Meeting the Brother

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Jordan's POV
"Alright don't forget you're essays on The Great Gatsby are due next week!" My English professor says as we all hurried out the classroom. God I hate that book so much! I'm honestly glad I did the essay on it my junior year for extra credit otherwise I'd probably have to bullshit another essay. Anyway today was the day I'd be meeting Nicky's brother and to be honest I was nervous as hell. "Hey Jordan wait up!" I hear a familiar voice say. I look over my shoulder to see Alex. Ugh! Here we go again. "Hey what are you doing here on a Saturday?" She asks "Needed some extra help in English." I say "What?! But you love English." She says I rolled my eyes and stopped "Alright look I know you didn't stop me to talk about English so get to the point." I say coldly "What are you doing Jordan?" She asks sighing "What do you mean?" I ask confused "Look I know we aren't together anymore but I still care about you. And my sister told me you were dating Nicky-" I cut her off by saying "She's not my sister!" "Whoa calm down Jordan. Look she's just worried about you. She wants what's best for you." Alex says "Yeah well tell her that if that's really what she wants then she would accept that I'm happy with Nicky." I say as her face drops. "Does she treat you good? Nicky I mean." Alex asks in a soft voice I sighed. I felt for her I really did. I mean she was caught in the middle of all this drama. While she may be my ex girlfriend that doesn't mean that i don't care about her. I was about ready to marry her it'd be insane of someone to think that I didn't care about her. "Yeah and I'm happy Alex I really am." I say she nods sadly. I sigh "Alex, I don't want it to be like this forever. You were my first everything Alex. I'm not going to pretend like our relationship didn't happen. If I'm being honest I still care about you too Alex. I just don't love you the way I used to." I say in hopes that she can understand that. "I understand that Jordan and I'm happy that you're getting your life back on track. As long as you're happy then I'm happy. I'm sorry for being so selfish." She says "No it's okay. I totally get where you're coming from. So friends?" I ask with hope in my voice. "Always now come here." She says hugging me as I hug back. "Well that's one person in our group that forgives me only 4 to go." I say as she chuckles. "Well I'll help you out with Nate and Cassie. You got Mason and Lacey?" She asks I nod "I was actually planning on talking to both of them next week. Before I leave for tour." I say "Good because you know we wouldn't miss your first show for the world. See you around Jones." She says walking away "See you around Evans." I say smiling as I start walking to my girlfriend's class. I couldn't wait to tell her the good news. I wait outside my girlfriend's classroom with my phone in my hand scrolling through Twitter when I feel someone pull my hoodie over my eyes. "What the fuck!" I say as I hear the familiar laugh of my girlfriend. I rolled my eyes as she released my hoodie. "Hi babe." She says kissing my lips. "Hey asshole." I say rolling my eyes at her as she shakes her head. "What did I say about calling me that?" She says as she reaches under my shirt and digs her fingers into my sides causing my to laugh. "Baby stop!" I say through my laughter "You know what to say." She sang as she continued I rolled my eyes "Okay okay You're not an asshole and I love you." I say as she smirks and stops and kisses me again. "Good. Now come on the sooner we get to the airport the sooner I get to see my brother." She says smiling like a kid on Christmas. I laugh as Nicky practically pulled me into her car. On our way there I told about my encounter with Alex. "Wait so you guys are friends now?" She asks "Looks like it. And I'm glad I mean she's been a huge part of my life even before we started dating and I wouldn't want to loose someone like that you know?" I say she nods "I totally get it. I'm still friends with some of my exes. The ones who aren't two faced bitches." She jokes as I laugh. "Yeah and she said she'd help get the friends who were on her side when we broke up to forgive me as well. So really we just need to convince Lacey that you're an amazing girlfriend who deserves her approval." I say she smiles and grabs my hand causing me to look over at her. "I love you." She says I smiled and chuckled softly "I love you too Rockstar." I say as she smiles "So are you nervous about meeting my brother?" Nicky asks "I'm nervous as hell. If I screw this up you might just break up with me." I say as she laugh "Wouldn't dream of doing something like that Princess." She says "He's gonna love you I just know it." She makes a left turn into the parking lot of LAX. "How can you be so sure?" I ask as she parks the car. "He's gonna love you because I love you and as long as I'm happy he's happy. And if he doesn't love you I'll kick his ass." She jokes making me laugh. "Alright let's go." I say smiling. We get out of the car and start heading to the entrance. That's when we notice the paps standing just outside the entrance. There were only a few of them and they didn't exactly look like the creepy guys with cameras that Demi always talked about. "Um excuse me ladies but aren't you from The Dream Chasers?" One of them asks "Yeah we actually are." Nicky answers "Could we get a couple of pictures of you?" Another asks "Yeah sure." I say as we look at each other as if to say "is this really happening?" So we posed for a couple of photos. We took some funny ones and some really cute ones. "What are you guys doing here?" One of them asks as we finish taking photos. "We're just here to pick up my brother. Who's been over seas for a seven months now." Nicky says "Oh well tell your brother thank you for his service." He says "Will do. Have a good day!" Nicky says as we smile and wave them off. "That went better than expected." I say "Yeah I know. I guess there's some cool paps out there." Nicky says "Yeah but for every cool pap there's thousands of assholes with cameras." I joke making her laugh. We stood around with all the other families of soldiers. I looked around and saw many kids. Babies even. Who were probably born maybe months beforehand and this is the first time they are meeting their Mom or Dad or Aunt or Uncle or cousin or older brother or sister. You know all those YouTube videos of soldiers coming home that make you cry. Yeah well that's exactly how it felt like as soon as all those soldiers came down the escalator there were cheers