonchalantly as possible. "What are you still doing up? Don't you have that English test tomorrow?" She asks leaning against the doorframe. "Yea I was just about to get ready for bed." I say as she yawns "Alright well Night kid I love you." I nodded "Night Demi." I say as I walked into the bathroom. I had my long board stashed in here so that I could make a quick exit. I stood on the toilet and opened the window that lead straight into the front of the house. I got my longboard and threw it down and then I got myself onto the roof shutting the window quietly. I got down to the ground surprisingly without hurting myself.

To Tracy😏💋: So you guys at the usual trail?
From Tracy😏💋: Yeah meet us there.
I smiled as I skated off into the darkness. I loved Midnight skate rides. The cold air hitting my face,The angry divers honking their horns at me as I skated in between lanes, and of course nothing beat the smell of fresh air especially after it had just rained. "Hey Jordan I was getting worried you wouldn't make it!" Mike says another kid that I had met in my English class. He provided us with the good stuff since he grows it in his backyard. "Are you kidding?! I need a night like this. Especially since the Superstar has taken full control over my life." I say frowning "Hey then it's a good thing she's not here. Everyone else is more along the trail getting a bonfire started. Come on I'll lead the way." He says as he starts skating down the hill and I follow close behind him. "Hey there she is!" Brady says swinging his arm around me already drunk. "Late as usual." Tracy says slurring her words. "Guilty as charged! Now where's the beer!" I say as they laugh and Drew passes me a can of bud light. I downed at least 3 cans before we decided to go to a skate park. We put the fire out and then made our over to the skate park that we had declared ours. "Hey kid I dare you to do a 360 spin off that ramp." Brady says "Easy watch and learn." I say as I skated my way to the ramp I skated between the two ramps until I got enough air and then I did the trick and landed it as all of them cheer. "Damn kid where'd you learn how to do that?" Tracy asks "Let's just say I ditched a lot my freshman year of high school and I always went to the local skate park." I say lightning a joint we did a couple more tricks and drank some more until we heard sirens and we saw flashing blue and red lights. "Shit we gotta get out of here!" Brady yells as everyone gets their shit and leaves. I quickly got my longboard and started following them but they were too fast. "Hey guys wait up!" I shouted "Sorry kid you're on your own!" Mike says as he hits a trash can with his board so that it slow me down. "Seriously Fucking asshole!" I yell as I tried to lose the cops I took many turns until a car pulled up in front of me. Wait that Nicky's jeep! "Get in." She says as I threw my board in her backseat and ran over to the other side. "Would you like tell me why you're being chased by cops at 2 in the Fucking morning?!?!" Nicky says panicked as we had just lost them. "Long story." I say just as my phone starts buzzing I took it out and read the contact name.
Superstar😒 "Great just my Fucking luck." I say "Here let me answer." Nicky says as we stop at a red light. "Hello. Hey Demi. Yeah I know it's late but listen we were having a late rehearsal and- Yes I understand. Yea I'll make sure she stays out of trouble. Okay thank you bye." She says as she hangs up and hands me back the phone. "Looks like you're staying at my place tonight." Nicky says breaking the silence. I nodded knowing I'll probably have to explain everything to her. She pulls up to her apartment building and we walk to her apartment side by side. As she gets her keys out and puts them in the keyhole I stand awkwardly beside her. "Get in and sit your ass down we are having a talk." She says opening the door I chuckle softly even when she tried to be intimidating she was still cute as fuck. I went in and sat on the couch. "Do you want anything? Coffee? Water?" She asks I shook my head "I'm fine thanks." I say "Alright then I'll shut up and let you explain." She says sitting next to me putting an arm on the couch so she could rest her head on it while she sat sideways on her knees. "Um okay. The real reason I'm staying with Demi isn't because of my grades." I say she nods "Figured. Demi wouldn't drop everything for some D on a report card. I mean she'd whoop your ass but she wouldn't drop everything." Nicky says as I chuckled nodding in agreement. "Yeah the real reason is because my sister called her asking for her help to bring the 'Old Jordan' back." I say "And by that she means?" She asks here comes the hard part I leaned forward and rest my elbows on my knees folding my hands together and picking something in the room to stare at. I ended up picking a picture frame of Nicky and a guy that looked to be her brother. "The old Jordan. Who didn't smoke,or drink,or hang out with bad influences and the Jordan who was dating her best friend and would never even think about cheating on her." I say bitterly. She sighs "Jordan you could've just told me. I would've understood." "No that's the thing the second I start opening up to someone the end up leaving me. Lacey went off to college,Demi went off to live her life,the people that I considered my friends left me to be arrested, hell even Alex left me right as I was about to propose to her. And in every single one of those instances it was always my fault because I got attached. At this point I'd be better off alone." I say as hot tears pour down my face. "Hey Jordan look at me." Nicky says as she leaned forward and grabbed one of my clenching fists. I