Coffee Date

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Jordan's POV
"And that's basically all. Any questions?" My math professor asks "Yea where's the math dictionary." Brady whispers to me as I chuckle softly. "Alright then class dismissed." The professor says as we all walk out of the class. "Hey wanna go get a drink?" Brady asks "Nah sorry bro I got a date in 10." I say "Damn did she like the sex or what?" He asks "Um you could say that." I say blushing as he laughs "Alright! Go get em tiger!" He says as I rolled my eyes and laughed. Nicky texted me her classroom number and since her class was about to end I decided to go there. I waited in the empty hallway as I heard a door open and then I heard someone approaching me. "Jordan? What are you doing here?" My head snapped up at the familiar voice as my eyes locked with the familiar green ones. "Alex? Long time no see huh?" I say awkwardly "Yeah. So how have you been?" She asks me rubbing the back of her neck. "I've been okay. I mean I live with Demi now so." I say looking over at the classroom to see if Nicky had come out yet and it looked like she hadn't. "Oh yeah? How's that going?" She asks "Um it's been good. I'm in a band now so that's cool." I say cmon Nicky hurry up. "What?! That's insane! That's always been your dream!" She says "Yeah living the dream I guess but still chasing it. We still need Safe House to sign us." I say as Nicky comes out of the classroom and I look at her with relief in my eyes probably. "Your Ex?" She mouths as I nodded. "Hey Jordan I was wondering when you'd show!" Nicky says coming over to hug me. "Yeah well you know an old friend decided to chat." I say hugging her back. "Who's this?" Alex asks "This is Nicky she plays guitar for the band,Nicky this is Alex." I say decided not to mention that she was my ex since she already knew that. "Nice to meet you and We'd would love to stay and chat but Jordan here still owes me that coffee date." Nicky says "Right well I'll see around Alex." I say as Nicky grabs my hand intertwining our fingers making butterflies erupt into my stomach. What the actual fuck. "Yea I guess." She says as she walks away. "Took you long enough. That was awkward as fuck." I say as she chuckles "I'm sorry the professor held me back to lecture me about cursing." Nicky says as we start walking out of the building. She still hadn't let go of my hand. Not that I was complaining. "Seriously? I swear sometimes they treat us like we're still in high school." I say as she chuckles "Yeah like no I graduated and I have the fucking diploma to prove it!" She says making me laugh "Really let me see it!" I say "Can't show it to you. It's somewhere in my parents garage." She says making me laugh. As we reach her car she lets go of my hand and I already missed the touch of her soft,warm hand. I went to sit in the passengers seat while she went over to the driver's. "So where we going? Starbucks?" I ask "Nah! That place is way too crowded. I'm gonna take you to the cafe I got fired from." She says as I look at her confused. "How the hell did you do that?" I ask "Long story." She says stopping because of LA traffic. "Well looks like we've got time." I say as she chuckles and tells the story. Turns out that her ex girlfriend in high school was the manager and the only reason she got hired was because she was dating her and she got fired the day they broke up. She hasn't been to the cafe since that happened but luckily her ex quit and then moved somewhere on the east coast. "Damn that's one hell of a story." I say "Yeah and looks like traffic is finally clearing up." Nicky says as I look up to see that it was. After a couple of minutes of listening to the radio we had made it to the cafe. "Why don't you pick a booth and I'll get the drinks?" She suggests. "Okay." I say I went to pick a booth and I picked one towards the back right next to a window. I looked out and saw that the sun was about to set. So I took my phone out and took a picture. I decided to post it on Instagram.
@JordanTheKid: LA Sunsets are so beautiful😍😍😍
I smiled as I got likes instantly and the comments came through. I scrolled through them and saw that Nicky had commented as well.
@Nicky21: They're my favorite!
I smiled as she found me and came back with two cups of coffee and I saw that she had the barista draw hearts with the cream. I smiled "That's cute!" I say "I thought so too." She says as I look up into her piercing blue eyes. I got my cup and took a sip and it felt like I was drinking heaven. "Holy shit that's good!" I say as she laughs "They do make the best Vanilla Lattes. They're my favorite so I thought you'd like it too. I was kinda hoping you weren't allergic to Vanilla." Nicky says as she takes a sip of hers. "Last time I checked the only thing I'm allergic to is blueberries." I say "Then it's a good thing I didn't get the blueberry muffins. Although I must say you are missing out." She says making me chuckle "Well looks like I'll have to come prepared with an epi pen next time we come here." I say she smiles as I looked out to see the beautiful sunset. "Man I used to love watching sunsets as a kid. I'd always watch them from my treehouse." Nicky says "I never had a treehouse. My dad was always working and I couldn't build one by myself." I say "Well my older brother helped me build one. He was 15 maybe 16 and I was like 9 or 10. Anyway we'd sit up there for hours ignoring the storm that my parents were creating inside. We'd talk about everything and anything. And then we'd watch the sunset together." She says "I was close with my sister too. We had a cliff that we'd watch the sunset together on. We'd go there when things got rough back home." I say she nods "Sounds like we sorta grew up in the same environment." She says I nodded "Yeah my parents split up halfway through my senior year." I explain. "Mine split up when I was 12. That's around the same time my brother went into the military." Nicky says "Damn that must've been tough." I say she nods "It was but we Skyped almost everyday. And he'd come back home for the holidays. He's still in the service." She says as a tear fall from her eye. "Sorry I didn't mean to tell you a sob story." She says wiping the tear from her eye. "No it's okay." I say reaching over to touch her hand that was resting on the table. She looked down and smiled. "So what about you and your sister?" She asks "Well ever since my ex was her best