The Ring

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Jordan's POV
So we had a few days off in LA before we had to head back on the road. Nicky was out on a date with Lauren even though she claims it isn't a date. The boys decided to spend the day at the beach to get that summer tan. Demi and I decided to help me officially move into her place. So far we barely finished fixing the closet so that I had a side and she had a side. The girl has wayyy too many clothes. "Babe you have so many shoes! Have you even worn these once?" I ask holding up a pair of black heels that I've never seen her wear. "Yes the 2010 Kids Choice Awards!" Demi says snatching them from my hands. I roll my eyes at her and get up from the ground where I was sitting. "Babe you have a problem." I say as she chuckles. "Is this the part where you tell me that I need to donate some of my shoes to charity." She asks as I wrap my arms around her waist. "Maayybeee" I say as she chuckles and kisses my lips. Just as I was about to deepen it her phone rings. I pull back groaning as she laughs and answers the phone. "Hello....Wait I do?!.....Fuck! I forgot!....Yeah I'll be there in 10.....Okay see you there bye." Demi says as she hangs up the phone. "Who was that?" I ask as my girlfriend starts to take out some dressy clothes. "Kelsey apparently I have a photo shoot that I forgot about." She says "Okay well do you want me to order sushi for dinner then since you'll be home late?" I ask as she smiles. "You're so thoughtful babe but no I'll pick some stuff up from the store on my way home and We'll make that Mexican dish that you love so much!" She says smiling at me "Tamales!" I say getting excited. I may not have been born Hispanic but I did grow up with Mexican friends so for Christmas I'd always go over to their houses for Tamales. "No! I'm not that Hispanic unfortunately but I meant we'll make those tacos that you love. You know the ones with extra cheese and meat?" She asks as I smirk. "Why don't I just eat your taco for dinner?" She rolls her eyes at me and chuckles. "God you may be 19 but you have the mind of a 16 year old boy." Demi says kissing me. "You still love me." I say as she pulls back. "That I do! Now I gotta go I'll see you at 6:30 ish" she says kissing me one more time before she left. The house felt so empty without Demi here. Sure I had Batman and Ella but it wasn't the same if my girlfriend wasn't consistently obsessing over them. I decided to get out of the house maybe I better pay my sister and soon to be brother in law a visit. I drove over to their house and saw that they were both home. They both had classes in the morning which I didn't understand how they survive that. Guess they were meant to be since they were both morning people but how could they do that to themselves. I went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. "Just a second!" I heard my sister yell from inside. A few seconds later and she appeared at the door. "Oh hey Jordan! I didn't expect to see you for another month!" Lacey says engulfing me into a hug. "Well our manager gave us a couple days off here since we had that interview with Ellen." I explain as she smiles. "I saw that! It was so awesome seeing you on tv dude!" I smiled as she invited me in. "Jordan! It's great to see you shorty!" Mason says ruffling my hair. "It's great to see you Giant!" I say calling him by the nickname I gave him in high school. "So you and Demi huh?" Lacey says as we all sat on the couch. I felt my cheeks heat up and my lips form into a smile at the mention of her name. "How long have you guys been together?" Lacey asks as i thought about it. "It's been a few months now. Basically since March and it's May now so Three months." I say smiling. "Damn that's a long time Babe." Lacey says "Yeah you guys are almost at your six months." Mason says I smile "Yeah but it feels like we've been together for years! I mean I think she's the one guys." I say smiling as they both smile and look at eachother. "Go get it." Lacey says to Mason. I looked at them confused as Mason went to go retrieve something. "What's that all about?" I ask Lacey about. "Do you really believe that she's the one Jordan? Like can you feel it in your gut?" Lacey asks changing the subject. "Yeah I mean when I was about to propose to Alex I had my doubts but I still decided to do it. But with Demi I have absolutely none. It's like I know that we're in this forever. Like we will fight and argue but I know in my heart that I don't want anyone else but her." I say explaining how I felt about Demi as best as I could to my sister. Mason soon returned with a box. "Do you remember this?" She asks as she opens the box to revel. "Mom's engagement ring."
The funeral was over and we had just finished watching my mom get lowered into the ground. Six feet under. I can't hug her anymore. I can't talk to her when I need advice anymore. I can't hear her voice any more. I can't see her dressed in that embarrassing onesie that she wears for Christmas anymore. "She's gone Lacey." I say on the brink of tears. "Come here Jordan." She says as she hugs me and I break down in her arms. "She's gone" I sobbed into her shoulder. "She may be gone Jordan but she's always with you. There's a piece of her inside your heart. She may be gone physically but she's still with us." I continued to sob until we leave the graveyard. Dad pulled both of us aside away from all of relatives who were still saying their goodbyes. "Your mom mentioned you both in her will." He says as my heart starts to speed up. "Lacey you remember that locket you always loved that belonged to your mother. That I gave to her when we were both teenagers." He asks her as she nods. "Of course! It had that old picture of you and her at your prom." She says tears streaming down her face as he pulls out the locket. "Now it has a picture of the both of you at your graduation. That was your mom's favorite picture of the both of you." Dad says as he puts it around Lacey's neck. Lacey was now sobbing into our father's shoulder soaking his suit. "Jordan, she wanted you to have this." Dad says pull out the silver ring that had a round diamond. It was nothing too fancy but it was simple and elegant. "She wanted you to give that to Alex whenever you decided to propose to her." He says tears were now streaming down my face. Here I was standing here with a ring that my mother wanted me to give to my ex girlfriend who I can't give to anymore because I fucked everything up. "I can't accept this." I say handing him the ring back. "Jordan-" he starts but I cut him off. "No I can't! Not after i Fucking cheated on her. Yes I said it. Jordan Jones cheated on her girlfriend by sleeping with her roommate when she was drunk! I'm a fucking disappointment to the family and I don't deserve that ring! I'm a selfish brat who wanted her mom to drive all the way to LA and guess what her mother gets hit by a fucking asshole who had way too much to drink and still decided to drive." I say as Lacey puts a hand on my shoulder. "Jordan it's okay." She says softly. "No don't fucking tell me it's okay Lacey! It's not fucking okay! I killed her!" I say in tears. "Jordan it's not your fault." Dad says "it is my fucking fault Dad. Give that ring to Mason. Or bury it with her. I don't deserve it."