flinched but I relaxed knowing that it was her. Once I had released my fist she slipped her hand into mine interlocking our fingers. She grabbed my chin gently moving my head to look her. I took a deep breath and got ready for whatever she was about to say. "I'm not leaving you. I know it's hard to open up to someone after you've been let down so many times. Believe me I know it's hard but I'm not going anywhere. And I can promise you that. Matt,Chris,Demi and I. We all care about you and we just want what's best for you. And I'm sure that's what your sister wants as well. Jordan I'm here for you okay. We're bandmates now and we're the only girls in the band so we need to stick together okay?" She says making me smile as I nodded. "Okay now come here." She says opening her arms as I fell right into them. I buried my face into her shoulder and just sobbed for what felt like hours. All the while she was holding me and letting me ruin her shirt. By the time I had stopped crying I was in her lap while she played with my hair absentmindedly. My eyes darted around her apartment. Everything about this place reminded me about her. The bookcase where I saw the titles of familiar book series like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. The vinyls of all of her favorite artists like Adele and of course Demi. Then my eyes drifted back to the picture of her and her brother and I wanted to know more about him. "Nicky?" I ask breaking the silence. "Hmm?" She hummed probably because I had brought her out of her thoughts. "Tell me more about your brother." I say curiously as I saw that brought a smile to her lips. "Well there was this one time when I was 5 and he was 11. I had this reoccurring nightmare about a clown killing our parents while they were asleep and I couldn't do anything because I was tied up." She starts "A clown! Seriously?!" I say chuckling "Shut up alright I was 5 anyway one night I guess I woke him up by screaming too loud so that night he gave me his dream catcher and he said that it would trap all the bad dreams and only allow the good ones. He slept with me that night and told me that as long as he was there he wouldn't let anything touch me." She says finishing the story. "Is that why you have a Dream Catcher on your arm?" I ask "Yea I got it when I was 16. He was home for the weekend so he had somehow convinced my parents to let me get the tattoo. That was the same day I came out to him. And he was totally supportive. He said he had known since I was a kid and he brought his first girlfriend home. Turns out I tired to make a move on her." She says making me chuckle "Wouldn't surprise me." I say as she smiles sadly "You miss him?" I ask her "Everyday. But he's doing what makes him happy and that's all I want for him. Plus it's not like I never see him. He visits me before he goes back home to visit our parents. He always spends a few weeks here and then he goes home to visit our parents for a few days. Then back to the service he goes." She explains I nodded "Well I hope I get to meet him someday." I say "Me too. I have a feeling you two would get along." She says smiling. "Hey Jordan?" She says grabbing my attention. "Yeah." I say "You know I'm going to be on you about the whole drugs and alcohol thing now right?" She says "Yeah I figured." I say sighing "But maybe it is time to quit." She smiles "The first step to recovery is admitting you need help." I furrow my eyebrows at how familiar that sounded. "Did you just quote Demi?" I ask she chuckles "Maybe I did,Maybe I didn't." I chuckle "Asshole." "Hey who you calling asshole princess." She says tickling me. "No come on! You know I hate being tickled." I say laughing as she straddles me pinning my arms above my head. "Should've thought of that before you called me an Asshole princess." She says grinning at me devilishly. As she continued to tickle me probably until my face turned red. She stopped as we both tried to catch our breath. I looked into her piercing blue eyes and smiled she smiled back as she leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled but at the same time I was confused. "Nicky since I'm being open and honest with you I'm gonna want you to do the same. If you're just gonna lead me on and make me think you have feelings for me when you really don't then tell me so I know not to get my hopes up." I say as much as it killed me to say it. It needed to be said. "Jordan i wouldn't do something like that to someone. When I kissed you the other night it was because I do have feelings for you and I want you to know that I do care about you as more than just a friend." She says as we both sit up and sit side by side on the couch again. "I have feelings for you too Nicky. And these feelings are stronger than anything I've ever felt before. I don't know if it's too early to say this but at this point I don't care. Nicky I want to be able to call you mine." I say "I want that too." She says smiling. "So Rockstar, Will you be my Girlfriend?" I ask she smiles "I'd be honored to be your girlfriend Princess." I smile at the nickname as she leaned in for another kiss. We spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch watching some classic Disney movies. Man crazy how the Night Changes huh? And yes I know that's a One Direction song! Don't judge me okay?! Let me live my life dude.
A/N: YASSSSSS finally!!!!!! Haha so I'm pretty proud of myself for this chapter. So looks like Jordan is ready for recovery. But is she ready to balance recovery,college and having a band all while being in a relationship? Time will only tell. Until next time guys! Love you guys!

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