Selling Out MSG and Visiting Harvard

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Jordan's POV
"Babe!!! Babe!!! Wake up!!! Wake up!!" I hear Demi yell as she jumps on top of me. "Babe what the hell?!" I groan as she giggles and kisses me. "I have amazing news! Come on help me get the boys and Nicky up." She says practically pulling me out of bed. We were currently staying at a Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. We had the day off and we were going sight seeing in the afternoon. It was currently 7 AM and I wanted to know why my girlfriend woke me up at this hour. "Baby could you just tell me why you woke me up?" I ask as we were now standing outside of Nicky and the boy's hotel room. "Nope! I want the Dream Chasers to be together when I tell you this news." Demi says grinning widely like she just won the lottery. She continued to bang at the door tell Nicky and the boys to wake their asses up. I swear we were gonna get kicked out of this hotel before the day was done. Finally the door opened and Demi practically barged inside. "Sure Demi make yourself at home." Nicky says sarcastically as I chuckle "Sorry about this Rockstar. She's just really excited about something and she won't tell me what it is until we woke you guys up." She nodded and chuckled at my girlfriend's attempts to wake the boys up. "Good luck with that Dems. They're both dead asleep." Nicky says as she sits on her bed. I took a seat next to her on her bed as well as I watched my girlfriend pour water on the couple. "What the fuck!" Chris says as he wakes up soaking wet courtesy of my girlfriend. "Get your Boyfriend up. I've got some pretty fucking awesome news." Demi says as Chris lazily gets up and shakes his Boyfriend awake. "Alright Demi we're all awake now what's the news?" Nicky asks as the boys joined us on Nicky's bed. "You guys sold out Maddison Square Garden!!!" She says enthusiastically. "No Fucking way!" I say getting off from the bed and kissing her passionately as my bandmates start freaking out as well. "This is fucking crazy! I can't believe over 20,000 people want to see us perform!" Nicky says just as Demi and I pulled back from our kiss. "I know! Guys can I officially say we've made it yet?" Chris says "I'd say so. I mean you guys haven't even gotten a record out yet and you're already selling out venues left and right. MGS is probably one of the hardest venues to sellout. And you guys doing it without an album is just Fucking incredible." Demi says smiling at all of us. "Damn guys we're changing the game!" I say as my bandmates chuckle. "But you know this means that this has to be one of our best shows yet. I mean doesn't the tour end at Maddison Square Garden?" Matt asks Demi. "Yeah I believe so." She says as I felt my stomach start to churn. "Babe are you okay?" Demi asks probably noticing my facial expression. "Yeah I just need to sit for a sec." I say taking a seat on a chair as I do that Demi pulls up another chair and places right next to mine. She grabs one of my hands with both of hers as the boys and Nicky stand on either side of us. "20,000 people. That's like 40,000 eyeballs all watching me." I say the reality of it starting to hit me. "Babe I know it's really intimidating to have all eyes on you but think of it as all those people are there to see you because they love you and they want to support you." Demi says in a soft tone that she always uses to calm me down. "Yeah dude and all of us will be there. We got your back if something goes wrong." Chris says "What happens if I mess up or completely blank on stage?" I ask now worried that I'll mess it up for all of us. "We'll be right there to help you get right back on your feet. Just think of all of the times Demi here has fallen or messed up the lyrics to her own songs. Did she run of stage no she rolled with the punches and gave her fans an amazing show." Nicky says encouragingly "Yeah and if worse comes to worse then we always have Chris' terrible stand up act." Matt says as his boyfriend smacks his head playfully causing me to chuckle. "The point is babe we've got your back and we have full confidence that you will give those 20,000 people the show that they deserve. I know you can do this Jordan. I see you up there on stage every night pouring your heart out to all those people. You're a natural at this baby. I believe in you." Demi says as I smile and nod "Okay if you guys can give me that same pep talk before I go on stage that night then that would be very much appreciated." I say as they all chuckle and we hug it out. We leave the boys and Nicky to get dressed as we go back to our own hotel room and get dressed ourselves. I had on one of Demi's band shirts as well as some ripped up jeans and boots. Demi was actually dressed pretty casual today. She must be in one of those 'I don't give a fuck about my outfit' moods. Nonetheless she still looked beautiful to me. She wore a simple white tshirt with black jeans. She had her hair up and she had her sunglasses on the top of her head. She wore almost no makeup and I could tell because I could still see her freckles by her eyes which are so cute! "Stealing my clothes again I see?" She says chuckling pointing to her shirt. "I can't help it! I just love wearing your clothes because they smell like you." I say as she laughs her adorable laugh and kisses my cheek. "You're so cute babe. Take a picture with me!" She says as I chuckle as she swings an arm over me and kisses my cheek as I stick my tongue out. We walked out of the hotel room and meet up with Nicky and the boys. "Awww look at Jemi being all cute and shit!" Nicky says showing me the picture that Demi posted on Instagram.
@ddlovato: I love this girl so much! God how did I get so lucky?😍😍😍
