Friday Night

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Jordan's POV
"Alright let's get this show on the road!" Matt says as we all climbed into his car. We had just loaded up all of our gear for our very first gig at the cafe. "The nerves are kicking in." I say running my hands through my hair. "Hey don't be nervous Princess. You're gonna be great just like in practice." Nicky says smiling at me. I smiled back "Easy for you to say Rockstar! You're a natural." I say as she blushes. Ugh she's so cute! "Aww you guys are so cute!" Matt gushes "Yeah so cute that I think you're starting to reach our level." Chris says "No one can reach your guys level." Nicky argues "Yeah you guys literally went to Pride with matching couples shirts." I say chuckling completely forgetting about nerves. "Alright you guys ready?" Chris asks as he parks in a spot. "Yeah let's do this!" I say as we all got out and got our gear out. We set up our gear in the little stage that they had in the cafe. We got all our instruments plugged in and then I stepped back as I let the manager introduce us. "Alright! How's everyone doing tonight?" He asks as he gets some cheers in response. "Good to hear! Well as you guys know we usually have an open mic night on Fridays but tonight we're letting a certain band take over the stage tonight. Hope that's okay." He says as more cheers are heard. "Alright then give it up for The Dream Chasers!" He says yelling the name of our band as everyone claps. "Hey guys! I'm Jordan!" I say as everyone claps "And hope you guys don't mind if we play a few songs for you guys." I say as I get a few cheers "Alright then let's do this!" I nod at Nicky and she counts the band in. The first couple of songs went great we got the crowd singing along and I recognized some of these people. I saw Demi walk in halfway through our set with two other guys as I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Alright well we've got one more song for you guys. And we're gonna slow it down a bit. Nicky wanna come up here with me?" I ask her as she smiled grabbing her acoustic guitar and a stool as she came up to center stage with me. "Everyone this is my lead Guitarist Nicky let's give it up for her!" I say as everyone cheers for her. "Alright this is Rhythm of Love by the Plain White Tees." I say as everyone claps. Nicky and I had been practicing this song for a few days and we decided to do it acoustically. Nicky starts playing the first couple of chords as I begin to sing.
My head is stuck in the clouds. She begs me to come down says girl quit fooling around I told her I love the view from up here. Warm sun and wind my ear. We'll watch the world from above as it turns to the Rhythm of Love.
I smile at Nicky as the chorus begins.
We may only have tonight but til the morning sun you're mine. All mine play the music low and swing to the Rhythm of Love.
I see the audience really grooving to the song and feeling the vibe which makes me smile. I look over at Nicky and decide to sing this next part to her.
My heart beats like a drum a guitar string to the strum a beautiful song to be sung. She's got blue eyes deep like the sea. They roll back when she's laughing at me. She rises up like the tide the moment her lips meet mine.
I winked at as I sang that last line and she chuckled and rolled her eyes at me. We sang the Chorus together and the whole time I was just living in the moment with her. As we went into the bridge I looked out at the audience.
When the moon is low we can dance in slow motion and all your fears will subside. All your tears will dry.
The boys join me for the ba bas. And then we go into the last verse.
And long after I'm gone you'll still be humming along and I will keep you in my mind. The way you make love so fine. We may only have tonight but til the morning sun you're mine all mine play the music low and swing to the Rhythm of Love. Oh whoa play the music low and sway to the Rhythm of Love. Yeah Sway to the Rhythm of Love.