I winced at the memory. I never have forgiven myself for that. "Jordan Mom would've been so fucking happy that you're with Demi. She's probably looking down on you and smiling. She wanted you to have this ring to give to the perfect girl and if you really believe that the perfect girl is Demi then slip this ring on her finger and make her yours forever. It's what Mom wanted." Lacey says holding the ring out to me. I stared at the ring it still looked brand new. I took a deep breath and took the ring from Lacey and as I took it I felt this presence sitting right next to me on the couch. And I knew at that moment that it was my mom because I felt this huge sense of comfort. "Okay. Let's hope Mom and Demi have the same ring size." I say looking at the ring as Lacey laughs and pulls me in for a hug. "So when are planning on proposing?" Mason asks. "At our biggest show of the tour. Maddison Square Garden. It's gonna be an unforgettable night." I say smiling as my phone went off. I saw that Demi had snapchatted me. I opened the snapchat and it was a video of her singing despacito. There was another one where she stopped singing to say. "Favorito Favorito Baby!" I laughed as I sent back a video to her. "Babe firstly you sound sooooo white! And secondly, No Demi just no." I say laughing as the video ended. I spent another hour with my sister and then left knowing Demi would be home soon. I packed my mom's ring away in my suitcase where I knew Demi would never find it and heard keys and both of the dogs barking. "Hey babies! I missed you so much!" Demi says in her baby voice as I come downstairs to see her carrying in some groceries. "Damn you weren't kidding when you said we were making tacos for dinner." I sat helping her with the groceries as I kissed her. "Alright I'll start making the meat and you can cut up the veggies?" She asks as I smiled and nodded. As she started to get to work I couldn't help but smile. I thought about possibly having her as a wife, having little kids running around laughing and playing with the dogs,Laughing with my laugh as we cooked dinner for them. It all sounded so perfect. "Whatcha ya thinking about baby?" Demi asks curiously as I smiled and shook my head "Nothing just how lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend." I say as she smiles and comes over to wrap her arms around my waist to pick me up and set me on the counter. "Thanks babe but really I'm the lucky one. You saved me when I was at my breaking point Kid." She says smiling. "And you saved me when I was at my breaking point Superstar." I say as she smiles and starts to lean in to kiss me. "Touché." She says as I close the gap between us connecting our lips. I pulled back remembering that she was cooking. "Don't burn the food Lovato." I say smacking her ass as I jumped off from the counter. "When have I ever burned food?" She asks lowering the temperature on the stove and getting the meat ready for the tacos as I cut up the veggies and got out the different types of cheese THAT Demi had gotten. "Do I really need to list the millions of times we've ordered pizza whenever you left the food unattended?" I ask laughing as she pushed me playfully. "Shut up Asshole!" She says as I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Love you too babe." I say as I finished preparing the tacos and sat down to eat. I waited for Demi and then I asked her if she had any plans for this weekend. It turns out she was going to this Emo night thing with all of her friends and invited me to go and it sounded pretty fun. So I sat there listening to my girlfriend talk about the funny thing that happened at the photoshoot laughing as she told me that Kelsey ate shit while she was running to get Demi some water. I smiled as I listened to my girlfriend soon to be wife hopefully laugh. I envisioned our future together and for the first time in this crazy year that I've been having this was the first thing that I've been sure about. I wanted to kiss Demi for the rest of my life, I wanted to be able to say "This is my wife." I wanted to raise a family with her. But most of all I wanted her forever.
A/N: Hey guys so hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I literally stayed up just to write this because I wanted to write it down before I lost the idea. Well until next time guys! Love ya!

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