I smiled at the picture and looked at Nicky. "You wish you had a girlfriend to be all cute with." I say laughing as Nicky blushes. "Maybe I already do." She says as my eyes widen. "Oh my god who?!" I say as she chuckles. "What are we freaking out over here about?" Matt asks as we get into the elevator. "Nicky has a girlfriend!" I say in a singing tone. "I do not! Not yet at least!" She says turning a deep shade of red. "Oooooh who is it? Oh wait no let me guess! Is it Lauren?" Demi asks smirking at the younger blushing blonde. "Wait as in Lauren from Fifth Harmony? Green eyes that Lauren?" I ask as Demi nods and smiles and nods. "Okay did you set them up or something cause I do not recall meeting Fifth Harmony." Chris says as Demi laughs. "Well while you there were off doing God knows what. The girls came back stage to see Jordan and I. Nicky was just there and something told me that she had her eye on one of the girls and so I introduced her to them and I saw that Lauren and her had like this connection so I just kinda pushed them to get to know eachother. You can thank me at your wedding." Demi says that last part to Nicky as she flips her off. The elevator doors open and we are at the lobby. "Wait so are you guys a thing now or?" I ask wanting an answer from Nicky. "I'm honestly not sure. I mean we have been kinda flirty but I won't know unless I see her again." She says and I could just tell in the way that she spoke about Lauren that she did have feelings for her. "Alright then you know we'll invite them to our next show." I suggest as her blue eyes light up. "Really?!" She says like a kid that just got told they're going to Disneyland. "Yeah it'd be nice to see the girls again and to have Dinah freak out over Demi and I being together." I say laughing at the memory of when I first met the girls Dinah was already making bets on when we'd start dating. I suddenly felt arms wrap around my neck as Nicky being the taller person that she is engulfed me into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She says kissing my forehead. "You're the best Princess!" I laughed as I heard Demi call for us. "Hey Nicky would you let my girlfriend breathe!" She laughed and let go of me as Demi grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled as I looked down at both of our hands and how they fit together perfectly. Once we had gotten outside there were fans waiting for us. We took many pictures and signed everything from magazines to phone cases. Someone even made me sign a pair of shoes which I found funny. Once we were done we got into the car and drove around the city. "Hey babe isn't this where you're parents wanted you to go to school?" Demi asks as we drove past Harvard University. "Oh my god yeah! Do you remember how pissed I was at them for that?" I ask as she laughs at the memory. "Do I remember? How could I forget? It was one of the many road trips we took that Summer." Demi says as the boys and Nicky looked at us confused. "Basically what happened was that my parents were basically gonna force me to go to Harvard and I got super mad that when I went to visit Demi we formulated a plan to get them to see that I really wanted to go to UCLA." I say starting to tell the story. "And that plan involved Jordan here to sneak out of the house so that we could drive up to LA where Lacey was so that she could talk some sense into their parents." Demi says "Wait so this couldn't be handled over a simple phone call or something." Nicky asks "Nope in order for my parents to understand how badly I wanted to attend UCLA. I had to take action. And that's just what I did." I say explaining why a simple phone call wouldn't have changed their minds. Now thinking back on that Summer Demi and I did a bunch of stupid things that caused my parents to have heart attacks at least 20 times. "Hey what do you say we walk around the city for a while?" Demi asks as we all nodded in agreement. So we got out of the car and we all wanted to go different places so we decided to separate and planned on somewhere to meet up for lunch. Demi and I had somehow ended up at this old park and so we sat down at one of the benches and just talked. "Isn't it crazy how we got here? I mean if you told me two years ago that we'd end up dating I probably would've laughed so hard that I'd be in tears." I say chuckling at my younger self.  "Oh trust me babe I would probably react the same way and yet here we are. Hey didn't we have our first kiss at a park?" Demi asks as I laughed and nodded. "Yeah I still never turn down a date." I say smiling at her as she smiles looking into my eyes. Her Brown eyes just pierce through my own and it's almost if she's looking into my mind. "Alright Hotshot. I dare you to kiss me." She says using the exact words she used before we had our first kiss. And so I leaned in and kissed her. My heart was beating so fast and it felt like it was about to explode and if it did then all that is good in the world would come out of it. As she deepened the kiss I could feel myself needing air but I forced myself to continue to kiss her. Demi pulled back letting me breathe as she smiled and leaned her forehead against mine. "I love you Jordan. I love you so damn much and I never want to be without you." She says as I open my eyes to see her brown ones. "I love you Demi. I know it's only been 3 like what a month since we got together. But we've known eachother for years and with each passing day I fall more and more in love with you." I say as she smiles and kisses me again. And in that moment I couldn't be happier. My career was taking off, I had a all these amazing people who I call my friends, My relationship was growing strong and I couldn't ask for anything else. For the moment everything is right in the world.

A/N: Hey guys! So I'm sorry updates aren't as frequent. I'm just so busy lately with trying to get my grades up and stuff. But hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you guys want to see. Also what do you think about Lauren and Nicky? Anyone shipping that yet lol. Oh I also wanted to tell you guys about my new book! It's a Lauren fanfic and it's called The Only Exception. Anyway I'd really appreciate it if you guys went and gave it some love since I've been working really hard on it. Okay until next time! Love you guys!

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