Making it Official

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Jordan's POV
It's been 3 days since my bandmates and I went to celebrate our first sold out show by going to a hookah lounge. Probably the stupidest thing we've ever done. But their my friends and we're supposed to do stupid stuff together. Anyway Demi has already given us the whole "Drugs are bad and what you did was stupid lecture". We were currently in a meeting at Safe House mapping out the pros and cons of staying on tour vs going back to school. "Well I for one think you guys should keep going. I mean why stop chasing your dreams to go back to doing something that's just there as a back up." Demi's Manager, Phil I think says. "That's the thing Phil. We need that back up plan just in case this whole music thing doesn't go as planned." Chris says I looked over at Demi and she smiled at me. I smiled back as Phil went on about how we could change the music industry. We all knew in the end we would have to drop out of college. Well it was a good while it lasted. Oh who am I kidding I'm definitely not going to miss it! "Guys how about we just take a semester off. I mean after all this is our dream guys. Do you guys really want to go back to being a student in UCLA? What with all the exams? The essays? The professors? The stuck up rich kids?" I say to my bandmates as they all shook their heads. "I guess one semester wouldn't kill us." Nicky says "Yeah and plus we could see for ourselves if we can actually withstand months on the road without killing eachother." Matt says making us laugh. "Come on Chris! We all know that you want this just as much as we do." Nicky says looking at him. "Yeah but guys don't you want to make your parents proud?" He asks "Babe did you see the look on your parents faces when they saw us up there. We are making our parents proud by doing the one thing we all love to do." Matt says making Chris smile. "Alright then I guess it's goodbye UCLA only for a semester right?" We laughed and nodded. The meeting ended and we were heading back to the bus. "Hey the guys and I are going to Denny's. You guys wanna join?" Nicky says I could tell Demi was about to say yes so I spoke before she could. "You guys go ahead Rockstar. We'll catch up." Demi looked at me with a look of confusion. "Okay see you guys later then." Nicky says as she and the guys went off to Denny's. "What was that about?" Demi asks leaning up against the building. "Are you still mad at me for what happened in New Hampshire?" I ask her since she has become very distant lately. "Jordan I told you I wasn't mad then and I'm not mad now." She says grabbing a hold of my hand and reassuring me by giving me her award winning smile. "Okay then why have you been so distant with me lately?" I ask her as her smile fades. "The label says that they think we act like a couple more than we should be." She explains looking at me with sad eyes. "Who gives a fuck about what they think? It's been a month! I'm ready to go public. I want to be able to say that you're my girlfriend without having to worry about someone overhearing it." I say expressing how I truly felt. "I want that too baby but we just have to wait a little bit longer." She says softly as she caresses my cheek. I look up at her as she leans her forehead against mine. "How much longer?" I ask her she smiles sadly as she shrugs her shoulders. "I honestly don't know." She says above a whisper and in that moment I didn't care who was watching. I just wanted to kiss her out here in the open where no one could stop me. "Fuck the management!" I said as I went up to kiss her passionately as she kissed back with just as much passion. Our lips moved in sync as my hands went around her neck and hers wrapped themselves around my waist pulling me closer to her. That's when I heard the clicking of cameras. We pulled back as I looked to see a couple of paps taking photos of us. "Hope you enjoyed the show you pervs!!!" Demi yells making me laugh. We walked into Dennys hand in hand and spotted my bandmates. "Hey guys." I say smiling as Demi and I slid into the booth. "Someone's in a good mood?" Nicky says with her eyebrow raised. "We just went public!" Demi says with the biggest smile on her face. "What! No way!" Chris says "Yes way! Check Twitter." I say as he pulls out his phone and his jaw drops. "Oh my god! You guys made out and the paps caught you!" Matt says "And it looks like you guys are trending worldwide. #Jemi" Nicky says as we laugh "Well for now it's just a rumor but we're making it public in about an hour." I say "um how is you making out a rumor?" Chris asks putting his phone down. "Well you never know that could be photoshopped." Demi says as I chuckle "Honey I know photoshop when I see it and that's some real shit right there!" Matt says making Demi laugh I smiled as the sound traveled throughout the room. I couldn't understand how someone could hear that sound and not automatically start to smile. Her eyes lit up as she read through the hashtag Jemi. She scrolled through and liked some of the tweets but not as many so that it wouldn't be too obvious. "What?" She asks looking at me noticing that I was staring. "You're just so cute!" I say kissing her forehead as she looks down smiling and blushing. "I still can't get over the fact that I can make the Demi Lovato blush!" She giggles "babe stop fangirling." I chuckle as she pecks my cheek. Once we finished our food we all pitched in to help pay for it and then we went back onto the bus. "Alright time to make it official. Hm which picture should I use?" I say as I scroll through the millions of pictures I had of the both of us together. I decided on one we took a week ago. It was at Soundcheck and I was singing The Only Exception by Paramore to check the mic and while i was singing i was also slow dancing with Demi. I just loved the way we were looking at each other. I didn't even notice that Matt had taken the picture until he sent it to me. I decided to post it with this caption.