I smiled as the crowd erupted into cheers. "Thank you! You've been a great crowd!" I say as the manager comes back on stage. "Alright give it up one more time for The Dream Chasers weren't they great!" He says as we helped the stage hands with our gear. The crowd erupts into cheers once again and I couldn't help but smile. "That was fucking awesome!" I say "See told you had nothing to worry about Princess." Nicky says "Shut up Rockstar!" I say leaning up to kiss her. "Mm what was that for?" She asks "Just for being awesome." I say as she smiles and leans down to kiss me. "Whoa didn't mean to interrupt." I hear a familiar voice say as I turn my head to see Demi there smiling. "You're not. What's up Dems?" I ask "Just came by to congratulate you guys! I'm so proud of all of you!" She says giving us all a big bear hug. "Thanks now what's the real reason you came back here." Chris says as she smiles "Well you guys saw those two guys that walked in with me right?" She asks "Yeah we saw them." Matt says "Well they're from Safe House and they said they want to sign you guys as a band to our label." She says as huge smiles spread across our faces. "No fucking way!" I say "That's insane!" Nicky says "I can't believe it!" Matt says "You sure you got the right band?" Chris says making us all laugh. "Yes im sure! You guys deserve it after all you're hard work. I'm super proud of you guys. And I've got a surprise for you." Demi says "What is it?" I ask "Well you know that sound proof studio that I have in my house?" She asks as I nodded "Well I was thinking you guys could use to practice in!" She continues. Now it was our turn to give her a bear hug. "Thanks Demi you're the best!" Matt says "Yea I'm pretty sure our land lord was about to evict us if he heard one more sound complaint." Chris says as we all chuckle. "Well then it's a good thing that I suggested it. Wouldn't want you guys to be homeless now would we?" Demi says "No! That's the last thing we want. Besides I'm too hot to be on the streets." Chris says as his boyfriend rolled his eyes at him. "Mhm keep thinking that babe." Matt says "Oh shut up you love me!" Chris says "And that I won't deny." Matt says as they kissed. "Alright well we gotta head back. You guys riding with us?" Chris asks as they get in the car. "Nope I'm riding with these two because I have a date with this one." Nicky says swinging her arm around me and kissing my cheek. "Alright then have fun you two." Matt says "But not too much fun." Chris says as we rolled our eyes at him. "Alright then lets go." I say grabbing Nicky's hand and interlocking our fingers. She smiles as we followed Demi to her car. We both rode in the backseat while Demi was alone in the front seat. "So Jordan,Nicky tonight the house is yours but first some ground rules." Demi starts "Oh great here we go." I say as Nicky laughs at how irritated I am. "Number 1 No drugs or alcohol at any point in time tonight." Demi says "Don't worry Dem I'm with you on that one. I'll keep this one in check." Nicky says as I rolled my eyes at her chuckling. "Number 2 no sex!" Demi says "Demi Im-" i start but she cuts me off "No don't wanna hear it Jordan. My house my rules." I put hands up in defeat and sighed "Fine. No sex. Anything else Queen Lovato?" I ask "Just do me a favor and don't destroy the house okay?" She asks "Okay but one question. Where are you going to be staying?" I ask "Marissa and I are going to have a girls night since it's been a while since we've had one of those. Oh and Batman is staying at my parents' place." Demi says "Oh okay well have fun!" I say as we head out of the car. "Well shall we get this date started Rockstar?" I ask Nicky "We shall Princess." Nicky says taking my hand as we walk up the front steps and unlock the door. "Wow Demi has a nice place." Nicky says in awe. "Yeah, but she's Demi Lovato what do you expect?" I say as she laughs "True." She says agreeing with me. "So what are we doing on this date Princess?" I smile as I lead her into the living room. "Well I was thinking we could watch movies and cuddle in this awesome movie pit that Demi made for us." I say jumping into the inflatable pool that was filled with pillows and blankets. "What the hell is a kiddie pool doing in the middle of the living room." She asks laughing "Firstly it's a very comfortable movie pit and I stole the idea from one of my friends and secondly just get in!" I say taking her hand and pulling her in. "Damn you were right! This is comfy as hell." Nicky says laying down I chuckle as I go to put a movie in. I decided on one of my favorite movie series The Hunger Games and of course Demi had all four movies. "Hey Jordan?" Nicky says as the movie starts. "Yea Nicky?" I say looking up at her since I was laying down on her chest with her arm draped around me. "Isn't it crazy how we just sorta clicked. I mean not all relationships move this fast." She says "Well yeah but I feel as if we are going at our own pace. And as long as you don't feel pressured or anything then I'm cool with it." I say "Yeah me