and tears and then there were hugs and kisses. "Late as usual." Nicky jokes as we both look to the top of the escalator and we see her brother is in fact the last one to arrive. Damn he looks a lot like Nicky. If I wasn't gay I'd probably be dating him. He wore his uniform and he had a buzz cut which Nicky had informed me that in his Senior Year of High School he grew out his hair because he knew that would be his only chance to do it before joining the military. He smiled once he spotted the both of us and I definitely saw the resemblance in the both of them. Nicky ran up to him in tears as they embraced and he even picked her up and started spinning her. Once they were through with their moments I had built up enough courage to approach them. "Hey I don't believe we've met." He says looking at his sister confused. "Mike this is my adorable girlfriend Jordan, Jordan this is my annoying brother Michael or just Mike." She says laughing at her brother's facial expression. "Hey I'm not that annoying I promise" he says shaking my hand. I chuckle "And I'm not that adorable. I promise." I say as he laughs "I like her Nicky." I look over at Nicky with this huge grin. He likes me! Did anyone else hear that? "Could you say that louder for the people in the back?" I say as he laughs "See babe told you." She says kissing my cheek as I rolled my eyes at her. "Alright lovebirds could we get out of here? I'm dying to get some pizza." Mike says as we laugh. "No one should ever go without pizza for seven months." I say "Amen sister! Trust me you have no idea the amount of push ups I had to do when I tried to order pizza for my birthday last year." He says "This one can't even do a single push up." Nicky teases as I stick my tongue out at her. "Hey save that tongue for later." She says winking at me as I rolled my eyes at her. We got out of the airport and went to one of Mike's favorite pizza places in LA. "So then after doing maybe 20 push ups. Our commander is like 'Alright now let's dig in!' I swear the look on all of our faces as we saw him take a slice. Absolutely priceless." Mike says as Nicky parks the car. "Dude your commander sounds hella chill!" I say as he nods "He is! I'm one of the lucky ones." He says "But anyway enough about me. How did you guys meet?" I look over at Nicky and we both smiled. "Well we're actually in a band together." I say "Yeah she couldn't resist the guitar." Nicky says as I chuckle "See I told you that guitar works wonders! I gave her that guitar for her 20th birthday." Mike explains "No but we really connected I'd say the night she rescued me from almost getting arrested." I say as Nicky laughs at the memory. "Oh I've got to hear this story." He says as we sit at a booth. And so we told him and for the rest of the night I got to know him better. We told him we were going to tour soon and he was very supportive of Nicky. "Alright well Demi is blowing my phone up." I say as I see the 20 messages all from Demi. "Looks like we better get you back then." Nicky says as I nod. "It was nice to meet you Mike." I say sticking my hand out for him to shake. He smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "You're family now. Just don't break my sister's heart. Or else." He says jokingly. "Not planning on it." I say kissing Nicky's cheek as she smiles. She hugs her brother before we go out to her car. I sigh in relief "So?" She says waiting for me to say "You were right like always." "Damn right! Never doubt me." Nicky says as she starts up the car. Instead of just texting Demi I decided to tweet her.
@JordanTheKid: Alright @ddlovato chill I'm on my way.
I chuckle as I see the replies. Then I see that Demi replied.
@ddlovato: You could've just texted me Kid. @JordanTheKid
@JordanTheKid: I know but this is just so much faster. @ddlovato
I laughed as I saw her put the 🙄 emoji. "So when are we confronting your sister again?" Nicky asks as she parks in the driveway of Demi's house. "Thursday. She doesn't have classes so I figured she'd be less of a bitch then and hopefully with Alex now on our side it'd go much easier this time." I say "Agreed but she's gonna get hell from me for laying her hand on you." Nicky says "Baby look it was in the heat of the moment. Plus I did say some things that fired her up." I say looking down she lifts my head so that I'm looking at her. "I've told you this a million times. It's not your fault Princess. You have got to stop blaming yourself." She says "I know but I can't say it's her fault either." I say honestly "No one has to be at fault babe. Siblings get into fights all the time. Hell Mike and I have gotten into millions of them and it's only made our relationship so much stronger. This is just another obstacle in life that we are going to overcome together." She says making me smile. I lean in to kiss her lips and it felt like the first time that she kissed me all over again. "I love you Rockstar." I say as we pull back. "I love you too Princess. Now go before Demi starts thinking that we're doing it in her driveway." Nicky says as I laugh and kiss her again. I got out of her car and walked into the house and i hear Batman running to greet me at the door. "Hey dude!" I say bending down to pick him up as he licks my face multiple times. "Okay okay I missed you too. Let's go find your mom." I say as I walk into the living room to see her catching up on The Walking Dead. "I hate Negan." I say as he pops on the screen with that God damn smile of his. "I know right! I just hope someone puts a bullet in his scull. The governor wasn't this cruel." Demi says as I plop down next to her on the couch. I rested my head on her shoulder and smiled. For once everything seemed to be falling into place. Demi and I had fixed our once broken friendship. Things are no longer awkward between Alex and I. And Nicky and I are going on 2 months strong. The only person I wish to make amends with soon is my sister. I really hope she sees the good in Nicky and that she sees that I am truly happy with her. I wouldn't want to leave her like this for a full month. Which reminds me I forgot how close the tour is. I'm so excited! I mean I get to be on the road with some of my favorite people. And living out a life long dream of mine. What more could I ask for?
A/N: Alright so Jordan finally met Nicky's brother and it looks like it went pretty well. But how will Lacey react to meeting Nicky? Also Alex and Jordan are friends again!!!!! Cheers to friendship lol. So hope you guys liked this chapter. Until next time! Love you guys!

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