The Fight

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Jordan's POV
It's been a week since our first gig at the cafe shop and since we got signed to Safe House. It's been so hectic lately with meetings rehearsals and homework that I don't even know what day of the week it is. I've started thinking a lot about what Demi said to me on our day together. Maybe I should sit my sister down and have a conversation with her. "Hey Demi Im going to go to Lacey's place. Is that okay?" I ask "Yeah that's fine. I was just about to head over to Marissa's anyway." She says smiling "Okay then I'll see you later then." I say as I head out the front door. Demi's been spending a lot of time with Marissa lately. I wonder why. Oh well she'll tell me when the time comes. I opened my car and got in the driver's seat. I turned on the ignition and then pulled out of the driveway. Lacey's house was about 20 minutes away from Demi's so I was there in no time. I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the car. The last time I spoke to Lacey I was yelling at her for how much I hated her for sending me to live with Demi. Now here I was almost a month later and so much has changed. I knocked on the door as she opened it. "Hey Lacey. Could I come in?" I ask her with hopeful eyes "Yea of course." She says as I stepped into her apartment that she shared with her fiancé. Yes Mason and Lacey got engaged. He asked her to marry him last Christmas. Their wedding is going to be the spring after they graduate from UCLA. "Do you want anything? We've got water? Soda?" I shook my head as I sat on the couch. "I'm fine thanks." I say "Okay then what's up?" She asks as she sat on the couch across from me. "I wanted to let you know that I'm almost 3 weeks sober from any drug or alcohol use. And I haven't had any sexual activity in the last month." I informed her as she smiled "That's great Jordan! See it's not that bad." She says I smile "Yeah I'm actually in a band now." I say "I know Alex told me." I frowned at the mention at her name. My heart aches everytime I'm reminded of her. "Speaking of which. Are you gonna get her back?" She continues "No actually I'm already in a relationship with Someone." I say "Oh really who?" She asks "My guitarist Nicky. We've been dating for a month now." I explain to her as her jaw drops. "Wait Nicky Manson! The druggie!" Lacey says raising her voice. "She's not a druggie!" I say defending my girlfriend. "Yes she is! I saw her smoking pot last year at a football game. What the fuck are you thinking Jordan?! Just when I thought you were getting better!" She says now basically yelling. "I am getting better Lacey! And Nicky has been a huge part in my recovery! If it weren't for her I wouldn't be here right now!" I say now raising my voice as well. "Ha! Yeah okay sure! Come on Jordan she's no good for you! She's gonna put you right back to square one. Why don't you just get back together with Alex? She still cares about you." Lacey says "Because I don't want Alex, Lacey.  I thought I did. So much that I was going to propose to her the day we broke up. But to be honest I don't love her the way I used to. In fact I think that Alex will just my childhood crush and that's it. With Nicky I don't know it's different." I say trying to explain to my stubborn sister that I love this girl. "Yeah because your high and drunk when you're with her. You know I bet she sneaks weed into your food when you're not looking and spikes your drinks." Lacey says as if she's trying to form some conspiracy theory about Nicky. "What the hell Lacey! What the fuck is wrong with you seriously?! I come over to tell you that I'm almost 3 weeks sober and tell you I'm in a relationship that I'm actually happy in and you're just trying every fucking excuse in the God Damn book on why I should go back to dating your best friend!" I say now standing up. "No Jordan! What the hell is wrong with you! What happened to my little sister that I once knew. This happy kid who saw the positive things in life instead of the negatives. She didn't need sex to be happy all she wanted was someone who could brighten her day." Lacey says "She grew up Lacey. She had to grow up because her so called older sister who was supposed to always be on her side chose her best friend over her." I say glaring "What would Mom think if she saw you right now?" Lacey says she knows that's the one thing that pisses me off the most. "Don't you dare bring her into this Lacey!" I say in a quiet tone. My fists now clenched so tightly that if I squeezed them any tighter I would probably draw blood from my palms. "No Jordan that's when you changed. Ever since Mom died you haven't been the same. And you know something Jordan Mom actually approved of Alex. Alex was gonna ask you to marry her at your graduation but she decided to wait a little longer. Would Mom approve of Your new girlfriend?" Lacey says she fucking went there. "You selfish bitch! You don't Fucking care about me or my fucking happiness do you? You just want me to get back together with Alex even if I didn't have feelings for her! Well fuck you! And you know something Lacey. Mom wouldn't care who I was dating as long as they made me happy. If she were here and knew what you were trying to force on me she would react the same Fucking way that I am. Screw you Lacey!" I say but before I could leave Lacey did something I thought she'd never do in a million years. She raised her hand and in a flash I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. Her eyes widen as she realized what she had just done. "Jordan I-" she says as she reaches out but I flinched back. "Don't fucking touch me!" I say. "Jordan-" she tries again. "No fuck off Lacey!" I say as I felt tears leave my eyes. I quickly got out of there and went to my car and drove. I knew I just had to get out of there. I didn't have a destination in mind I was just trying to get as far away from her as possible. That wasn't my sister. My sister would never lay a finger on me. I knew I couldn't go back to Demi's because she would already be at Marissa's. I thought about going to the boys' place but then I remembered it was their one year. That's when I saw it. And by it I mean the bar I used to go to with Brady and Tracy to drink away my problems and sorrows. I was at a red light and all I would have to do was turn left and I would be there. They let underage people drink there when they know it's against the law to do that. But I looked old enough to be able to be 21 and I still had my fake ID in my wallet. It was tempting I'll admit that. I was about to make my mind up when I saw the key chain Nicky had gotten me for our one month. It was a crown and it said My Princess on the back of it. I knew what I had to do. So when the light turned green I turned right. I drove to Nicky's apartment complex and parked near Nicky's apartment. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. "Babe what's wrong?" Nicky says as she let me in. I immediately just hugged her and grabbed onto her for dear life. "Shh hey princess come on let's get you inside." She says as she carries me inside closing the door behind her she sits down on the couch as I am still clung onto her like a child who just woke up from a terrible nightmare. "I just need you to talk. Please just say anything." I say through my tears she strokes my hair soothingly as she thinks. "My brother used to play piano on this grand piano that we had in our living room growing up. He would always mess around and write songs for me and sing them to me. He taught me how to play when I was 7. One night while my parents were fighting he brought me into his room where he had this keyboard. He turned the volume way up and started playing a lullaby that he wrote for me. He taught it to me the next day. I can actually play it for you if you'd like." She asks I nodded "Okay then I'm going to need you to let go of me so I can get my keyboard. I'll be right back I promise." I slowly let go of her as I took in deep breaths. She came back with her keyboard and plugged it into an outlet. She turned it on and put her hands on the keys. She started to play this beautiful song. It was slow and so calming that I almost fell asleep. By the time she was done I had calmed down. She turned off the keyboard and sat beside me. "That was beautiful." I say as my voice cracked. She smiled "Thanks Princess. Now what's wrong." I sat up as she put her arm around me. I flinched but took a shaky breath when I remembered it was her. I explained to her everything that happened at my sisters house and by the end of it she was pissed. "That bitch! She doesn't know shit! And for her to lay her fucking hands on you. She's lucky she's your sister or else I would've killed her by now. No body hurts my princess." Nicky says angrily "Easy Rockstar. But I seriously don't know what to do. She wants me to go crawling back to Alex. When I don't even have feelings for her. I seriously feel nothing at all other than regret when I hear her name." I say "Don't listen to her. Soon enough she'll realize her mistakes. But until then I hope you know that it's not your fault. None of this is your fault." She says trying to reassure me. "Actually It kinda is." I say sighing as she looks at me confused. "You know how I told you my mom died last year?" I say as she nodded wanting me to go on. "Well that's my fault. I was homesick a lot since it was the first time that I had been away from home for so long. My mom was going to surprise me by paying me a visit. She was hit by a drunk driver just as she was about to get to LA." I say holding back tears as Nicky grabbed my hand and rubbed her thumb against the back of my hand. "Ever since then I blamed myself for killing her. Lacey brought her up today. She asked me if Mom were still alive would she approve of you like she approved of Alex. I didn't answer instead I just flipped and that's when she slapped me." I finished as I feel a few tears slip from my eyes. I feel her wiping away the tears as she gently pulls my head up causing me to look at her. I look into her deep blue eyes that I always get lost in whenever we are in rehearsal. "Listen to me Jordan it's not your fault. It's the drunk driver's fault. He made the decision to drink and get into a car when he could've just called an uber. And look where that got him. He's the one who should be feeling guilt not you. Understand?" I nodded as she kissed my forehead and hugged me again. We stayed in that position for I don't know how long. I cried into her sweater as she held me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear attempting to calm me down. She eventually sang How to Save a Life by The Fray and her voice calmed me down enough to put me to sleep. I woke up a few hours later still in her arms. "Hey Princess." I hear her say in raspy voice. "Hey Rockstar." I say smiling as she kissed me. "There's that smile that I love so much." She says smiling. I chuckled as I sat up to check my phone. I had dozens of texts from Lacey but I ignored them all and checked the time. I saw that it was close to 8 and then I realized that I had class tomorrow. "Shit. I gotta get back to Demi's before she kicks my ass for staying out on a school night." I say "But technically you're not. You're at my place. I'll call her and tell her you're staying here tonight. We can ride together in the morning." She says I smile and nodded "Okay." I say "Pick something on tv to watch. I'll go give her a call." She says getting up from her place on the couch. I nodded as I already missed her warmth. She kissed my cheek and went into the other room. I turned on the tv and turned it to the Entertainment tv to see if the Kardashians was on. That show always makes me laugh because of how many 1st world problems they have. But much to my dismay it was just another gossip show about celebrities. "Does Demi Lovato already have a new bae?" I hear the anchor say as I snort "Who uses the word 'bae' anymore?" I ask myself. "Check It out! We caught her locking lips with some cute blonde." She says "This should be good." I say as I look at the screen my jaw drops as they show a picture of Demi kiss Marissa!!! What the actual fuck.
A/N: So looks like Demi has some explaining to do. And also what do you think is gonna happen to Jordan and Lacey's relationship now. Will Jordan forgive Lacey? Will Lacey eventually give Nicky a chance. Are Marissa and Demi dating? What do you guys think? Leave your thoughts in the comments I'd love to hear them! Okay well until next time guys! Love you!

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