too." She says leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Hey my brother is coming in a few weeks. Maybe you could meet him." I smiled as I sat up in her arms. "I would love to. Although I never really got the name of your brother." I say "And I never got the name of your sister." She argues smirking at me as I rolled my eyes. "Her name is Lacey. Your turn." I say as she chuckles "His name is Michael or just Mike." She says "Mike I like that name." I say nodding "And I like Lacey now shhh! The movies starting." She says as I laughed and focused in on the movie. We both recited famous lines from the movie like the "I volunteer as tribute." And we both agreed that we would both let Jennifer Lawrence kill us just so she could straddle us. When the final movie was over we were both absolute wrecks. "Damn that was such an emotional rollercoaster." Nicky says wiping away some tears. "Yeah I think we both need a pick me up after that." I say grabbing the remote and pressing the Netflix button. "Now what are we watching?" She asks "You'll see." I say with a smile. As I spell out one of my favorite movies on Netflix. "Rent?" She asks as I nodded "Have you seen it?" I ask "No but I guess now I will." She says as I smile and push play. "It's one of my favorite movies because it opens with a song that I sang in my last concert as a member of my high school choir." I explain "You were in choir?" She asks chuckling "Yea Yea laugh it up." I say "I'm sorry you just don't seem like you were in choir." She says "What is my voice not good?" I ask as she laughs "No you're voice is amazing. Soprano or Alto?" She asks "Soprano you?" I ask "Alto. No wonder we sound so great when we harmonize." She says as I roll my eyes at her. I cuddle back into her chest as the movie starts I inhaled a bit of her scent. Her perfume smelled like Roses and a little bit of Vanilla. I had watched this movie thousands of times so instead of watching it I decided to watch her. I studied her features like the freckles on her noes or the piercing right beneath her eye. I watched as she laughed at the humorous parts in the movie. Her melodic laugh filled the room as she threw her head back and when she opened her eyes she started at my brown was. I studied her bright blue eyes. Darker in the middle and lighter around the edges. I felt her get closer as she connected our lips. They moved in sync but when she pulled back I had trouble breathing. She always took my breath away. "I love you." I say without thinking but then my eyes widened "Shit was it too early to say that." She shook her head as she smiled and pecked my lips "No,because I love you too." She says I smiled at her as I kissed her again but this time she deepened the kiss. As she layed me on my back I couldn't help but to be aroused but I knew I didn't want our first time to be right now. "Wait." I say pulling back from the kiss. She looks at me concerned "Can we wait. I'm trying to get better at slowing down and enjoying the moment. Rather than having sex right now I want to be in this moment watching my favorite movie with you. So our first time can be special." I explain she smiles understanding "Of course we can wait Princess." She says as I smiled at the nickname "Thanks Rockstar." I say as she gets off of me I sit up and lay my head down in her lap as she play mindlessly with my hair I decided to trace some of her tattoos. She had a tiger on her bicep and she had some zodiac signs on her forearm. "You're a Pisces?" I ask "No my brother is I'm actually a Taurus." She says moving her arm to show me her zodiac sign. "Well looks like your brother and I already have some in common. I was born on the 22nd of February" I say "No way! He was born on the 23rd!" She says "What?! That's crazy!" I say as she chuckles "Yeah. Small world huh?" She says I smiled and nodded. "So looks like I won't have to get my girlfriend's sign tattooed on me." She jokes "We're not getting a matching tattoo unless we're married understand?" I say "Whoa what happened to "Taking things slow" and "being in the moment" Jones?" She asks "Im just saying I don't want to get a tattoo until I know for sure that we're in this forever." I say chuckling she smiles and kisses my forehead. "Well just so you know I'm not leaving you anytime soon." She says I smile looking at her "Me neither Rockstar." I say as she rolls her eyes and kisses my lips. "So how was this for a date?" I say "This was nice. I honestly don't know how I'm gonna top this." She answers "I'll be happy as long as I'm with you." I say "Ugh! Chris was right we are starting to get to their level." She says making me laugh "No we're making our own level." I say "Stop being so cute." She says kissing my temple. I smiled nothing could ruin this moment.
A/N:So The Dream Chasers had their first gig and it looks like they did pretty well since Safe House wants to sign them. Also awwww Nicky and Jordan dropped the L bomb! So cute!!! Alright well until next time guys! Love you!

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