@JordanTheKid: We've kept this a secret from you all for a long time now but we are ready to now share this with all of you. Yes the rumors are true. I am in fact dating this gorgeous woman who dances with me while I'm doing Soundcheck. Who reminds me that I'm beautiful even when I'm all sweaty and gross. Who makes me feel safe and secure when we are watching her favorite movie Donny Darko together. Who makes me laugh uncontrollably until my stomach starts to hurt. But most of all she makes me happy. The happiest I could ever be is when I'm with her gazing into her beautiful brown eyes and knowing that she loves me exactly the way I am and she would never ever want to change me. I love you Demi❤️ @ddlovato
I smiled as I looked over to see that Demi was getting ready to send hers as well. "Ready?" I say as she nods "And post!" I clicked on the post button and shared it onto all my social media. I saw that Demi had done the same. She had chosen a picture of us in the back of the bus cuddling but also laughing our asses off probably at some comedy movie that we always like to watch on our day offs.
@ddlovato: I wanted to share this picture with you guys because this is one of my favorite pictures that I have. So I know you guys have seen The pictures and I have too. The truth is that yes I am currently in a relationship with her. And if I'm being honest this is happiest I've ever been in a relationship. When I met her I knew that there was something special about her that I loved. The way her eyes lit up anytime she saw me. The way she smirked anytime she said a sarcastic comeback. The way she would fall asleep in my arms to the sound of me singing. I fell in love with everything about her. At the time I knew that I shouldn't be feeling that way towards her but now age doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is our love that we have for one another. I love you Jordan❤️ @JordanTheKid
"Babe?" I say catching Demi's attention she turns to me with this huge smile on her face. "Yea baby?" She asks as I smile and kiss her as she kisses me back. I pull back and say "I love you and I'm so happy that I can say that and not care if anyone overhears me say it." She kisses my lips again and smiles into it. "Me too baby. You were right when you said that I shouldn't give a single fuck what the management thinks. All that matters is what I think and my happiness. And I realize now that I'm the happiest when I'm with you." She says smiling I watched as the corners of her mouth started to rise and her chocolate brown eyes started to light up. "Hey lovebirds! Congrats you're officially the cutest couple on the internet!" Matt says "Next to us of course." Chris says as I laughed and looked at all the comments from fans.
Omg I knew it! You guys are so perfect for eachother!!!
Adopt me please!!!
So so so so so cute!!!
I looked over all the negative ones and focused on the positive supportive ones. Then I started getting a few texts from friends and family
From Lacey👯: Yassssss I knew you and Demi would end up together! I better be the maid of honor at your wedding!
From Alex😋: MY SHIP HAS SET SAIL!!!! OTP!!!!!
From Mason😎: Duuuuddddeee you and Demi! You're one lucky girl!
From Nate😂: Okay be honest. How many times have you had sex with Demi. I need details! Lmao jk😂😂😂
From Cassie💅🏻: Ahhhh!!! You and Demi are soooo cute!!! You have to let me do your make up when you guys get married!
"Babe check it out" I say showing the texts to her she starts laughing "Oh my god! Okay your sister just texted me giving me her blessing." Demi says as I chuckle since my sister would do something like that. "Okay when we do get married I'm wearing a tuxedo." I say as she smiles "I love how you said 'when' and not 'if' and baby you in a suit is my idea of a perfect bride. Plus from what I remember you look smoking hot in it." She says biting her lip. "Hm it's a shame I'm in the doghouse. Otherwise I'd go put it on right now." I say smirking knowing this whole punishment thing is killing her as well.  I smile innocently as I leaned in to kiss her and then pulled back. "Baby that's not fair! This is supposed to be a punishment for you not for me." She whines pouting as I laugh "Sorry babe but looks like you're just gonna suffer with me." She rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at me like she was five and it was fucking adorable. God how did I get so lucky? 
A/N: Hey guys so here's another chapter. I know this isn't the best but I'm kinda in a bit of a writers block with this story. Plus I have a lot on my plate currently since my Senior year is wrapping up and at this point everything counts. So I'm sorry if it takes me a while to update again. Well until next time! I love you guys!

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