friend she took her side so we don't get along very well anymore. Which explains why I'm living with Demi." I say "Well I hope you and her make amends soon. She's the only sister you have you know. You've got to appreciate the time you have with her." Nicky says as I look out the window again. "Yeah. Tell me more about you. How'd you learn guitar?" I ask "Now that's a story. I was 17 in that I wanna be a Rockstar phase. I rebelled against my parents and did drugs and partied hard. That's actually how I met my first girlfriend at a party in my senior year of high school. We were both drunk off our asses so we decided to hook up. Then we were dating and we started a band. She sang and played guitar and while I could do backup I wanted to be useful so she taught me how to play." Nicky says "Sounds like your Senior Year was fun." I say "Says you Miss 'I broke Demi Lovato out of jail'. Anyway when we broke up so did the band. I started drinking and doing drugs more often. That led me down a dark path that almost cost me my life." She says as she plays with my fingers distracting herself. "What changed?" I ask "Well one day I picked up my guitar and started messing with it. I wrote a song about her and how much I loved her and how much it broke my heart when she broke it off. That was my new Therapy. Songwriting. Ever since then I've been sober of drugs and alcohol." She says finishing the story. "That's great. I'm glad you found something that makes you happy." I say "Yeah me too." She says looking at me and smiling. We continued to talk for I don't know how long. They ended up kicking us out because they were nearing closing time. She drove me to Demi's and parked the car in the driveway. "I had a great time tonight." I say looking at her and smiling she smiled back "Me too it was nice getting to know you a bit more princess." She says chuckling "I should've never told you that story!" I say as she laughs "Oh come on it's cute! And you were 5! I can just imagine you in that little pink dress with your tiara and everything." She says continuing to laugh. "Shut up Rockstar!" I say as she smirks "Damn right!" I chuckle as I look at her and she looks back at me with those blue eyes. She starts to get closer to my face until we're inches apart. I look at her pink lips and wanted to know what they felt like on mine. "Jordan?" She says breaking the silence I look back up at her eyes. "Yea?" I say I see her smile "Can I kiss you?" She asks I smile at how she was asking me instead of just doing it. I nodded as she leaned in and attached her lips to mine. Her lips were soft and fit perfectly to mine. It was better than any drug I've been on. She was gentle and careful as if I was about to break at any moment. And the kiss sent electricity through my veins and made my heart beat twice as fast and my stomach was doing back flips the whole time. I was reluctant when she pulled back. What felt like hours might've only been a few minutes. "Goodnight Jordan." Nicky says leaving her hand on my cheek. I smiled "Goodnight Nicky." I say as I opened the car door as her hand dropped from my cheek. I got out her car smiling like an idiot probably I entered the house. "Hey kid where have you been?" I hear Demi asks although it wasn't in her momish tone. It was more of in a friendly way. "Um Studying with Nicky at a cafe." I say well that was kinda true. "How was that?" She asks smirking as I rolled my eyes "It was boring. We were studying Demi not sucking eachother's faces off." I say "I hope not. That sounds pretty painful." She says chuckling. "Whatever im going to my room." I say as I go upstairs I'm surprised to see that I don't have a door. "So now I'm not allowed to have any privacy?!" I say "Sorry Jordan but with the amount of drugs I found in here you've lost that privilege! And I'm going to have to know where you are at all times now. So I'll be facetiming you randomly through the day when I know that you're not at school. Which reminds me I'll also need a list of all of your teachers and what classes you go to because I'll be emailing all of them saying that I'll need to know when you are not in their classes." She says continuing to explain these new conditions. "You've got to be fucking kidding me Demi! I'm a fucking adult I deserve to have privacy! You don't need to be watching my every move!" I argue "Yes I do Jordan! Because apparently I can't trust that you'll play by my rules so now I need to enforce them. And Jordan by law you may be an adult but maturity wise you're still acting like a kid. Look your sister asked me to bring back her little sister. And while I know that's not possible because no one can be fully fixed I know that the Jordan that I know and love is still there underneath all those walls that you built up to keep everyone out my Jordan is still in there and I'm gonna get you out Kid." She says "You're wrong Superstar. The Jordan you knew is dead. This is me now." I say "I refuse to believe that. My stubbornness won't let me." She says "Well mine won't let me change. So if you'll excuse me I'm gonna watch some Netflix. Unless that's breaking one of your new rules?" I say rolling my eyes. "I'll send you my teachers emails through text." I walk into my room and lay in my bed. "Thank you." Demi says as she walks away. I groan as I sent her the text with my teachers emails. Demi Lovato is ruining my life. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing.
From Nicky💞: Hope we get to do this again soon. See you at rehearsal tomorrow Princess! 😉
I smiled and felt the butterflies return.
To Nicky💞: Yea me too and see you then Rockstar☺️
Ugh! What was this girl doing to me. I layed in bed staring at the ceiling the only thought in my head was the kiss that I shared with Nicky before she left. I touched my lips and smiled remembering how hers felt on mine. I just hoped that wouldn't be the last time that I would feel her lips on mine.
A/N: Awwwwww!!!! Well aren't they cute!!! Also always Awkward running into an Ex huh? Anyway what do you guys think about Demi's new rules. Do you think she's being a little harsh or is she doing what's best for Jordan? Also do you think Nicky and Jordan will become something? I'd like to know what you guys are thinking so leave some comments! Also Merry late Christmas! Hope you guys got everything you wanted! Alright well until next time guys! Love you!

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