Airport Pranks

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Jordan's POV

"Just tell me what I need to do in order for you not to release the photos" I say as I look at him. His hand on the mouse ready to press send. He turned to me with this wicked smile on his face. "Break up with her and be with me."

I jolted awake as I noticed we were now at the airport. "You okay Babygirl?" Demi says stroking my hair as my head is in her lap. "Yeah just a bad dream." I say as I sat up and leaned my head on her shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" She asks as I sigh "I was at my ex's house. He was about to release the pictures to the media but before he could I told him I'd do anything for those photos not to be released. So then he turned to me and he had this evil grin on his face and said 'Break up with her and be with me' my nightmares have come true before. What happens if this comes true as well." I say on the verge of tears. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my head. "It won't I promise you it won't. I'm gonna make damn sure that little bastard hands the pictures over." She says as I nod. "I can't loose you Demi." I say with tears in my eyes. "You won't baby I promise." She says wiping away my tears. I take in a shaky breath in attempt to calm myself down. I look over to see my band mates asleep on the floor using their carryons as pillows. I chuckle softly at the sight and smiled. They all looked exhausted I guess that's what tour does to you. I'm glad their getting some rest. Wait doesn't Demi have a private jet? "Where's you're private jet?" I ask with a confused face. "It's getting fixed. That's why we're waiting but it should be ready soon." She says as I nodded understanding. We were sitting there in silence just enjoying each other's company when suddenly my stomach started growling. We both looked at eachother and just started busting out laughing. "Hungry?" Demi asked through her laughter as I just nodded. We both decided to go look for a McDonald's and once we were there we ordered two Mcmuffins and then we decided to go to Starbucks for coffee. "So are you excited for Ellen?" Demi asks as she sips on her coffee. I smile thinking about the interview. "Of course I am! Being on Ellen is like saying we've made it." I say as she chuckles. "I know! My first time on the show I was so nervous. Cause it's Ellen! But there's really no need to be nervous she makes sure you're taken care of and that you feel at home." I nodded "Well that's one less thing to worry about. Now if I can just this whole psycho ex thing that'd be great." I say finishing my food and crushing the wrapper and throwing it away. "I know the whole ex thing is stressing you out but we'll figure it out. We always do. The important thing right now is to make sure that the media knows that none of us did anything illegal." Demi says grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers instantly bringing comfort. "Okay why does it feel like there's always this enemy that appears out of nowhere whenever something good starts to happen?" I ask thinking out loud. "What do you mean babe?" Demi asks confused. "When we first met it was Wilmer and the fact that you were in jail and now it's my Ex threatening to release pictures that could potentially put you back in jail. Why can't life just cut us a break?" I say with frustration in my voice. "I don't know babe. But what I do know is that sometimes you gotta fight for what you love. And this is just another battle we gotta win in order for us to be with eachother. And I don't know about you Jordan but I'm willing to put my life on the line for you. I'd be willing to die for you Jordan and if that's not love then I don't know what is." Demi says I nodded and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "I love you Demi Always have and I always will. And even if it feels like something is always trying to pull us apart from eachother i will never stop fighting for us." I say meaning every word I was saying. She smiled and leaned in to kiss my lips. It was one of those kisses where you feel time just stop and it's like everything else disappears and it's only you and the person you love in the room. We pulled back gasping for air. Demi leaned her forehead against mine and as we caught our breath she said "I love you too Jordan Always." I smile we walked out of the Starbucks hand in hand ignoring the stares we were getting and when we got back to where my bandmates were sleeping it had turned out that the plane was all ready to go. We both turned and looked at eachother with devious grins. Time to scare the shit out of my bandmates. Demi had put her pillow underneath her shirt and she was going to act like her water had just broke. "Guys wake the fuck up! Demi's water just broke!" I say as loud as possible waking Nicky up. Her eye were as big as saucers. "Holy shit Demi when did Jordan get you pregnant?!" She says I tried my best to keep my laughter in. "Nine months ago!" Demi says in fake pain. "Fuck! Chris wake up we gotta get Demi to the hospital you too Matt!" Nicky says as the boys wake up confused as fuck. "Holy shit we're in an alternate universe where Demi is pregnant with a little Jordan!" Chris says "This baby is gonna be born in this airport!" Demi says damn this girl is amazing at acting. "Damn it Matt wake up!" I say as he wakes up and looks at Demi then at us. "How long was I out?" He asks and finally I couldn't hold it in anymore and neither could Demi. "What the hell are you guys laughing at?! We need to get Demi to the hospital!" Nicky says as she helps Demi stand up. Demi removes the pillow from under her shirt as my band mates just look annoyed. "Okay I didn't actually think you guys would freak out that bad. How could you not tell that was a pillow?" I say through my laughter. "In our defense we were all half asleep." Nicky says "I thought we all woke up in a parallel universe. Which would have been cool as fuck!" Chris says as I chuckle. He's sorta obsessed with conspiracy theories and all that stuff. It started with the 'Avril Lavigne is Dead' conspiracy and then it spiraled from there. "I just woke up and thought I was in a coma for a year or two." Matt says as we all laughed at his thought process. "Well anyway the plane's ready so we better get our asses on there before it takes off." Demi says chuckling. We hurry up and get our bags and then rush onto the plane. We were all in our seats ready for take off except for Nicky. She decided to be rebellious and stand in the back of the private jet during take off. So as we are literally taking off Demi pulls out her phone and records her yelling at Nicky to get her ass in a seat. It was literally the funniest thing I've ever seen.  "Damn Demi didn't know you could be so demanding. How do you deal with her Jordan?" Nicky asks as I smile thinking of a joke that was forming in my head. "It's easy all I do is say 'yes Mommy' and she'll reward me later in the bedroom." I say as my bandmates start bursting out laughing and my girlfriend starts hitting me with a pillow. "Shit was I not supposed to tell anyone about that Mommy?" I ask laughing hysterically. "You keep calling me that and I might actually have to live up to that name." Demi says chuckling as I gulp. "Who's up for a movie?" Demi asks nonchalant as we all agreed to a movie and of course she chose Donny Darko knowing that movie gave me nightmares. So I laid my head back on her lap and fell back to sleep. "Night baby girl I love you." Demi whispers as I smiled "Night Mommy I love you too!" I say like a 5 year old as she spanked me lightly do it wouldn't hurt. I chuckled as I fell asleep.
A/N: Hey guys so here's a cute little Jemi filler! Anyway what do you guys think will happen when Ellen interviews the band? And will Jordan's Ex hand over the pictures willingly or has he already released them? Until next time guys! Love ya!

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